Dungeons & Dragons Changes Rules on Grappling

As a seasoned Dungeon Master with decades of tabletop adventures under my belt, I must say that the latest updates to grappling rules in the upcoming 2024 Player’s Handbook have left me absolutely thrilled!

In the upcoming Player’s Handbook due next month, Dungeons & Dragons has revamped the grappling rules. Wizards of the Coast introduced significant changes to grappling and the Grappled Condition in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Players have been trying to grapple opponents since D&D was first played, but the 2014 Player’s Handbook had limited possibilities for what grappling could achieve as it only halted a target’s movement. However, in the new rules, being grappled now not only stops the target in its tracks but also makes attack rolls against the grappled target more difficult by imposing disadvantage on those attacks. Initiating a grapple has become easier; players can now attempt to grapple a target during an Unarmed Strike action, which requires the target to either succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw instead of having to compete in an opposed Strength (Athletics) check against the opponent’s Athletics or Acrobatics skill.

Furthermore, breaking free from a Grapple now involves successfully passing either a Strength (Athletics) or Agility (Acrobatics) ability check, based on your choice. The difficulty level for this check is set at 8, along with the grappler’s Strength modifier and their proficiency bonus. In contrast to the past, players used to engage in an opposed Strength (Athletics) check to get free from the grapple.

In an update, the Grappler ability has been modified to function as a “half feat.” This change grants a 1-point boost to either Strength or Dexterity. Previously, the Grappler feat allowed players to pin a grappled target, but now that option is no longer available. However, players still benefit from an advantage when attacking a creature they are grappling, and they can simultaneously attempt to deal damage and grapple during the same Unarmed Strike attack. Additionally, moving a grappled creature will no longer slow down the player’s speed.

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2024-08-13 16:10