Chiefs’ Harrison Butker Details Women’s “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

As a woman who has spent a significant portion of her life striving for equal rights and opportunities, I find myself deeply troubled by the recent controversial statements made by the Kansas City Chiefs kicker. Having worked hard to achieve my own success and encourage my daughters to do the same, it is disheartening to see someone in a position of influence express such outdated views about women’s roles and aspirations.

Harrison Butker is standing by his word. 

Approximately five months following the Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker generating a stir with his graduation speech at Benedictine College, where he advocated for women to focus on being homemakers for their families, he has once more spoken out about the intention behind his words.

Harrison expressed during an interview with Fox News on October 10th, “I have been advocating for numerous women who have devoted their lives to nurturing their families as homemakers. I believe they play a vital and often underappreciated role in our society.

In a straightforward manner, the 29-year-old underscored that his purpose behind his speech was to pay tribute to women who commit to nurturing their families. He expressed regret that his speech elicited a less than favorable response from some people.

“There’s nothing shameful if you are a woman and you want to spend time with your family and raise your children,” he added. “So it’s not putting anyone down who maybe wants to go get a great education and have a career.”

He added, “It’s more talking about how beautiful it is for women to just step aside and prioritize their family and spend time with their children and that’s what I was trying to speak love about.”

On previous occasions, Harrison has stood firm by the controversial opinions he shared during his graduation speech in May. In August, he openly admitted that his choice of words was deliberate.

He shared that after spending seven years in the league and gaining this platform, he has chosen to express beliefs he passionately holds, which he feels can improve the world. If others don’t share his views, that’s their choice, but he will persist in sharing what he genuinely thinks is true while continuing to show love towards everyone.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

After the speech, numerous individuals such as Katy Perry, Maria Shriver, and Eddie Vedder have voiced strong disapproval towards some of Harrison’s viewpoints. These perspectives were not only critical of women becoming homemakers, but also dismissed LGBTQ Pride Month, and employed lyrics from Taylor Swift’s “Bejeweled” to support his arguments.

Simultaneously, Travis Kelce, Harrison’s teammate and who has been in a relationship with the singer of “Karma” for a while now, offered a thoughtful response to the comments.

During an episode of New Heights in May, Travis expressed that he doesn’t concur with most parts or even a significant portion of it, except for the fact that he loves his family and children. However, he emphasized that he wouldn’t pass judgment on him based on his views, particularly religious ones, as to how one should live their life – that’s not in line with his personal beliefs.

Keep reading for more reactions to Harrison’s controversial speech.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

The performer posted a significantly altered rendition of Butler’s contentious graduation address, merging various phrases to give the impression that he commends the female graduates on their professional futures, advocates for “diversity, equality, and inclusion,” and extends well wishes for Pride Month.

On Instagram, Perry posted on June 1st: “I’ve taken care of things for my daughters, my alumnae, and my LGBTQ+ community – you are all capable of achieving greatness!” She also extended her congratulations and well wishes for Pride month.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

Jenna acknowledged that her current situation is largely due to her husband, Henry Hager, who fully embraces his career as an equal partner. She proudly co-parents Mila, Poppy, and Hal with him, and often expresses her gratitude for his support. This was shared on the TODAY show.

Co-anchor Hoda, mother of girls named Haley and Hope, made a statement: “Please do not presume to voice our opinions. Cease from representing the voices of women everywhere.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

On the May 24th episode of the New Heights podcast, the Kansas City Chiefs tight end expressed his high regard for him as a teammate. He has consistently shown respect and kindness towards my family and those I have introduced to him, which is characteristic of how he interacts with everyone.

In his own words during the Saint Benedict’s commencement speech, those were indeed his beliefs. Frankly, I don’t concur with most of it, and barely any of it beyond his obvious affection for his family and children. It wouldn’t be right of me to pass judgment on him based on his views, particularly religious ones, as they aren’t aligned with my personal values regarding life. Simply put, that’s not the kind of person I am.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

During a May 18 concert in Las Vegas, the lead singer of Pearl Jam used some strong language, referring to Butker as a “cowardly chicken.

He pointed to his bandmates on stage, praising them by saying, “We’ve got some fantastic musicians here – men and women – forming an outstanding band,” he said. “Our lead singer, Jessica [Dobson], and our keyboardist, Patti [King], they didn’t seem to buy into the idea that women should be content with stepping back and letting their male counterparts take the lead.

Vedder, who is father to Olivia and Harper with his wife Jill McCormick, allowed the applause to die down before expressing that homemaking, a job he believes to be among the most challenging, deserves great respect and pride.

However, it was not clear to him why anyone, whether male or female, would gain from abandoning their aspirations by following such advice.

Moreover, Vedder stated, “Nothing’s more masculine than a powerful man standing by a powerful woman, and individuals of worth do not shy away from equality.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

In response to Butker’s speech, the singer known for “Bones” made a reference to a popular social media theme where women express their preference between coming across a bear or a man when they’re alone in the wilderness.

On an NFL player’s speech video I saw, I excitedly declared on my Instagram Story, “I stand with the Bear!” (Assuming ‘the bear’ is a reference to the team Chicago Bears)

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

Regardless of the common views you might encounter that you don’t agree with, they’ll always be there,” the ex-Philadelphia Eagles center pointed out on the May 24 episode of the New Heights podcast. “It’s important to note that many of the ideas expressed in his graduation speech didn’t match my beliefs. However, he was delivering a commencement address at a Catholic institution, and unsurprisingly, it turned out to be a highly religious and Catholic-centric speech.

He went on saying, “I appreciate listening to someone express their thoughts deeply, especially when they discuss the significance of family and the profound impact a wonderful mother can have. At the same time, I understand that not everyone is meant to be a homemaker if that’s not their chosen path in life.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on May 16th, Shriver asked, “Was Harrison Butker’s intention in his graduation speech to suggest to women today that their true life begins only when they embrace the role of wife and mother?

She went on to say, “In our nation, everyone enjoys the liberty of open expression. After all, that’s one of the advantages of residing in a democratic society. For women who express their opinions, we also have the freedom to challenge or disagree with Butker’s views.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

It’s crucial to uplift rather than criticize both men and women,” the podcast host and mother of four girls with her partner, Matt Stafford from the L.A. Rams, shared on Instagram on May 16th.

Each individual has the power to shape their own life path; it’s neither dictated by others nor societal norms. When society persistently defines roles for women, it can subtly foster feelings of self-doubt and inauthenticity, as if they don’t truly belong because that’s what society is implying.

She added, “I find joy in my role as a homemaker, yet it’s important to remember that not every woman shares this path, nor should they feel compelled to do so. Some women pursue careers outside the home, and some simply can’t afford the choice. Despite our differences, I believe we all strive for the same objective: creating a better world for our children.

To me, fostering and motivating both women and men in the paths they decide upon is an excellent initial move towards achieving our aim.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

In a video she posted, the actress from Everybody Loves Raymond expressed her puzzlement. She stated that a man delivered a commencement address, which the audience applauded twice during and gave a standing ovation at its conclusion, indicating they appreciated what he said. The individual was expressing his own views and Catholic teachings, she explained.

She went on to say, “Well then, so what if it’s his opinion? Everyone has their own, after all. And just because he shares his beliefs doesn’t make him a monster.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

She expressed during the May 16th episode of The View, “I appreciate it when people express their views openly—he attends a Catholic university, he’s a firm believer in Catholicism.” She continued, “These are his convictions, and he has every right to them. I don’t need to share these beliefs, nor do I have to approve of them. The audience members present do not have to either.

The talk show host commented, “I have no issues with him expressing his opinions and the ladies in the audience following his advice if they choose to; they’ll find happiness that way. If they don’t, they’ll discover joy in another manner. That’s how I feel about it.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

In a recent press conference on May 22nd, I shared my perspective on some points he expressed, but I also appreciate where he’s coming from. He’s striving to guide others towards the right path, and I can respect that.

He stated, “His values might not align with mine, but I’ll still evaluate him based on his daily actions.” He added, “He’s an exceptional individual, and we’ll keep progressing together, aiming to uplift one another and strive for self-improvement each day.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

During a May 22nd press conference, the Kansas City Chiefs’ coach expressed, “Every individual has their unique perspective, which is truly wonderful about our nation. It allows us to openly express these views, and then we find ways to deal with them together.

He went on to say, “I hadn’t discussed this with him before, as I didn’t expect it would be necessary. Here, we represent diverse segments of life – different regions, faiths, ethnicities. We coexist peacefully, valuing each other’s perspectives, even if we don’t always adopt them ourselves. This place is a reflection of America’s diversity, and I wish more people could emulate this.

He also mentioned that it didn’t seem like he was criticizing women. Everyone acknowledges his right to have his own views, which we all appreciate.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

In contrasting himself with Butker, the TV host commented on Real Time, expressing his bewilderment about why there was such a fuss over Butker’s speech. He stated, “I fail to understand what the major issue is, truly I do.

He added, “Some of you might pursue prosperous professions, yet many of you are enthused by another path that was once common, but is now an option for all. Couldn’t this alternative lifestyle also be a choice?

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

As a lifestyle expert, I’d like to share that I, too, have recently addressed some matters arising from the Kansas City Chiefs kicker’s contentious remarks. Being connected to the organization through my family – specifically, as the wife and daughter of the team CEO, Clark Hunt – it’s essential for me to voice my thoughts on these issues when necessary.

Tavia expressed on Instagram that she’s consistently motivated her children, Ava Hunt and Knobel Hunt, to pursue education and their aspirations. She emphasized that they should recognize their ability to achieve anything (as long as it aligns with God’s will). However, she also mentioned that she believes in finding a partner who respects and cherishes you, just as you do for them, and building a family together is one of life’s most beautiful gifts.

Later on, Gracie shared with Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” that she had an incredibly nurturing mother who could be with us as kids while growing up. She acknowledged that not all women have the luxury to make this choice, but for her personal circumstances, it was vital in molding her and her siblings into the people we are today.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Details Women's “Beautiful” Role Amid Backlash

“Listen, we have over 3,000 players. We have executives around the league. They have a diversity of opinions and thoughts just like America does,” the NFL commissioner said. “I think that’s something that we treasure and that’s part of, I think, ultimately what makes us as a society better.”

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2024-10-14 18:19