How to Get Radzig Kobyla’s Longsword in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

In the original game, a villain named Istvan Toth swipes Radzig Kobyla’s Longsword and keeps it for himself. During the narrative of KCD2, players will encounter Istvan Toth, but it won’t be at an opportune moment. The first instance where players meet Istvan Toth in KCD2 is during the “Divine Messenger” quest. However, at this stage in the story, both Henry and Istvan are confined together at Nebakov Fortress. Sadly, players can’t interfere with Istvan as he manages to escape, aided by Erik.

Where to find Voivode’s Letter of Safe Conduct in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The Voivode’s safe conduct letter is concealed within a hollowed-out tree that stands directly north of Marika’s secret hideout in Apollonia. After leaving the cave where they are currently hiding, follow a northeasterly path until you reach a tiny stream, and there you’ll find the “Well” marker on your map. The well will show up as a small puddle with a bucket beside it, whereas the tree has a noticeable chunk missing from it, which you can interact with.

With the release of Avowed just days away, Xbox is set to kick off its most important year of the current generation

Regardless of whether you decide to spend $90 to play Avowed on Valentine’s Day or wait for its release across PC, Xbox Series X, and Game Pass on February 18, it’s clear that these coming days will mark a significant milestone in Microsoft Gaming. This launch could very well be the starting point of what is likely the most crucial year for Xbox in recent history. And let’s face it, given the anticipation surrounding this release, it really ought to be.