In its upcoming Winter series, Dragon Ball Daima has initiated the climactic phase, but it seems unlikely that Majin Kuu and Duu will be the ultimate antagonists. Instead, Dragon Ball Daima has led Goku and his companions on an unprecedented journey through the Demon Realm, a first for the franchise. This adventure has significantly altered fans’ understanding of the Majin Buu arc. Most notably, it has been revealed that there was initially a vastly different creator for Majin Buu, and the possibility of creating another one exists.
In addition to unveiling the original sorcerer responsible for the creation of Majin Buu, Dragon Ball Daima also detailed the process of crafting not one, but two new heirs. These new entities, Majin Kuu and Duu, exhibit capabilities reminiscent of Majin Buu’s previous deeds; however, it appears they may not be the ultimate antagonists. They lack the inherent malevolence that characterized Majin Buu under Dr. Arinsu’s command, often preferring to socialize rather than carry out destructive tasks when not given orders.
Majin Kuu and Duu Don’t Seem Evil
In contrast to Majin Buu, both Majin Kuu and Duu were designed with a more manageable nature from their inceptions, differing significantly from the immediate threat that Majin Buu posed since his debut. Majin Buu was such an uncontrollable menace that even beings in the Demon Realm feared his creation. The original creator, Marba, aimed to steer clear of this chaotic nature in the subsequent creation, which is why they collaborated with Dr. Arinsu to create Kuu and Duu. However, due to their tamer personalities, these two entities lack the level of menace that one might expect or hope for.
In all situations outside of combat, they’re often found relaxing together and indulging in chocolate. Reminiscent of the friendly Majin Buu who joined the Z Fighters, there are instances where they interact with the Ginyu Force from the Gendarmerie, displaying a playful enthusiasm. Unlike their former self, these two appear content with receiving small pieces of chocolate, showing no inclination towards the destructive greed for chocolate that Majin Buu once had. Essentially, they seem unbothered and peaceful.
Who’s the Real Final Villain?
If the new versions of the two characters aren’t as malevolent or dangerous as the original Majin Buu, it seems unlikely that they will serve as the ultimate enemies for Goku and his allies in Dragon Ball Daima. For now, at least. However, Dragon Ball Daima hints that figures like Dr. Arinsu and even Neva might have hidden abilities related to the Majins, which could potentially bring them into play in an interesting manner.
Previously hinted in “Dragon Ball Daima,” there might be a new type of Fusion on the horizon, different from past episodes. This fusion could potentially merge the Majins into a being resembling the original Majin Buu. However, this doesn’t necessarily make them the ultimate villain; instead, they could serve as a tool for the true final villain in the climactic battle. Goku and Vegeta may engage with this new fusion while Arinsu or another character carries out their larger plan. It appears that the roles of the final villains might not be filled by them.
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2025-01-22 03:10