Ethan Suplee is embracing his weight loss journey.
A 48-year-old individual, who’s been chronicling his physical change since 2020, revealed a useful trick that contributed to him shedding more than 200 pounds within the past ten years.
I’ve found that giving up refined carbs, sugars, and seed oils doesn’t automatically lead to a lean, muscular physique, contrary to what some might think,” I shared in my recent Instagram post featuring my impressive weight transformation. “It is indeed possible to achieve a lean, muscular body while still including these three items in your diet. And if you manage to sculpt that lean, muscular form, rest assured, you’ll be boosting your health as well.
As an ardent admirer and follower, I couldn’t help but be moved by the fitness journey shared by the star of “My Name Is Earl” just a few days ago. Just like me, he spoke about the struggle to overcome one’s own inactivity as a crucial factor in his weight loss maintenance. In a way that resonated deeply with my own experiences, he emphasized on how gradually overcoming that initial resistance led him to where he is now.
Similarly, echoing the inspiring post he shared earlier, Suplee celebrated his transformation by posting a side-by-side comparison of himself from the early 2000s and today. It was a powerful reminder for me, as it demonstrated the incredible potential for change and growth that lies within us all.
He penned, ‘If I don’t get started, I never will. Once I start, I can keep going.’ It’s undeniable that taking the first step is often the most challenging. However, I must admit that when things didn’t go smoothly after starting, I’d find reasons to quit.
Suplee continued, “it does get easier; it never gets easy. That’s life.”
Over the past few years, much of the actor’s weight loss journey has become widely known, but it actually began in 2002. That year, Suplee was almost a year into his relationship with Brandy Lewis, and he attributed their growing romance as the motivation that led him to prioritize his health and wellness aspirations.
In an interview on People (the TV Show!) back in June 2022, approximately one year following my weight loss revelation on Instagram, I shared something new and exciting – a growing curiosity about the future and embarking on various experiences. To illustrate, imagine me strolling through a museum for an entire day, or venturing out on a trip or hike; activities that were previously beyond my physical capabilities.
Approximately a year past, the former Titans player shared comparison photos of himself following his 250-lb weight loss on social media in 2023. “I am as conscious of change as I am of the sun’s daily cycle,” Suplee mused. “What influences our transformation? Is it destiny, our surroundings, or the biochemistry inside these human vessels guiding us through life?
Read more about what other stars have said about their weight loss journeys.
In November of 2024, the performer revealed that he had shed a total weight of 120 pounds. Just a month after that, he disclosed his upcoming objective: To grace the cover of Men’s Health magazine by March 2026.
Indeed, the talk show host appears more upright lately. She revealed to People magazine that her doctor diagnosed her as pre-diabetic, prompting her to lose weight. “I followed my doctor’s advice – I hadn’t been paying much attention to it for a couple of years,” she said. “And since a protein-rich diet suits me well, I manage to stick to it about 90% of the time.
She is a Texas girlie after all, “so I like meat—sorry, vegetarians in the world!”
The mother of River and Remington is relishing her fresh experience in New York City as well. She mentioned, “Strolling around the city is quite a workout.” Moreover, she has recently developed an interest in infrared saunas and just tried out a cold plunge, after being persuaded by everyone.
The weight loss drug of the moment is not part of her medical arsenal: She clarified on an episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show in May 2024, “My doctor has been after me for about two years now, but I said, ‘No, I’m wary of it. I have thyroid issues.’ It’s not Ozempic; it’s another unspecified medication that assists in the breakdown of sugar—something my body struggles to do effectively.
She shares some health recommendations! And she shares some health recommendations! Now that the well-known media personality is feeling fantastic, she’s offering her top suggestions. “It’s not just exercise,” she emphasized to Entertainment Tonight, “it’s a combination of treadmill workouts, hikes, drinking plenty of water, and eating nutritious foods.
Oprah Winfrey hasn’t disclosed the specific weight loss medication she’s taking, but in an interview with People magazine last December, she expressed, “Discovering a medically approved prescription for weight management and overall health improvement feels like a blessing, like a sense of relief, redemption, and a gift, not something to conceal anymore and face ridicule again.” She further added, “I am completely tired of the shame from others and especially myself.
In a July 2023 Instagram post, the HGTV personality shared his personal experience of transforming his life over a two-year period, as tangible evidence that such changes are indeed possible.
Occasionally you may believe you’re on the correct path, but what might truly propel your progress is a change in direction. This was the sentiment expressed by [the individual], who admitted that despite occasional hot yoga sessions with wife Heather Rae El Moussa, he lacked a structured routine, failed to monitor his protein consumption, and didn’t receive any guidance in his previous lifestyle.
Introduce: Nutritionist Sean Torbati. He shared, “I’m making the right food choices and practicing hot yoga 1-2 times a week, which significantly contributes to my overall wellbeing, mental and physical.” He further added, “It’s all about maintaining motivation and persistence.
When he understood deeply how much he yearned for well-being and health – not just for himself but also for his family, including his wife and children, and for his long life – that was the moment he dug in and started working diligently!
In simpler terms, the co-host of the View program disclosed that she had been using Mounjaro, a drug for type 2 diabetes management, to help her lose weight after putting on some extra pounds in 2021.
She mentioned during the March 19 episode of the talk show that she weighed nearly 300 pounds while filming “Till“. At that time, she was using various steroids and other substances. One of the factors contributing to her weight loss since then has been Mounjaro, which she now uses.
The reality TV personality confidently asserts that her stunning beauty shines whether or not you offer compliments, and she kindly thanks you for your appreciation. In response to rumors about a significant physical transformation, the star of “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” made it clear in a post on Instagram last February that she has not undergone any medical procedures to lose weight.
She mentioned that she had lost 100 pounds from her previous weight of 385 pounds, with 50 of those pounds coming after the passing of her mother, Barbara “Babs” Thore in December 2022. Now, she weighs approximately 285 pounds and has maintained this weight for nearly a year.
Essentially, she added, “I appreciate your kind words, but I prefer not to focus excessively on my physique, and I dislike when others do the same.
Regardless of whether she’s in Cleveland, Los Angeles, or any other city, it’s well-known that the actress is attractive. In a February Instagram post, she offered a unique perspective on self-image.
The Food Network host posted a 2014 bikini picture with the caption: “I’m a 150lb woman standing at 5’4”. I no longer weigh myself, as this weight is considered overweight according to certain standards that I now think are senseless. For too long, I accepted these standards.
Free from the constraints of dieting, she declared, “I’ve come to truly understand that I am a compassionate, humorous, thoughtful individual.” She emphasized, “Never let your self-worth be defined by your weight or size. Remember, you are enough – exactly as you are.
As for anyone that might not agree, she summed up, “F–k ‘em.”
After shedding approximately 55 pounds, the musician feels as if he’s living like a rockstar. In an Instagram post from April 2023, he admitted that many people have inquired about his weight loss and stage performance. He added, “I’m really enjoying my performances and have never felt healthier.
According to him, his motivation became the daughter he welcomed in 2022: “I suppose fatherhood took over, and I made a decision to quit soda and eat healthier so I can stick around for a while longer for this little one. As for smoking and drinking, I’m working on giving those up, but I like to think of myself as a patient man.
Indeed, she did experience the urge to regain her pre-pregnancy figure after giving birth to son Sidney in November 2022. As she shared with TopMob News, she became determined to shed the 85 pounds she gained during her postpartum phase. This mission consumed her because she wished to avoid discussions about her weight and instead desired privacy.
She isn’t advocating for her extremely rigorous method. Instead, she described it as demanding and unpleasant, stating that she was often famished during the process, yet she is content with the outcomes.
The former star of “Roseanne” has experienced a mix of ups and downs during his health odyssey. In his own words from 2017, “I used to take three months off, shed 60 to 70 pounds, then treat myself with a six-pack or something similar before returning to my old ways.” However, this time around, he wanted a more gradual approach: “I’m getting close to an age where I can no longer afford to be inactive. Exercise and movement are the keys for me now.
His sensible lifestyle – which includes frequent walks and a diet rich in fish, vegetables, and nuts from the Mediterranean region – has allowed him to keep off 200 pounds of weight loss. As he shared with Men’s Health, “It’s a process of healing,” he acknowledged. “But it’s an enjoyable journey.
Following a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, and tragically losing his father and brother due to heart attacks, the host of “The Price Is Right” made a conscious effort to adjust his diet towards healthier options.
He shared with Entertainment Tonight his successful strategy, which heavily relied on avoiding carbohydrates and performing a lot of daily cardio exercises. He admitted to the occasional slip-up but emphasized that his diet is primarily low in carbs, to the point where he avoids even small amounts like crackers or bread products. This includes abstaining from favorites such as pizza, along with corn, beans, and all types of starches. His morning meal consists mainly of egg whites or Greek yogurt, accompanied by some fruit.
And to wash it all down, “I don’t drink anything but water,” he said. “No coffee, no tea, no soda.”
The star of 1000-lb Sisters has experienced substantial advancements after experiencing a significant setback. After losing an impressive 440 pounds, she’s achieved a string of achievements, showcased on her TLC program: Taking to the skies for the first time, securing the safety of a plane seatbelt, riding shotgun in a car, venturing aloft in a hot air balloon, and enjoying thrilling rides at Disney World.
In Slaton’s explanation on TikTok in February, he pointed out that some individuals underestimate minor things, such as easily fastening a seatbelt without needing an extender. However, it’s significant for him personally, as he hadn’t been able to perform these tasks in years before.
The reality star went on to say, “In essence, I’m praising myself for accomplishing something significant – shedding excess weight and truly experiencing life. Now, I can confidently claim that I am really living.
Lift your glasses in salute to this wholesome tip from the former Vanderpump Rules star. As a representative of Jenny Craig, she aspires to notice improvements since resuming the diet plan, but she added to TopMob News in February, “I’m not only aiming for weight loss, but also striving to be the best version of myself for my son.” While she admitted that she would welcome some weight reduction, her main priority is setting a healthy example for her and Jax Taylor’s son, Cruz.
As an ardent enthusiast, let me express my conviction: It’s crucial for him to witness a balanced regimen. For me, physical fitness isn’t merely about physique, it’s a vital aspect of my mental wellbeing. I firmly believe that embarking on a wholesome health journey is not just significant but essential for me personally.
I’ve reaped the rewards of my consistent efforts towards building physical strength, as a devoted musician who has poured myself into rigorous training regimens.
As I reflect on my personal growth, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the journey I’ve embarked upon. In 2023, I shared with People magazine that fitness has now become an integral part of my daily routine. It’s not just about pushing my body to its limits; it’s about embracing a lifestyle where health and wellness are top priorities. Consistency and dedication have been the keys to my success in maintaining this commitment to regular exercise and self-care.
With all the effort she’s been exerting, she mentioned that she might need to introduce a Fitness Program, perhaps named “Hottie Bootcamp”, in the near future. In one of her videos, she exclaimed, “This workout is intense!” While struggling through a set, she added, “But I can see those toned legs coming together.
When the world went into lockdown in March 2020, only a few months after the former star of Pretty Little Liars welcomed her first child, Atlas, she confided to TopMob News that she had never felt less motivated. With everything coming to a standstill, she admitted that she just thought, “Well, why not?” or in simpler terms, “Eff it.
Instead of sticking to workout routines and her long-held belief in moderation, she abandoned both due to the chaotic eating habits of 2020, which consisted mainly of unhealthy foods. The consequences of this lifestyle shift left her feeling less than satisfied with her physical wellbeing.
She was enthusiastic yet cautious about joining Openfit’s 4 Weeks of Focus program, led by trainer Kelsey Heenan.
For the past four weeks, she started her days with lemon-infused warm water and a half-hour workout (which combined HIIT, cardio, and strength training) and reaffirmed her decision to opt for healthier food choices (even if it meant adding spinach to her pizza). Now, she’s a believer. “Let me tell you,” she confessed, “I was like ‘Wow…’ I mean, I’ve always been active, but I’ve never lifted weights heavier than 40 or 50 pounds.
Despite breaking into a sweat during workouts, it’s not the minor details that matter for the fitness influencer. Known as Fat Girl Fed Up online, this social media personality shared in a December Instagram post that she fell slightly short of her target weight of less than 200 pounds. However, she chose to celebrate nonetheless.
She acknowledged that every bit of advancement counts, even if it seems minimal, adding that she’s put in a tremendous effort this week. However, she understands that she didn’t pile on all the extra weight in one day, so she won’t be able to shed it instantly either. In short, she encouraged herself to persist, no matter the circumstances.
She confidently declared, “I am journeying towards my destination, a place I call ‘wonderland.’ It may be just around the corner or further down the road, but rest assured, we will arrive sooner rather than later. Persevere, have faith in your abilities, and remember it’s not about perfection, but progress.
In pursuit of building up strength for a challenging gymnastics regimen, the star from Queer Eye executed their health transformation flawlessly, much like a perfect dismount in gymnastics.
In a TikTok video posted in August 2022, they revealed that they started working with a nutritionist in April. As a result, they have managed to shed 35 pounds. They explained that the reason for this transformation was to alter their body size due to their gymnastics and career requirements.
However, they advised not to expect mastering that metaphorical aerial trick on your first attempt. The author of Love That Story, in fact, confessed it took them three full weeks before they noticed any improvement. Therefore, if you’re aiming for change, prepare yourself for at least three weeks of consistent effort with diet and exercise adjustments before you start seeing results.
As I approach my 30th birthday in 2022, I decided to embark on a fresh fitness journey by diving headfirst into a rigorous training program.
As a child, I always wore a shirt while swimming. In my late twenties, I decided it was time for a change and wanted to transform my body into a muscular one, which I referred to as becoming a ‘meat head’. The actor, married to model Barbara Palvin, made this statement in an Instagram post from April, accompanied by the caption “This is my meat head post.
In his words, he found both weight lifting and kettlebell exercises challenging, stating, “It was quite a tough journey, but I’m satisfied with the advancements I’ve achieved and I’m not stopping here.
Occasionally, you’re nailing every high note, while other times, you’re acknowledging that life isn’t always perfect pitch. This was evident when the actress, in a candid Instagram post from January 2024, admitted she had gained back 30 pounds, having reached her target weight of 75 kilograms in 2020.
Due to conflicting filming obligations that have been interfering with her intense boxing and hiking exercises, Wilson admitted, “I’ve found it challenging to maintain my health-conscious lifestyle.” Previously, she had discussed the effort she invested in overcoming emotional eating and replacing a high-carb diet with more protein.
The additional strain resulting in extra weight, “I don’t like how it affects my self-image,” Wilson confessed, “yet it seems to do so.
Opting for a break from my preferred brews? Agreed. Dedicating three to four hours daily to relentless, intense exercise regimens, as detailed in my interviews with Men’s Journal (kickboxing, P90X, running), that’s a commitment I’m ready to make.
However, the most challenging aspect of Pratt’s 60-pound transformation from Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation to the Guardians of the Galaxy superhero proved to be the immense amount of water he had to consume – an ounce for every pound he weighed daily.
“I was peeing all day long, every day,” he explained. “That part was a nightmare,”
Despite being somewhat associated with the Baldwin family, as Cher Horowitz might remark, the former Clueless star recognized why fans were taken aback when they learned he would be donning the Ant-Man suit as Marvel’s newest superhero.
When I got the role in this film, it seemed many folks reacted with surprise and skepticism: “Paul Rudd as a superhero? Truly?” As he told Variety back in 2015.
In his own words, the venerable actor adopted the Chris Pratt method of preparing for an action role: sacrificing enjoyment for a whole year to ultimately embody a heroic character.
After having her older children, the author of Just Eat opted for her reliable South Beach diet to regain her familiar self. She shared with TopMob News that she noticed immediate improvements with this high-protein approach, stating, “I jumped on board, exercised regularly, and it was like a light bulb went off – ‘Ah, this is right.’
Instead of focusing on every moment during the postpartum period, Decker advises new mothers not to worry about losing weight. “After giving birth,” she emphasized, “please don’t think about trying to lose weight. Nourish your baby instead. Show affection to your baby. Your body is still healing after childbirth. You will recognize when your body has healed. Don’t let your mind tell you to ‘lose weight, lose weight.’ When you feel physically ready, like ‘I feel energetic enough and can move around,’ that’s the time.
The six-pack is a result of the former Modern Family star’s 90-minute workout routine and improved diet, which includes consuming plenty of lean protein, vegetables, and avoiding unhealthy options such as soda, as he detailed to People.
What truly motivates him is checking off items on an ambitious list of personal aspirations, particularly those related to outdoor activities. He elaborated, “Many of my non-acting objectives revolve around nature—I’m determined to scale impressive rock formations in Yosemite, so I’m working towards getting physically fit for that.” Furthermore, he expressed a strong desire to complete the Pacific Crest Trail, which stretches along the coast of North America from Mexico to Canada and back.
After the birth of daughter Kingsley in September 2022, the former Twilight star acknowledged a challenging realization: “I don’t believe my body will ever fully return to its previous state,” she expressed in a January 2023 Instagram post. “I’m learning to accept and embrace this change.
If she encounters difficulty, she’s learned a crucial tactic that’s just as vital as the exercise regimen she re-dedicated herself to after giving birth.
She shared with TopMob News that she goes to collect her precious daughter. Regarding her approach, she said, “Looking into Kingsley’s eyes makes one more appreciative instead of critical.” In her own words, this is a strategy she employs because it’s challenging not to be self-critical, no matter what we do.
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2025-01-28 20:54