The long-awaited version 8.5.0 for “Dead by Daylight” is now available on all platforms. Previously, this patch had been rolled out in PTB (Public Test Builds) for “Dead by Daylight”. Since then, players have been thoroughly testing the update to make sure its official launch in the full game wouldn’t have any problems. Now, Behaviour Interactive believes that sufficient testing has been carried out and has made the update available more widely.
Currently available for download, update 8.5.0 for the game “Dead by Daylight” has undergone significant changes in the character known as Freddy Krueger, or The Nightmare. In-game, his entire set of abilities has been revamped to a certain extent, resulting in a significantly different version of him compared to earlier versions. Additionally, this update includes minor adjustments for a few other Killers and Survivors within “Dead by Daylight”. Lastly, it addresses numerous bugs that were present previously.
To view all changes made in today’s update for “Dead by Daylight”, you can find the detailed list of modifications here: [Provide link to the patch notes]
Dead by Daylight Update 8.5.0 Patch Notes
Killer Rework – The Nightmare
Base Changes
- Dream Snares and Dream Pallets are both part of the base kit
- Tap the Ability button to swap between Dream Snares and Dream Pallets
- Dream Snares are now a ground projectile (more details below)
- Dream Pallets can be Ruptured from a distance (more details below)
- Dream Projection can now be used on completed generators (and more!)
Dream World
- Minor visual improvements to the Dream World
- Improved clarity when the nearest Survivor is asleep
- Survivors in the Dream World are Oblivious, but hear his Lullaby
- Survivors performing a healing action on a Sleeping Survivor or while being Asleep are revealed with Killer Instinct
- Survivors wake up when put in the Dying State
Dream Snares
- Press the Power button to charge a Dream Snare over 0.35 seconds
- While charged, tap the Attack button to launch the Dream Snare forward
- Dream Snares move at 12 m/s
- Dream Snares have a maximum range of 18 meters
- Dream Snares go through walls and follow slopes, but do not go off ledges (such as a 2nd-floor dropdown)
- Dream Snares add 30 seconds to an awake Survivor’s Sleep Meter
- Dream Snares inflict a 12% Hindered penalty for 4 seconds on Sleeping Survivors
- Dream Snares have a 5-second cooldown
Dream Pallets
- Press the Power button to enter Pallet focus mode
- Tap the Attack button to spawn a Dream Pallet at valid Pallet locations up to 24 meters away
- The Nightmare can create up to 8 Dream Pallets at a time
- While in Pallet Focus mode, target a Dream Pallet within 24 meters and tap the Attack button to Rupture it
- After a 1.5-second delay, the Dream Pallet Ruptures in a burst of blood
- Rupture adds 60 seconds to an awake Survivor’s Sleep Meter
- Rupture injures Sleeping Survivors
- Rupture has a range of 3 meters
- Rupture has a 1.5-second cooldown
- Dream Pallets can be dropped by Survivors and can stun The Nightmare, but will explode in blood
- Improved visibility on Dream Pallets
Dream Projection
- Dream Projection can be used on unrepaired, partially repaired, completed, and blocked generators, at any moment during the trial
- Dream Projection can be used on Sleeping Survivors healing in the Dream World (any of the healers, or the one being healed. The Nightmare appears within 12 meters of their location.)
- Press and hold the Ability button for more than 0.5 seconds to perform Dream Projection
- Dream Projection takes 2.5 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- Dream Projection cannot be cancelled
- Upon completion, Survivors within 8 meters are revealed with Killer Instinct for 3 seconds, and gain 15 seconds on their Sleep Meter
- Dream Projection has a 30-second cooldown (was 45 seconds)
Alarm Clocks/Wake Up
- Sleeping Survivors can use any Alarm Clock to wake up (was a specific Alarm Clock, usually on the other side of the map)
- Using an Alarm Clock grants Sleep Immunity for 30 seconds
- Using an Alarm Clock causes it to go on a global 45-second cooldown, which prevents anyone from using it
- The Wake Up interaction (snap snap, clap clap) always takes 5 seconds (would increase with each Wake Up interaction)
- Garden Rake:
- Increases the size of the Dream Snare by 10% (NEW)
- Wool Shirt:
- Decreases the Dream Pallet Rupture delay by 10% (NEW)
- Kid’s Drawing:
- Increases the amount of Sleep gained from Dream Abilities by 10% (NEW)
- Sheep Block:
- Increases the Alarm Clock cooldown by 10% (NEW)
- Prototype Claws:
- Decreases Dream Snare charge time by 10% (NEW)
- Cat Block:
- Decrease Dream Projection’s Cooldown by 10% (NEW)
- Outdoor Rope:
- Increases the speed at which Dream Snares travel by 15% (NEW)
- GreenDress:
- Increases the time it takes for Survivors to perform the Wake Up action by 2 seconds (NEW)
- Nancy’s Sketch:
- Decreases the Sleep Immunity by 20% after a Survivor uses an Alarm Clock (NEW)
- Unicorn Block:
- Increases the Dream Pallet Rupture range by 1 meter (NEW)
- Blue Dress:
- Dream Snares no longer move (NEW)
- Dream Snares have a lifetime of 8 seconds (NEW)
- Only 1 Dream Snare can be placed at a time (NEW)
- Nancy’s Masterpiece:
- Decreases Dream Projection’s cooldown by 10% after hitting a Survivor with a Dream Ability (NEW)
- Jump Rope:
- Increases the Hindered penalty duration when a Survivor is caught by a Dream Snare by 1 second (NEW)
- Paint Thinner:
- When a Survivor drops a Dream Pallet, reveal them with Killer Instinct for 6 seconds (NEW)
- Unlocks the ability to use Dream Projection on that Survivor while they are revealed (NEW)
- This Dream Projection charges 100% faster (NEW)
- “Z” Block:
- Survivors hit by a Dream Snare or Dream Pallet Rupture are revealed for 3 seconds (NEW)
- Swing Chains:
- After using Dream Projection, block all window vaults within 16 meters for 6 seconds (NEW)
- Class Photo:
- Survivors in the Dream World are revealed with Killer Instinct while opening Exit Gates (NEW)
- Grants the ability to use Dream Projection on Exit Gates (NEW)
- Pill Bottle:
- Each time a Survivor wakes up, they fall asleep 10% faster, up to a maximum of 50% (NEW)
- Red Paint Brush:
- Reveals the aura of Survivors in the Dream World when they are further from 32 meters away (NEW)
- Increases each Survivor’s Sleep Meter by 50% (NEW)
- Black Box:
- Exit Gates are blocked for Sleeping Survivors for 15 seconds after they are opened (was applicable when recently opened. This update also makes it trigger when they fall asleep after the Exit Gates have been opened.)
Perk Updates
- Beast of Prey:
- When you gain Bloodlust for the first time, gain Undetectable for 10/15/20 seconds (NEW)
Gain 30/40/50% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category (REMOVED)
- When you gain Bloodlust for the first time, gain Undetectable for 10/15/20 seconds (NEW)
- Fire Up:
- For each generator completed, gain a 4/5/6% stackable speed bonus to picking up, dropping, vaulting, damaging generators, and breaking pallets and breakable walls for the remained of the trial. (was 3/3.5/4%)
- Remember Me:
- Each time your Obsession loses a health state, gain 1 token, up to 3/4/5 (was 2/3/4)
- For each token, increases the opening time of Exit Gates by 6 seconds, up to a maximum of 18/24/30 (was 12/18/24)
- Vigil:
- Affects Survivors within 16 meters (was 8 meters)
- Recover from Blindness, Broken, Exhausted, Exposed, Haemorrhage, Hindered, Mangled and Oblivious 30/35/40% faster (was 20/25/30%)
- Affects Survivors within 16 meters (was 8 meters)
- Wake Up!:
- Increases the speed at which you open Exit Gates by 40/45/50% (was 15/20/25%)
- Deep Wound Visibility Improvements
- Added a Deep Wound progress bar under the Mending progress bar for better visibility
- Removed the darkening vignette of the Deep Wound effect
- Added a setting to disable the new Deep Wound progress bar
- Character Trial System
- Added the ability to provide access to paid content (characters) for all players, for a limited time.
- For this PTB, both The Nightmare & Quentin Smith will be available to all, for a limited time, as part of this feature.
- Modified map repeat prevention system to be based on Realms
- Characters’ default and prestige cosmetics now have outfits in the outfit tab
- Normalized action progress bar behavior
- Hooking a Survivor no longer uses a progress bar
- Deathslinger’s reload no longer uses a progress bar
- Cenobite’s teleport no longer uses a progress bar
- Clairvoyance no longer uses a progress bar
- Smoke effect added to the change of certain cosmetics that have unique lobby animations
- Smoke effect added to the Play Mori button of visceral rarity cosmetics.
- The colour of a completed generator was updated to better differentiate them from yellow highlighted generators
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the harpoon and breathing SFX to be heard when entering the tally screen as the Deathslinger.
- Fixed an issue where the Spirit’s audio could be heard from the husk as she begins phasing.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor and Killer bots hesitate for a split second while in chase.
- Fixed an issue that caused bots to gain Haste indefinitely when Sprint Burst is activated.
- Improved pathing of Killer bots around pallets and windows.
- Fixed an issue that caused bots trying to walk over a tree stump in Mother’s Dwelling.
- Fixed issues that caused bots to always look down while walking.
- Fixed issues that caused bots stay stuck in one location when they run out of immediate objectives.
- Fixed issues that caused Killer bots are more interested in a Survivor’s scratchmarks than the Survivors themselves.
- Potential fix for bots staying stuck at vault and fall locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wind and snow VFX from the Ormond Lake Mine map to be missing when the Knight was in path drawing mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knight’s Guards to be unable to hit Survivors that went on a specific rock in the Rotten Fields map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knight’s Guards to prioritize reaching windows instead of hitting Survivors during chases.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s Spirit of Hartshorn add-on effects to apply to the Afterpiece Tonic.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Good Guy’s Slice & Dice progress not to show the debuff effect from the Silk Pillow add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple Killer powers to miss if a Survivor crouched.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be visible in Charlotte’s chest cavity after having been stomped by a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trickster to throw a single blade during Main Event if the interaction to activate it is held down.
The Houndmaster
- Fixed an issue that caused the Houndmaster to be able to move Survivors while holding the Dog Command input.
- Fixed an issue that caused healthy Exposed Survivors not to have the healthy version of Detected removed when downed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dog to teleport and get stuck outside the exit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dog not to affect Survivors with Houndsense when the Survivor is in the search radius as the ability starts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dog animations to break when grabbing a Survivor as they bleed out from Deep Wound.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Detected Killer effect not to be removed after the mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chase Command to be activated from a high ledge.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Patrol ground target to appear bigger than normal when quickly moving between different elevations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dog to remain in the pet command animation when the Houndmaster is stunned during the pet interaction.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors camera to clip when crouching inside the Dog.
- Fixed multiple instances where the Dog could get stuck or not be able to pass through places where the Killer could.
- Fixed multiple navigation issues with the Dog.
- Fixed a collision issue on the Realm of Autohaven Wreckers on the side of the crane.
- Fixed multiple issues where the starting camera rotation clipped through the character of the Houndmaster.
- Fixed environmental spawning issues on Realm of Macmillan’s Estate.
- Fixed an issue on Léry’s Memorial Institute where a closed door would spawn next to a window in the main room.
- Fixed an issue on Crotus Prenn Asylum where Killers were not able to break a pallet if they were close to a wall.
- Fixed an issue on Crotus Prenn Asylum where the Nurse could blink on top of the roof.
- Fixed issues on Midwich Elementary School where survivors would clip in piles of gore.
- Fixed an issue on Nostromo Wreckage that caused a chest to have full unlock completion.
- Fixed an issue that caused Mettle of Man’s aura reading to have no range limit against Lethal Pursuer.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be unable to place a Chemical Trap on a pallet that previously had one installed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chemical Trap and the destroyed pallets aura to remain visible when the pallet is destroyed by Spirit Fury.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Exhausted status effect from Genetic Limits not to be applied onto a Survivor that uses Plot Twist.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors not to scream when hooked after using Plot Twist.
- Fixed an issue that caused the aura from Camaraderie to stay on the Survivor after getting unhooked.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dance With Me to be activated by any Survivor in the trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with a hooked state not to receive the Exposed status effect from Shoulder the Burden.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was showing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Honor the Bloodline achievement/trophy to be unlocked when taking control of Victor when playing as the Twins.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gates to power on when the last Survivor escapes through the hatch.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Unhooking and Self-Unhooking animations to be interrupted by a Killer’s basic attack.
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2025-01-28 23:18