Destiny 2 dev Bungie reveals “Apollo” and “Behemoth” Frontiers expansions on series’ 10th Anniversary, and a new DLC roadmap too: “We believe it’s time for Destiny to change and evolve”

Destiny 2 dev Bungie reveals "Apollo" and "Behemoth" Frontiers expansions on series' 10th Anniversary, and a new DLC roadmap too: "We believe it’s time for Destiny to change and evolve"

As a tech enthusiast with years of gaming under my belt, I must admit that Destiny 2’s announcement of “Frontiers” has me absolutely thrilled! The shift from one expansion to two per year is a bold move, and one that promises a more frequent dose of fresh content for us gamers.

Approximately three months have passed since Bungie, the creators of Destiny 2, unveiled “Frontiers” – a significant undertaking for the space-themed loot shooter game, set to surpass The Final Shape and its subsequent Episode releases in 2024. At that time, little information was available about Frontiers other than it being slated for release in 2025. However, a recent blog post has provided more details about Frontiers and how it will impact the future of Destiny.

On September 9, Bungie released a post commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Destiny franchise. In this post, they unveiled Destiny 2: Frontiers as a guide for the game’s future expansions and content updates planned for 2025. This roadmap features two major expansions codenamed “Apollo” in the summer season and “Behemoth” in the winter season, accompanied by four “Major Updates.” These updates aim to revitalize the core game with fresh and reintroduced content, just like everything in Into the Light was, all available for free.

Moving forward, starting in 2025, Destiny 2’s update schedule will feature two expansions and four significant updates annually. This shift comes as a replacement for the game’s current pattern of one annual expansion and three lengthy episodes, which took over from the series’ previous model that included one DLC and four paid seasonal releases between Shadowkeep in 2019 and The Final Shape this year. Bungie has opted to structure Frontiers in this manner for Destiny 2 going forward.

Destiny 2 dev Bungie reveals "Apollo" and "Behemoth" Frontiers expansions on series' 10th Anniversary, and a new DLC roadmap too: "We believe it’s time for Destiny to change and evolve"

From next year, rather than releasing a single large expansion annually, we’ll be providing two mid-sized expansions every six months. Destiny 2 game director Tyson Green explains this shift in his writing. Instead of sticking with our traditional one-shot campaign structure since Shadowkeep, each of these expansions will offer a chance to experiment with unique and creative formats.

Green emphasized that it’s now necessary for Destiny to transform and advance, as our gaming community also desires growth and groundbreaking innovation. To achieve this, he stated that we must shatter some established norms.

Starting from Summer 2025, I’m eagerly anticipating the Apollo expansion in Destiny 2 that marks the start of a new narrative journey for us players. This time around, we’re promised a non-linear, character-driven adventure where our choices determine the path we take through various locations and storylines. For the first time in this franchise, the sequence of events isn’t predetermined, giving us the freedom to shape our own experience. Alison Lührs, the narrative director, has hinted that Apollo will serve as a catalyst for the coming years, setting a clear theme, goal, and destination. However, it won’t be a straightforward journey; instead, it promises rewards, surprises, and destinations Destiny has yet to explore.

The move back to four Season-style updates per year is also noteworthy, though it sounds like Bungie is aiming to make them much less formulaic than they were in the past. Green says “each update will be a substantial refresh of the core game, bringing new activities and reward content,” and their free-to-play nature means they’ll be more accessible than Seasons (the presence of a “Rewards Pass” on the Frontiers roadmap suggests they’ll still have a paid battle pass attached to them, though).


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2024-09-09 19:09