As a dedicated film enthusiast, I firmly believe that catering to the heart of the audience should not be a daunting task for entertainment companies. All they need is a relentless pursuit of creating exceptional games rather than focusing on corporate activism. If they manage to deliver top-notch gaming experiences, gamers will undeniably flock to them in massive numbers. In an industry where many seem to prioritize self-expression over quality, CI Games stands out by taking the opposite route.
Beginning in early 2025, this change has created quite a stir, underscoring the company’s dedication to its users, not just passing fads.
Lately, our company has been in the news due to this particular choice they made. Although many gamers applauded the studio for listening to player input, the reaction from gaming journalists was predictably negative. Publications like Polygon and IGN have been labeling the move as “regressive” instead of seeing it as a step towards creative liberty.
In a fascinating hour-long interactive session, I was honored to engage in a conversation with Marek Tymiński, CEO of CI Games. We explored the team’s commitment to creating captivating games such as Lords of the Fallen and Sniper Ghost Warrior, shared insights on their recent community surveys, and discussed how they are actively incorporating fan suggestions into their work.
You: What’s the current state for the team behind “Lords of the Fallen”? I’m interested to know about both their professional progress and the overall team atmosphere – are everyone and everything going well?
Marek Tyminski: Everything is going smoothly. Our latest release was Lords of the Fallen in October 2023, and since then we’ve put in a lot of effort addressing issues from our previous game. To date, we’ve released over 50 updates for Lords of the Fallen. We’re not stopping there; there are more significant updates on the horizon in the next few months, with version 2.0 arriving in March. Additionally, work on the next Lords of the Fallen game began at the start of last year, and full-scale production has been underway since last summer.
Last year, rumors circulated about possible exclusivity deals. However, these weren’t officially verified. There were whispers suggesting potential Epic Games exclusivity for the sequel, but I’m not sure if you can clarify this point.
Certainly! To clarify, Epic Games is our sole partner for the PC release of our game, and we’re thrilled about this collaboration as it allows us to create a superior product. We value this close relationship with Epic, and I’m confident that together, we can produce an outstanding game. Moreover, they provide substantial support, which has been invaluable so far. It’s also worth mentioning that we utilize Unreal Engine 5, a cutting-edge technology that is relatively new but promises great benefits for players across all platforms. We eagerly anticipate the release of our game on various platforms with this innovative engine!

Question 1: Could you clarify why you chose Epic over other platforms, given that opinions on platform exclusivity are divided? Do you have any previous experience collaborating with them?
Question 2: I’ve noticed you’re working with Epic. What factors led to your decision in favor of them, considering the varying views on platform exclusivity? Have you had a close working relationship with them in the past?
Marek: Essentially, we’re quite connected with them due to our business association. Yet, it’s common in this industry for companies like Epic to have exclusive games. When we sealed the deal, we openly disclosed that they would provide a pre-launch advance or fee to aid in the game’s development financing.
Vara: Lately, the game (Lords of the Fallen) has been a hot topic, largely due to your team’s declaration focusing on crafting superior products without prioritizing DEI commitments. This stance elicited varied responses, with many gamers expressing joy, but the mainstream media voicing disapproval. I find this response predictable, and I suspect others do too. PC Gamer even went as far as saying you’re “giving in to the fear of the DEI bogeyman,” claiming it was done to provoke primal emotions and increase viewership. Clearly, this assertion is preposterous. However, I wonder if there’s any concern that your team may now be under scrutiny from the mainstream media?
Marek: It’s important to note that our company is publicly traded on the Warsaw stock exchange, which means we regularly communicate with investors. Recently, we had an investor chat, which was attended by almost all Polish investors and conducted in English. This chat included myself, Tom (Senior VP of Development), and Ryan (Head of Brand Marketing). The chat was for investors, and approximately 400 people participated live, while around 1,000 investors read the transcript later. This interaction took place in early January, on a Wednesday, with an article about it appearing over the subsequent Friday. Unfortunately, the message we intended wasn’t conveyed as desired, and it wasn’t meant to serve as a public statement. However, I did notice someone on X, Pirat_Nation, stating that we are “abolishing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)” from our games.

Initially, our diversity efforts weren’t extensive. As I mentioned earlier, we’ll go with whatever proves effective. That tweet really took off, garnering a lot of positive responses, as well as some harsh criticisms – which I’m accustomed to given my experience with social media over the past two decades. However, the racial aspect didn’t align with our observations and data. Someone asked about body types representation, to which I replied that I would look into it. Intrigued by the idea, I suggested creating a poll on X, a popular platform with an enormous following, as we believe this is what our audience prefers.
As a passionate moviegoer speaking here, we took the audience’s preferences seriously. We analyzed close to 50,000 votes, with nearly 90% favoring a mix of male and female characters. Once the poll results were in, I promised our fans that we would adhere to their wishes, and true to my word, we did just that – not only for the game releasing next year but also for the title launched in 2023. I believe it was essential to demonstrate our commitment to our audience because we felt this was the right move. The decision-making process was organic, beneficial for our company and studio, and I anticipate other studios will follow suit. However, the journey wasn’t easy, and there were numerous voices urging us not to do it, along with stories of potential consequences and risks. Yet, in the end, we made the right choices. My belief is that media should focus on games and let them speak for themselves. After all, everyone knows their role is to write about games that their readers are interested in. No matter how much emphasis we place on putting players first or incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our games, we must still deliver high-quality games in the future – like the upcoming Lords of the Fallen 2. I am confident that when we unveil an exceptional product next year, traditional media will be eager to discuss it. The game itself will serve as its own ambassador.
In a more relaxed and conversational tone, let’s say: “Korean developers aren’t bound by DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) guidelines that originated in the West. This allows for greater creative freedom, and when you combine that with top-notch quality… voilà, international success stories!
— Marek Tyminski (@tyminski_marek) February 10, 2025
Question: Can you tell me why Body Type A/B was selected in the first place? Was it a collective choice made by the team, a carefully considered decision, or something deliberately planned?
Marek clarified that the decision made a few years ago, regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), was not only their preference but also an industry standard at the time. This choice was aimed at attracting talent and staying competitive within the gaming industry, particularly in Souls games. However, they acknowledge it wasn’t ideal, but felt it was a necessary risk due to external industry pressure.
Now, as the landscape has shifted significantly over the past year and a half in terms of DEI, Marek believes it’s appropriate to reconsider this decision and cater to the desires of the players. In his view, this adjustment is long overdue, but he also notes that the complexities involved make it hard to label it as a simple mistake. Instead, they are embracing change in line with the evolving industry expectations.
In future projects, we’ll continue to prioritize DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) sensitively, given its significance for our multinational, diverse team. We value everyone’s individuality and encourage authenticity within the company. Historically, we have been a champion of diversity, and this commitment remains unwavering. Our commitment to DEI was evident before the US elections in October 2019, and it reflects our belief in attracting top talent globally. From the European perspective, the political climate at that time didn’t suggest a Trump victory, but we acted regardless. This approach is not about pushing controversial agendas into games; rather, it encompasses a broader commitment to our players – putting them first. In September 2024, we redefined our strategy to emphasize the ‘player-first’ approach, which will remain our primary focus moving forward.
How should attractive lead female characters look in an action RPG?
— Marek Tyminski (@tyminski_marek) February 4, 2025
Movie Buff: Hey there! You brought up the evolution from male and female labels to A and B in film ratings, noting how the industry has transitioned towards the latter. I’m curious: when did this change primarily occur? Or what factors contributed to this shift? Was it perhaps due to a preference among investors or maybe because of rating boards like ESRB? Since you seem well-versed on the topic, could you share some insights on why this might be and how these entities have influenced the film industry over time?
It seems that this situation arises due to a significant cultural transition. Video games could be an effective tool for this purpose, if it aligns with your objectives, and we’re discussing politics here. Some are objecting, saying “but it’s political”, now changing body types from A to B to male and female. I believe it is indeed political, but only to those who aim to incorporate social and political agendas into games. To the majority of people, it appears unrelated to politics. We have methods to gauge public opinion, and these tools can reveal the feelings and shifting sentiments of players towards each game. Players are expressing frustration and feeling marginalized. They wish to play their preferred series, but cannot due to the changes made. At the same time, publishers are also frustrated. However, we’re conducting extensive research and taking player feedback into account. Yet, I doubt they truly speak for everyone.
In various gaming companies, there appears to be a listening mechanism towards players, but the concern lies in how selectively they take player feedback into account. While they may ask about specific aspects like combat, they often seem unresponsive to suggestions regarding narrative or character development. However, they do collect feedback from their communities and consider it within certain areas, but not universally across all aspects of game creation.
The importance of diverse teams and values cannot be overstated, yet there seems to be a distinction between the editorial decisions made for each game, which are primarily based on what the developers believe is best, and these choices are frequently validated with their communities.
Looking back at the industry 15 or 20 years ago, it was all about creating cool things, focusing on making the most impressive elements from any given game. Some ideas worked, some didn’t, but the overall goal was to create something exceptional. However, over time, this approach has evolved, and while not every game or publisher has changed, there seems to be a shift towards prioritizing quality and innovation in general, rather than just focusing on creating something exceptional in specific areas.
Initially, some cautioned against it, while others had their reservations. However, the promotional event for The Lords of the Fallen in January 2025 on PS5 exceeded all predictions – registering a staggering 40% over the projected sales and a 20% increase compared to the December 2024 promotion, despite both offering the same discount and daily comparisons. 🤯🔥 Gamers First. #GamesForGamers
— Marek Tyminski (@tyminski_marek) January 31, 2025
Initially, around five to eight years ago, there was a noticeable change in the direction of video games towards more social and political themes, which some believe may have gone too far. A comment I shared resonated with many, suggesting this wasn’t the desired path. Recently, I conducted another poll, and it’s evident that most players prefer appealing main characters. The majority does indeed want that. Unfortunately, some games haven’t offered this. This situation seems to be another example of an underlying agenda. Video games should ideally remain apolitical, and we must concentrate on creating the best gaming experiences possible. While I can’t guarantee we’ll create the best game next year, I can commit to doing our utmost with our teams, keeping the focus on quality game development.
For the full, unedited interview, check out Vara Dark on YouTube.
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2025-02-12 02:00