DC Confirms Absolute Superman Will Make a Major Origin Story Change

DC Confirms Absolute Superman Will Make a Major Origin Story Change

As a seasoned gamer of DC comics, I can’t help but feel a thrill coursing through my veins as I delve into this fresh take on Superman’s origin story. The teaser from the upcoming “Absolute Superman” series has piqued my interest like nothing else in recent memory.

A significant shift is about to occur in the origins of Superman when his new series titled “Absolute Superman” debuts. This week marks the launch of “DC All In Special” #1, initiating a fresh publishing venture by DC. With the heroes having recently triumphed against Amanda Waller in “Absolute Power”, they are now busy reorganizing the Justice League. However, an unexpected assault from Darkseid sets the scene for the formation of the Absolute Universe. The initial trilogy of titles being unveiled are “Absolute Superman”, “Absolute Batman”, and “Absolute Wonder Woman”. DC assures fans that these jumping-on points will provide new and varied, yet recognizable, origin stories, with the one for Superman promising to catch some attention.

*Caution: This article reveals plot points from the DC All In Special #1 “Omega.” Proceed with caution if you wish to avoid spoilers.*

In the first issue of DC All In Special, the tale known as “Omega” was crafted by the team consisting of Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson, Wes Craig, Mike Spicer, and Steve Wands. Contrastingly, the “Alpha” story presents a heartwarming narrative about a fresh Justice League Unlimited squad bonding within their newly erected Watchtower. The “Omega” storyline, however, focuses on Darkseid’s sudden appearance in the Watchtower to launch an attack against our heroes. Given the multiverse and omniverse upheavals that have occurred during DC’s recent events, Darkseid has sensed a disruption and is now embarking on a quest to uncover “the truth.

This story revolves around a character’s role in the DC Universe, where he leaves his children on Apokolips to pursue answers he had lost. This action triggers an encounter between Darkseid and the Spectre. In their ensuing battle with Superman, it appears that Darkseid is defeated. However, as you might expect, Darkseid isn’t truly vanquished, and instead, he reemerges to usher in the creation of this All-Encompassing Universe.

How Absolute Superman changes the Man of Steel’s origin

DC Confirms Absolute Superman Will Make a Major Origin Story Change

The comic book series titled “Absolute Superman” is penned by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Rafa Sandoval. Even before the first issue hits stands in November, readers can catch a glimpse of the upcoming tales in the one-shot comic “DC All In Special“, which previews stories from “Absolute Wonder Woman“, “Absolute Batman“, and our very own “Absolute Superman“.

If life and optimism fuel that realm, this one thrives on strife and chaos… muses Darkseid. In the Absolute Universe, the odds against DC’s heroes have escalated, with hope playing the part of the underdog. The art of Wes Craig and Mike Spicer depicts a smoldering crater in the heart of a forest, with each panel drawing closer to reveal Superman huddled within the crater, his boots and wrists ablaze. A notable difference is that Kal-El, instead of arriving on Earth as an infant, has grown into an adult.

It seems like the new version of Superman, known as Absolute Superman, might be altering the traditional landing spot on Earth. Instead of crashing on the open Kent Farm in Smallville, as seen in previous stories, he now appears to land in a wooded area instead. This could suggest that Smallville itself may have changed in the Absolute Universe, or it could mean that we’re no longer in Smallville as we know it.

DC All In Special #1 is on sale now, and Absolute Superman #1 goes on sale November 6th.

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2024-10-02 18:39