Date Everything! delayed to June

The team behind “Date Everything!” – developed by Sassy Chap Games and published by Team17 – has postponed the game’s initial release date from Valentine’s Day (February 14) to June. The sandbox dating simulation will be playable on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC through Steam.

Here is a message from Sassy Chap Games lead designer Ray Chase on the delay:

To our fellow Dateviators,

Since our last communication about progress, we’ve been diligently working around the clock to complete Date Everything! Now, I am pleased to report that we have nearly reached the finish line. At this stage, I can assure you that the game is fully developed according to our objectives without any compromise on our eccentric artistic vision.

Despite my high confidence that we could thoroughly test all the extensive content and pathways within this colossal game, regrettably, we exhausted our available time by the fittingly chosen release date of February 14, 2025.

The number of bugs in our game is significantly decreasing now that QA has navigated through the intricate storylines. However, releasing the game with so many remaining issues would not be fair to you. Instead, we’ve set our final release date for June 2025. Although it may not seem as exciting as Valentine’s Day, we aim to add a fresh allure to June. And yes, you can say that we have a complicated relationship with the glitches – they’re called Daemons, and I find myself both loving and hating them.

—Ray Chase, Lead Designer

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2025-01-30 20:17