DC’s Batman Reinvents The Riddler for the Modern Era and It Makes So Much Sense

DC's Batman Reinvents The Riddler for the Modern Era and It Makes So Much Sense

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of immersion in the world of DC Comics, I can’t help but be intrigued by the latest twist in Batman’s saga, as portrayed in Batman #153. The Riddler, one of the most enigmatic and cunning villains, has taken his game to a whole new level – the world of tech and cryptocurrency!

In the aftermath of DC Comics’ “Absolute Power” crossover, Batman is working to rebuild and adapt following significant transformations. Amanda Waller manipulated public opinion against the DC heroes and drained many of their powers – be they superhuman, alien, or magical. Batman and his associates played a crucial role in bringing down Waller and neutralizing the danger, despite having no powers themselves. This event has profoundly reshaped Bruce Wayne’s outlook on various matters, particularly his approach to making changes within Gotham City.

Apart from Bruce, Edward Nygma, also known as The Riddler, is adopting a fresh perspective. In the “All In” relaunch’s Batman #153, it’s disclosed that The Riddler has undergone a transformation and is embracing a novel lifestyle. Specifically, he’s chosen to enter the tech sector and its peculiar relative, digital currencies, as his new field of interest!


In issue #153 of Batman, the Riddler regains freedom following discoveries about secret experiments conducted on him during his time at Blackgate Penitentiary (refer back to earlier Batman storylines). Within two short months, he establishes a company named “Nygmatech,” focusing on advanced cryptography for safeguarding data from unauthorized manipulation or deterioration. Not surprisingly, this tech-savvy villain also introduces his own digital currency called “Questeum,” which rapidly gains worth and enables the Riddler to purchase a building in Gotham’s Financial District. It is later disclosed that Nygma has been exploiting technology from fellow crooks to expand his tech domain, such as Mr. Freeze’s coolant for maintaining his servers’ efficiency.

In public, Bruce Wayne appears to endorse Nygmatech and its endeavors as part of his Gotham renewal project; however, covertly, Batman pays a nocturnal visit to Nygma’s office to remind him of the limits he faces. It’s uncovered that The Riddler is playing a similar game: Nygma has an undercover ally in Waynetech CEO Rowan Birkemoe, with whom he colludes to compel Bruce Wayne into a merger. Having the Wayne reputation attached to his business gives Nygma legitimacy he’s never managed to earn independently.

By the finale, it becomes clear that the Riddler hasn’t changed from his cunning criminal persona one bit. Mayor Nakano of Gotham is tragically murdered in his own residence, and the Riddler takes advantage of this situation to seize Bruce’s shares in Waynetech. His target? None other than Bruce’s illegitimate brother!

No names need to be mentioned: It’s clear what kind of public figures Riddler is being aligned with now. The cryptocurrency part feels spot on: who else would push that currency but a criminal mastermind who loves confounding people?

Batman #153 is on sale at DC.

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2024-10-05 16:09