BNB EUR PREDICTION. BNB cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency BNB ranks 5 place by market capitalization. The price of BNB has decreased by 11.46% from the maximum value on 4 December 2024. Today the price for 1 BNB is 672.66 EUR. Yesterday the rate was 662.13 EUR for 1 BNB. BNB/EUR traded in the range of 672.01672.72. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.59%.

BNB CAD PREDICTION. BNB cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency BNB ranks 5 place by market capitalization. The price of BNB has decreased by 11.46% from the maximum value on 4 December 2024. Today the price for 1 BNB is 1 007 CAD. Yesterday the rate was 991.61 CAD for 1 BNB. BNB/CAD traded in the range of 1 0061 007. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.59%.

BNB AUD PREDICTION. BNB cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency BNB ranks 5 place by market capitalization. The price of BNB has decreased by 11.46% from the maximum value on 4 December 2024. Today the price for 1 BNB is 1 126 AUD. Yesterday the rate was 1 109 AUD for 1 BNB. BNB/AUD traded in the range of 1 1251 126. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.59%.

XRP PREDICTION. XRP cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency XRP ranks 3 place by market capitalization. The price of XRP has decreased by 21.55% from the maximum value on 7 January 2018. Today the price for 1 XRP is 2.6603 USD. Yesterday the rate was 2.5298 USD for 1 XRP. XRP/USD traded in the range of 2.65292.6673. The difference compared to the previous day was 5.16%.

XRP GBP PREDICTION. XRP cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency XRP ranks 3 place by market capitalization. The price of XRP has decreased by 21.55% from the maximum value on 7 January 2018. Today the price for 1 XRP is 2.1806 GBP. Yesterday the rate was 2.0736 GBP for 1 XRP. XRP/GBP traded in the range of 2.17452.1863. The difference compared to the previous day was 5.16%.

XRP EUR PREDICTION. XRP cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency XRP ranks 3 place by market capitalization. The price of XRP has decreased by 21.55% from the maximum value on 7 January 2018. Today the price for 1 XRP is 2.5580 EUR. Yesterday the rate was 2.4325 EUR for 1 XRP. XRP/EUR traded in the range of 2.55092.5647. The difference compared to the previous day was 5.16%.