Title 3 of Fuga: Melodies of Steel has been formally unveiled for both PS5 and PS4, marking another installment in CyberConnect2’s series of grimly dark tactical RPGs. To commemorate the announcement, we have a rather thrilling trailer to share. The motley band (primarily cat-folk) led by the enigmatic and powerful tank, Taranis, will once more face off against the hostile Berman Empire (canine-folk), starting from May 29th, 2025.
This game boasts an improved battle system and more immersive interludes between story and combat segments. If you’ve been following the series, you’ll be pleased with its conclusion. While we didn’t quite make it to the last game, the original was unique: it featured child soldiers compelled into a seemingly unwinnable war, piloting tanks that could be upgraded at the expense of a life. You had to decide who and when to sacrifice, and the outcome varied based on your choices. Maybe someday we’ll catch up!
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2025-01-23 11:36