Dune Director Teases His Involvement in Franchise After Messiah

Dune Director Teases His Involvement in Franchise After Messiah

As a dedicated fan of the intricate world of Dune, I find myself captivated by Denis Villeneuve’s journey through Frank Herbert’s epic saga. His dedication and commitment to the first two films have left me in awe, and I eagerly await the potential continuation of this grand tale with bated breath.

Director Denis Villeneuve of the movies ‘Dune’ and ‘Dune: Part Two’ has often expressed his desire to bring ‘Dune: Messiah’ to the big screen, but he may not be as eager to adapt the other books in Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ series. During an interview with Vanity Fair, Villeneuve mentioned that if ‘Dune: Messiah’ comes to fruition, he would be prepared to move on to a new project afterwards. While he doesn’t mind someone else continuing his work in the ‘Dune’ universe after him, Villeneuve noted that books beyond ‘Messiah’ can be challenging to adapt. He suggested planting seeds for future filmmakers within ‘Messiah’.

If we see ‘Dune: Messiah’, it would have been quite some time for me on Arrakis, and I’d be eager to explore new creative territories. To ensure continuity, I believe it’s wise to plant some seeds in the ‘Messiah’ project, should someone wish to build upon it later, because the books are truly magnificent, though challenging to adapt. They grow increasingly esoteric and intricate, making adaptation more tricky. However, I won’t be the one adapting it, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of someone else taking it up.

Director Denis Villeneuve has shared that he’s crafting the script for “Dune: Messiah”, but he considers “Dune”, “Dune: Part Two”, and “Dune: Messiah” as separate entities rather than a traditional trilogy. For Villeneuve, “Messiah” stands on its own.

As a gamer, let me clarify that the first two films I worked on were essentially a set of two interconnected stories, much like a duology or a pair, serving as an adaptation of the initial book. That part of the journey has come to an end. If I decide to create a third installment, it won’t follow the traditional trilogy structure. It might seem peculiar to say this, but if I return to that world, it would be for a standalone adventure, not as part of a trilogy.

something that feels different and has its own identity.”

At the moment, Warner Bros. hasn’t officially given the green light to “Dune: Messiah”. However, with “Dune: Part Two” earning significant success at both the box office and among critics this year, there’s a good chance that “Dune: Messiah” will eventually receive the necessary approval. Director Denis Villeneuve has mentioned before that he won’t create a third movie unless it surpasses the quality of “Part Two”.

Earlier, Villeneuve stated that he worked on both films consecutively, a decision that made perfect sense for him. He felt it was beneficial to carry on immediately following “Part One”. The creative process had already begun with design, scriptwriting, and so on. However, this continuous six-year stint on Arrakis took its toll, and he believes it’s important to take a short break. His priority now is to ensure we have a robust screenplay. He wants to prevent rushing into production without a solid plan. The enthusiasm is there, but he doesn’t want to risk releasing something unfinished. Instead, we need to make sure all ideas are properly documented before moving forward.

He stated, “If we revisit the project, it must be authentic and significant. If I were to work on ‘Dune: Messiah’, it would only be if it surpasses ‘Part Two’. Otherwise, I won’t participate.

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2024-09-11 08:09