Coronation Street’s Calum Lill: ‘Joel has gone further than I thought he would’

Coronation Street’s Calum Lill: ‘Joel has gone further than I thought he would’

As an actor, I can only imagine the rollercoaster of emotions that Charlie Lawson must be experiencing right now as we get closer to revealing Joel’s darkest secrets on Coronation Street. It’s not every day that you get to play such a complex and intriguing character, one that has the audience on the edge of their seats, questioning his motives and actions.

As a dedicated viewer of Coronation Street, I’ve got a keen eye for characters like Joel (portrayed brilliantly by Calum Lill). Though the folks in Weatherfield might not have caught on just yet, it’s clear to me that Joel is nothing short of a rogue.

Over the next few weeks, Joels hidden wrongdoings are likely to be exposed, as Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) continues to uncover more facts about his past.

Next week, she’ll find an email from him on ITV’s soap opera. This email will request his feedback about his recent trip through Belfast Airport, asking him to rate his overall experience.

Swiftly coming up with a fib, Joel claims he needed to attend work, only to discover later that it was called off, which doesn’t quite convince Dee-Dee.

Eventually, a problem arises for him when Dee-Dee presents Emily with a fairy charm meant for Maeve’s bracelet. However, Emily is puzzled because Maeve does not possess a charm bracelet.

What’s more, she reveals Joel’s still paying rent on his old flat, leaving Dee-Dee reeling.

Inquisitive Dee-Dee heads straight to the flat and has a rummage around… what will she find?

Coronation Street’s Calum Lill: ‘Joel has gone further than I thought he would’

How is Joel feeling since the birth of his and Lauren’s son?

Calum Lill: “The issue transformed from something he had to solve into something he feels as a fatherly bond towards, like it’s his own child. It seems that fatherly feelings have arisen, but the situation remains unclear, and there’s an unusual contrast between what he can’t help but cherish as a dad, yet it’s also a significant challenge for him. It’s just another issue he needs to manage, another hurdle to overcome.”

“He’s juggling numerous problems, and if even one falters, they all collapse. In these challenging circumstances, Joel is willing to take drastic actions. The harder it becomes for him to achieve his blissful future with Dee-Dee, the more extreme steps he’s ready to take.”

Is there any indication that he’s given up on the idea of marrying Dee-Dee and living blissfully, or does it seem like their relationship might be unraveling instead?

AL: “I believe that’s a given for any rational individual. As for Joel, I firmly suspect he remains committed to this path and is convinced it will transpire, and he’s prepared to take all necessary steps to ensure its realization.”

As a passionate cinephile, I find myself questioning certain events, such as the enigmatic journey to Belfast that’s left unanswered. Can I get some clarification on that peculiar excursion?

AL: “It’s fascinating to observe the dynamic between these two professionals who question, protect, divert strategies, and face off against each other. She’s probing him with questions, he’s offering explanations, diverting attention, and suggesting alternatives – all while presenting credible arguments. It’s intriguing to see this intellectual duel unfold, as they both are highly skilled in eliciting responses through their wisdom and cunning.”

Is he confident he can shut her suspicions down?

As a movie enthusiast, I’d rephrase that line like this: “When he thinks he’s successfully convinced her, there’s a sigh of relief, but deep down, I don’t believe he feels proud for deceiving her because he’s truly smitten by her. In fact, all he yearns for is to build a life with her. So, at this point, he’ll stretch the truth to its limits – a lie that could very well save his life as he knows it.”

Does he feel guilt for what he’s done, the lies, even framing Nathan?

“Indeed, he carries a sense of guilt, yet he perceives himself like a valiant soldier fighting for a just cause. It’s challenging for him to perform these actions, but in his mind, they are necessary – though difficult, he believes they are the right course of action, and that is what he must follow.”

How far is Joel prepared to go to keep his secrets – is the worst yet to come?

AL: “I can’t specify the extent, but what he did exceeded my expectations. Reading it made me hesitant about playing it due to its intense darkness. He seems willing to take extreme measures if necessary.”

How do you feel as we get closer to the reveal and for the audience to see it?

AL: Initially, one might wonder why Dee-Dee got caught up in this situation or how she could have been so naive when the truth was obvious. However, the truth wasn’t visible to her because he skillfully concealed it all. It’s important to remember that victims of abuse and manipulation are not at fault for failing to see it. The perpetrator has mastered deception and control.

Personally, I’m quite fond of this workplace, so it benefits me when Joel conceals information effectively. It’s only fair that he faces consequences for his actions, given the severity of those actions, in a way reminiscent of a dramatic soap opera plot where secrets eventually come to light.

It’s a mix of excitement and sadness for me, playing this role is becoming increasingly interesting, but just as things reach their peak, I must depart from this amazing location where I’ve formed bonds with so many wonderful people who have become close friends throughout the past 18 months.

I’m really looking forward to finding out how the story concludes, yet it’s going to be a mix of joy and sadness since it’s an extraordinary workplace I’ll be leaving behind.

What reaction have you had from the public since the reveal of Joel’s dark side?

“In the grocery store, I often receive second glances. This is because I have a tough-looking appearance, which makes some people shy away because they’re afraid I might cause trouble – of course, that’s not the case; I’m an actor!”

Typically, when I appear, a woman will be gazing at some produce, look up, glance back down, look up again, and then recognize it’s me. Her expression will freeze in shock, she’ll rush over to her husband, frantically tap him, and begin whispering. He’ll be puzzled about what she’s saying! This scenario usually brings a smile to my face.

No one has hit you with their handbag?

CL: “I consider myself quite lucky. I’ve made an effort to maintain a distinct identity on social media from my character, and it seems the video of my grandmother’s response to Joel is gaining traction; folks are starting to understand that I’m not Joel myself.”

What’s been your most challenging moment on Corrie so far?

In our latest production, an hour-long segment, I starred alongside Cait Fitton as Lauren. We found the script daring and courageous, and we were honored to have been chosen for this role and entrusted with its execution.

Based on my observation, it’s the level of activity – veterans here have cautioned me that during peak times, things can get quite hectic! Avoid isolation, engage with us as we share similar experiences.

If you’re required to read and understand 40 pages daily, then you have to review those same pages for several days afterward, it feels unyielding. Maintaining some level of quality in that situation requires a great deal of skill, almost like being initiated by fire. That aspect was the most demanding. People often say that you’ll emerge as a different actor at the end of this experience because the rapid pace of work forces you to learn and grow so quickly.

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2024-08-06 09:34