Stalker 2: How To Enter The Lishchyna Facility in Red Forest

Players can locate the Lishchyna Facility in the eastern sector of the Red Forest region within the game, Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Upon arriving at the designated spot, players will come across a horde of zombies wandering near a massive entrance to the Lishchyna Facility. After eliminating these creatures, you’ll discover that the entrance is sealed and requires a key for access.

Stalker 2: In The Name Of Science Side Quest Walkthrough

Discussing the Extended Quest for Knowledge, also known as “In the Name of Science,” a rather lengthy sub-quest: Players will find themselves making decisions at various junctures throughout this mission, each affecting the final outcome. We’ll delve into the entire side quest and every choice you’ll encounter along the way.

The Best Armor In Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl

As a hardy gamer traversing the unforgiving expanse of the Zone, it’s crucial to don the right armor for the task at hand. While it may seem tempting to purchase armor from traders, I’d advise against it. Instead, keep your eyes peeled for these protective suits hidden in stashes left behind by fellow stalkers, or perhaps they’ll be rewards for completing quests. To aid you in your journey through the Heart of Chornobyl, here are some top-tier defensive gear recommendations. Good luck, comrade stalker!

Best Masks In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

The adventure is intense and fearsome, with you mostly traveling on your own. Your intelligence, collected tools, and strategic enhancements are crucial for staying alive. Given the radioactive environment, a protective mask becomes an essential part of your survival gear. As you navigate through the twisted remnants of the city, you’ll encounter various masks along the way.