In the latest installment of Dragon Ball Daima, there have been significant unveilings concerning the Demon Realm with each passing episode. As a consequence, Piccolo and the Namekians have grown stronger and more strategic than ever before in this series.
The series is a fresh start for Dragon Ball Daima , celebrating its 40th anniversary since Akira Toriyama’s initial manga publication through Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The storyline is an original creation by the late Toiriyama himself, making its grand entrance in this series. As Goku and company venture into the Demon Realm for the first time within the franchise, it becomes clear just how pivotal this realm has been to everything that transpired before.
In the past, Dragon Ball has hinted at characters from the Demonic World, introducing unexpected adversaries and companions from this domain. However, it’s only in Dragon Ball Daima that the series delves deeply into this realm for the first time. This exploration also sheds light on the Namekians’ true origins being from the Demonic World instead of outer space. Moreover, Dragon Ball Daima is gradually unveiling new aspects about Piccolo’s past and unique abilities, which set him apart from other demons in the Demonic World.
Namekians Are Unique Demons in Dragon Ball
It was recently disclosed that the Namekians, characters from Dragon Ball, are originally inhabitants of the Second Demon World in the Demon Realm, contrary to previous assumptions that they originated from Planet Namek. In truth, they had fled to Planet Namek years prior to the events depicted in the original Dragon Ball series. Additionally, Piccolo, a significant character in the series, has ties to the Demon Realm as well; he once revealed his true name in the region as Katatz. This suggests that the Namekians have a stronger connection to the Demon Realm than initially presumed, particularly with regards to magic usage.
Fans of Dragon Ball have witnessed Piccolo employ various skills throughout the series, given his access to Ki energy and apparent mastery of magical abilities. He’s displayed the power to expand in size, generate multiple copies of himself, and manifest clothing through magic. Additionally, other Namekians like Neva have demonstrated their own unique magical capabilities, such as commanding the Dragon Balls. However, there’s a noteworthy detail about all this: these abilities appear to be exclusive to Namekians.
In Dragon Ball Daima’s storyline, it is noted that inhabitants of the Demon Realm possess a distinct quality – instead of utilizing Ki like Goku and other characters in the mainstream universe, beings from the Demon Realm are limited to using magic. Furthermore, it hinted that Majin can only wield one kind of magical ability, implying their powers may be somewhat restricted. Contrastingly, Piccolo and the Namekians appear to possess the potential to amplify their abilities, as demonstrated by both Piccolo and Neva.
What Does This Mean for Piccolo and the Namekians?
Similar to Piccolo, Neva possesses an immense power reserves. Initially, he crafted the Tamagamis, safeguarding the Dragon Balls in the Demon Realm. Moreover, his ability to augment their strength mid-battle is quite remarkable. His mastery over the Dragon Balls extends beyond the ordinary world, even allowing him to awaken them while they were dormant. This skill has been developed over millennia, and it appears that his powers have grown stronger with age.
In various instances, we’ve witnessed Piccolo becoming progressively stronger as a result of his rigorous training. His ultimate transformations are achieved through fusion and a wish granted by the Dragon Balls; however, it’s his self-powered abilities that have led him to this point. His mastery over Ki is now at an unprecedented level, which no other Namekian or inhabitant of the Demon Realm has demonstrated thus far. If this trend continues, then it seems as though this new series is subtly catching Piccolo up to the power levels of the other characters.
In “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”, Piccolo experienced his first significant power upgrade similar to that wielded by Goku and Vegeta. Now, in “Dragon Ball Daimao”, we’re delving deeper into the Demon Realm, pushing Piccolo closer to their level. As a demon himself, Piccolo has been consistently climbing towards their power levels, albeit on a different path. With each new episode of this new anime series, we can expect Piccolo to only grow stronger, especially if he’s a unique demon as hinted.
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2025-01-15 04:42