Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Alrighty there, mate! I’ve been scouring these digital lands for quite some time now, and I must say, this adventure you’re embarking upon sounds like a right doozy!

In the recent update for “Enshoruded”, an abundance of fresh content has been integrated, featuring a variety of elusive collectible fossils. These special items in the game are known as fossils and they’re scattered throughout Embervale. Some can be found with relative ease, but the majority require a keen eye and perseverance to locate.

As a seasoned collector of rare and fascinating finds, I can confidently say that no adventurer should pass up the opportunity to explore the Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes biomes for their hidden fossils. Over the years, these areas have proven to be treasure troves of prehistoric remains, each one a piece of history that adds depth and intrigue to my extensive collection.

All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

In the biomes of Nomad Highlands and Kindlewastes, a total of 7 fossils are hidden. Our guide will help pinpoint their precise locations on your map for easy discovery. Let’s dive right in and uncover these fascinating finds!

  • Fossil 1 – Sharp Shark Tooth
  • Fossil 2 – Dull Shark Tooth
  • Fossil 3 – Larger Sea Lily Fossil
  • Fossil 4 – Smaller Sea Lily Fossil
  • Fossil 5 – Prawn Fossil
  • Fossil 6 – Fish Fossil
  • Fossil 7 – Crab Fossil

Fossil 1 – Sharp Shark Tooth

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

For the Sharp Shark Tooth, you will need to make your way to Smothering Pit.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As a keen gamer, here I am, standing at the designated spot. My eyes scan the area, seeking the hidden entrance. Lo and behold! I spot a mysterious cave, illuminated by a flickering torch nestled within its depths. The cave in the image above seems to be my target, so off I go, venturing into the unknown, guided only by the light of that torch.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Delve into the cavern that lies before you, and you’ll eventually stumble upon a vein of tin. Hidden within this lode is the coveted Sharp Shark Tooth, so be prepared to chisel your way to uncovering it!

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Utilize your pickaxe to excavate the Tin Deposit. After some strikes on it, you’ll be able to gather the fossilized Shark Tooth.

Fossil 2 – Dull Shark Tooth

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To locate the upcoming fossil, follow the map’s indicated waypoint. It lies to the south of the area known as the Cradle of Dusk.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

When you get to the marked location, use the staircase there to make your way down.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Once you are down, mine your way through the rublle infront of you to get to the Dull Shark Tooth.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

With most of the rubble gone, you can easily collect the Dull Shark Tooth.

Fossil 3 – Larger Sea Lily Fossil

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To get the Larger Sea Lily Fossil, you will need to make your way to the Mining Rift location.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

At the Mining Rift location, search for a wall equipped with a metallic barrier. This is the wall you should scale. The picture provided indicates the specific wall you’re looking for.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Following your ascent up the wall, you’ll come across a platform with a pile (deposit) in front. Our target fossil is hidden within that pile.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As a passionate admirer, I’d like to share a strategic tip: Upon reaching the platform, look for those explosive barrels near the deposit. With my trusty bow and arrow in hand, I always aim at these barrels when the situation calls for it. The ensuing explosion can help clear the way or, in this case, clear the deposit. Just remember to be precise with your shots!

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

After making the payment or clearing the deposit, you’ll be able to spot the Large Sea Lily Fossil directly in front of you, enabling you to gather the fossil.

Fossil 4 – Smaller Sea Lily Fossil

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Nearby the bigger Sea Lily Fossil, you’ll discover its smaller counterpart. To reach this spot, follow the designated marker in the provided image. You’ll find it situated slightly to the east of the Mining Rift area.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As a dedicated enthusiast, I’d like to share an exciting discovery: Upon reaching the designated spot, you’ll encounter a sturdy-looking wooden platform before you. To uncover the fossil, kindly ascend this structure and prepare for a thrilling adventure!

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

The Smaller Sea Lily Fossil is burried beneath the rocks right next to a tree.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As previously, employ your pickaxe to remove the stones and uncover the fossil that lies hidden underneath them.

Fossil 5 – Prawn Fossil

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To find the Prawn Fossil, head over to the recently introduced Ternion Mine in the game. It’s a fresh spot that was recently included as part of the latest game update.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

In the Ternion Mines, the fossil is situated atop rocks coated with sulfur. Fortunately, you won’t have to engage in any excavation here; the fossil will be easily noticeable once you stand directly in front of it.

Fossil 6 – Fish Fossil

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To get the Fish Fossil, you will need to go to the Sun Temple.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To enter the Sun Temple where the fossil lies, you’ll first have to solve a brief riddle by activating three switches positioned around the temple entrance. The initial switch is located on the left side of the temple door.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

The second switch is found on the right side of the temple door.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To reach the final switch, flip the second switch and then quickly move backward; you’ll discover that it is located above you.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Upon stepping into the temple, glance to your left, and you’ll notice a heap of debris there. The Fish Fossil is hidden within a chamber beyond this pile of rubble. With your trusty pickaxe, you can clear a path through it.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As I navigate through the clutter, I’ve got a hunch that something valuable lies hidden behind the debris – a rare Fish Fossil, no less! But watch out, because it seems there’s a foe lurking around too. It’d be wise to take care of this adversary first before diving for the treasure.

Fossil 7 – Crab Fossil

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

To get the Crab Fossil, you will need to make your way to the point marked on the map above.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

As a fervent enthusiast, upon reaching the designated spot, I’ll be navigating towards a pair of colossal doors that serve as an entrance to an intriguing labyrinth, more commonly known as a dungeon.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

Here, you’ll find several foes and a formidable boss battle ahead. If your aim is to swiftly acquire the Crab fossil and make a hasty exit, feel free to bypass these adversaries. After successfully moving past them, ascend the wall in front of you to secure the fossil.

Enshrouded – All Fossils in the Nomad Highlands & Kindlewastes Biomes

The Crab fossil can be found in the chest located at the end of this area.

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2024-08-03 11:06