Square Enix: ‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ “cannot be exclusive to one console,” again implying an eventualXboxlaunch

On December 26, 2024, IGN Brazil conversed with two prominent developers from Square Enix about the sales of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The interviewees were Naoki Hamaguchi, who serves as the director for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and Yoshinori Kitase, who directed the original PlayStation One version of Final Fantasy and is also a producer for the Final Fantasy franchise.

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In terms of computer gaming accessories, investing in a high-quality mouse and mousepad is always a smart choice, as the precise control they offer often outweighs any advantage from an improved keyboard. When it comes to losing in a game, it rarely feels like “If I’d jumped over that wall more skillfully, I wouldn’t have died.” Instead, it’s often perceived as “Poor connection. Upgrade your server response times.” Despite this, deep down, you acknowledge that your aim could use some work.