Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon on “incredibly important” stoma storyline for Bethany

Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon on “incredibly important” stoma storyline for Bethany

As a long-time connoisseur of soap operas and a firm believer in the power of television to shed light on real-life issues, I must say that Coronation Street’s decision to feature Bethany Platt living with a stoma is nothing short of commendable. The storyline not only offers an authentic portrayal of the challenges faced by those living with this condition but also serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers associated with cosmetic surgeries abroad.

In a recent update, it was disclosed on Coronation Street that the character Bethany Platt, portrayed by Lucy Fallon, will now reside with a lasting stoma due to intricate issues arising from a liposuction operation performed abroad.

The character finds herself deeply saddened because the choice she made about having this procedure has significantly impacted her life, causing her to end her relationship with Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard). She feels that it’s best for him to move on without her, a decision she makes regretfully.

However, even though Bethany’s situation seems grim at the moment, the ITV soap opera is collaborating extensively with Colostomy UK. Their goal is to portray that living with a stoma can continue in a regular manner, not letting the condition overshadow everyday life.

Additionally, she clarifies the hardships Bethany may face, such as concerns about intimacy and accidents with her stoma bag, yet assures there will be a focus on fostering optimism throughout the storyline in Coronation Street.

Read on for the full interview with Fallon below.

Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon on “incredibly important” stoma storyline for Bethany

I truly appreciate you responding to our queries. We’re genuinely thrilled that a well-known British television series will highlight a prominent character dealing with a stoma, as it brings more awareness to the subject.

What was your initial reaction when you found out that Bethany was going to have a stoma?

Initially, the news brought a sense of satisfaction as I felt they had confidence in me to handle it, given its significance and my fondness for stories dealing with issues.

It’s clear that this role is intense, making it thrilling for actors, but it also brings significant pressure and responsibility since the characters are based on actual individuals.

It’s crucial that the narrative carries weight too, given the numerous cautionary tales about cosmetic surgeries performed overseas. I fervently wish this tale will inspire people to weigh the potential dangers before opting for cosmetic procedures outside their home country.

A significant hurdle we encounter is that as stoma conditions are not immediately visible, there remains a considerable amount of societal ignorance regarding their nature, reasons for use, and the diverse effects – both adverse and beneficial – they can have on individuals’ lives.

“Before this plot unfolded, were you familiar with stomas? Has Bethany’s narrative altered your understanding of what it means to live with a stoma?

Prior to filming the storyline, I had picked up some knowledge about stomas from various discussions on TV and social media. There’s a significant number of TikTok accounts and users advocating for stoma positivity, which is wonderful. While I wasn’t an expert then, my understanding was limited compared to what it is now.

How does it feel to ‘wear’ a stoma bag while filming the storyline?

I’ve found my experience of filming with a stoma quite fascinating. It’s very unobtrusive and I don’t even notice it during filming, yet I must clarify that, in reality, it’s not permanently affixed like a usual stoma.

As a film enthusiast, I’ve noticed that notable figures such as Mollie Pearce and Louise Thompson have openly shared their experiences with stomas in the limelight lately.

In simpler terms, could you tell me which sources or materials helped you get ready for your role, and did their experiences or stories in any way impact you during this process?

Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon on “incredibly important” stoma storyline for Bethany

In our collaboration, we’ve been fortunate to work hand-in-hand with Colostomy UK, an exceptional organization. Recently, I had the opportunity to engage in a discussion with two representatives from this charitable group. They generously shared valuable insights about their lives with a stoma and offered personal perspectives on their experiences.

They additionally discussed their experiences following the installation of a stoma, covering the hardships they faced, the transformations, and aspects that remained unchanged in their lives.

Listening to their insights was incredibly beneficial. Notably, I’ve been delving into independent studies via platforms such as TikTok, where users share their personal stoma bag change experiences, providing additional insights.

Given what we’ve covered so far, what do you believe are the most significant difficulties faced by individuals who have stomas?

Bethany struggles significantly with intimacy, a difficulty I’ve observed and validated through my research. This issue has left her feeling extremely self-conscious, even more so than before her decision to undergo liposuction.

Another difficulty faced by some, including myself, is overcoming fear to go outside due to the concern that the stoma bag might leak – an issue that many others have also struggled with.

What insights or lessons do you expect people to gain from Bethany’s narrative, particularly about the challenges she faced on her journey back to a regular lifestyle?

I feel it’s significant that over time, Bethany may come to terms with her situation and understand that having a stoma doesn’t necessarily have as large an impact on her life as she initially might have thought. However, I suspect it will take a few challenges and obstacles for her to reach this point, which seems typical for most individuals going through such changes.

Individuals moved by Bethany’s narrative may seek assistance at Colostomy UK. They can reach out to their 24-hour helpline at 0800 328 4257. Mark your calendars, as Stoma Aware Day is set for October 5th, 2024.

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2024-10-03 10:36