House of the Dragon: Aegon’s Fate Confirmed

As a dedicated fan of “House of the Dragon,” I was left reeling after the heart-stopping fourth episode of Season 2. The brutal battle at Rook’s Rest, filled with dragon fire and chaos, claimed the lives of beloved characters like Rhaenys and Meleys, leaving the fate of Aegon II hanging in the balance. In the … Read more

Japan’s Most Famous Cosplayer Takes On Spy x Family’s Yor

As a dedicated fan of Spy x Family, I can’t help but be absolutely thrilled about the recent developments in this fantastic franchise. Having experienced the excitement and anticipation that comes with following a beloved manga series and its subsequent anime adaptation, I can confidently say that Spy x Family has truly outdone itself over … Read more

New Aliens Game Leaks Ahead of Official Reveal

As a die-hard fan of the Alien franchise, I can’t contain my excitement upon hearing the rumors about not one but two new games in the series! The first one, Alien: Rogue Incursion, is set to be a virtual reality experience and will reportedly launch at the end of 2024. This game seems intriguing as … Read more