Does royal stardust help the homeless?

As a film critic who has personally experienced homelessness and seen its devastating effects on countless lives, I wholeheartedly recommend adding Prince William: We Can End Homelessness to your watchlist. This documentary, which chronicles Prince William’s year-long involvement with his Homewards initiative, offers a unique perspective on this critical issue that affects far too many people in our society.

Add Prince William: We Can End Homelessness to your watchlist

At six years old, my family became homeless due to a fire that destroyed all our belongings and required a midnight rescue. In today’s terms, we would be under the care of Portsmouth local authorities. However, at that time, we were left to fend for ourselves, enduring a harsh winter in a structure lacking basic necessities like water, electricity, and heating. This experience underscored for me the vulnerability of anyone to homelessness; it only takes one small incident, much like a spark.

Homelessness has continued to be a spectre in the background of my life. In my 20s, I ended up out of work and homeless in London for a couple of years before walking away from the chaos and washing up on the Isle of Jura in Scotland, where I put my life back together. I went on to spend ten years working with rough sleepers. Later in life, as a BBC journalist, housing and homelessness became a significant part of my beat. And most recently, the issue reared its head in some of my books – The Circling Sky and my memoir Deer Island, which is centred around a depiction of homelessness in 1980s London.

Working with homeless individuals can provide both fulfillment and challenges. At times, your efforts may significantly impact or even save lives, but unexpected government policies, such as alterations in benefit eligibilities, might suddenly increase the number of homeless people on the streets, leaving you feeling like you’re battling against a relentless tide. Each person’s journey is distinct, yet the root issue is systemic – an insufficient supply of affordable housing and the deep-rooted inequality that pushes individuals onto the streets. Despite offering compassionate care tailored to each individual, it often seems as though you’re addressing the effects instead of the underlying cause.

Prince William has made homelessness his chosen cause, and his efforts through the Homewards initiative are highlighted in the ITV documentary titled “Prince William: Ending Homelessness Together“. In a preview from the movie, he is questioned about his qualifications for leading this challenge. “I’m here because I want to help people who are struggling,” he replies. “I believe that’s part of my duty. If I’m not using my position to make a difference and assist those in need, then why am I here?” He attributes his passion for the issue to the influence of Princess Diana expanding his perspective on life.

It’s easy to be cynical – after all, the royal family sits firmly lodged at the very top of that pyramid of inequality in which we all live. And yet I have witnessed first-hand the impact that a little royal stardust can have on the public discourse. As a manager with the homeless newspaper Big Issue, I oversaw an occasion when Queen Elizabeth met up with some Big Issue vendors, and bought a copy from one of them, in front of the watching press. And for a while there was a huge public discourse about a problem that’s all too often completely ignored. Because of the then Queen’s gesture, even magazines that typically trafficked only in celebrity tittle-tattle were forced to engage, at least briefly, with a pressing social issue.

It’s reasonable to assume that Prince William’s participation could draw significant focus to an overlooked matter. I believe it will be advantageous for those homeless individuals participating in this program, and anything beneficial is worthwhile. However, I’m skeptical about whether it will tackle the underlying issues, as the royal family often thrive under the existing system, and their role typically involves doing good deeds without disrupting the current order.

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2024-10-22 20:11