Title “Code Violet” appears to be the (apparently) formal name for TeamKill Media’s upcoming third-person horror game. In this thrilling adventure, players will find themselves running, hiding, and battling to stay alive amidst a terrifying outbreak of genetically engineered dinosaurs. With an announcement trailer on the official PlayStation YouTube channel and a release date in July for PS5, “Code Violet” seems quite real. Yet, there’s something surreal about it that we can’t seem to dismiss.
Previously, TeamKill has worked on projects like Son and Bone, with a dinosaur theme, and Quantum Error, which didn’t receive great reviews. As a result, we aren’t expecting Code Violet to blow us away. A potential concern is that Code Violet will only be available on PS5, which wouldn’t be an issue in itself. However, this might raise eyebrows given the reception of their previous games.
Despite this, the developers have chosen to prevent modifications of inappropriate versions of the main character and other game characters because they are concerned about the frequent misconduct by PC players. This measure appears rather stringent, and somewhat unusual, given that Square Enix still released Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on PC, a version that includes legendary characters with iconic status, potentially exposing them to risk.
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2025-01-20 05:06