Futurama Season 12 Episode 2 Recap With Spoilers

Futurama Season 12 Episode 2 Recap With Spoilers

As a seasoned observer of human nature with a keen eye for the absurd, I can’t help but be captivated by this intricate tale of Fry’s ill-fated birthday party games. It seems to me that life has a peculiar knack for repeating itself, doesn’t it?

As a long-time fan of Futurama, I’m beyond excited that the show is back for Season 12 on Hulu! Growing up, I remember eagerly awaiting each new episode and laughing until my sides hurt at the witty humor and clever writing. The characters have always been a highlight for me, with Bender being one of my favorites, so it’s great to see the show exploring different aspects of their personalities in this new season. It feels like coming home to see Futurama back on TV, and I can’t wait to see what surprises they have in store for us fans.

In the opening episode of Season 12, we witness an unexpected facet of Bender in Futurama. The latest installment, however, flips things around to explore more about the supporting characters. A grand gathering takes place to celebrate Fry’s birthday, but the festivities take a startling twist when they discover themselves participating in dangerous variations of childhood party games that Fry used to play, as depicted in “Quid’s Game,” the second episode of Futurama Season 12.

Futurama Season 12 Episode 2 Recap With Spoilers

Futurama Season 12 Episode 2 Recap With Spoilers

  • It’s Fry’s birthday and all he wants is some peace and quiet alone for a few hours to celebrate. It’s here that the Planet Express crew throws a surprise birthday party for him, and have invited “less than 40” others to celebrate who range in notability from common guest stars like Leela’s parents, Zapp Branigan, to Bubblegum Tate, Elzar, and more. But this only makes Fry sad to the point where he wants to cry, but the others ignore this and start partying instead.
  • They’re soon pulled into a giant planet by its gravitational pull and crash land. Fry’s the first one out, and with a drop of spit hitting the ground the planet takes a new shape. The only thing is a remade copy of Fry’s childhood home completely recreated to match his eighth birthday party (a memory Fry confesses he was just trying to repress). A flashback sees a young Fry anxiously tells his dad that he’s worried for the party because he never wins any games, and the other kids arrive (including Josh Gedgie, who’s revealed to be Fry’s friend here instead of as a rival seen during their high school days).
  • Back in the present, three aliens in masks appear and reveal that they’ve recreated everything with the power of their special machine. It scans visitors’ brains pasts for conflicts and molds things in their image, and will be using Fry’s memories to play some games starting with Barrel of Primates. In a flashback, Fry and the other kids start this game. In the present, everyone is separated into two giant barrels and begin playing the game as the monkeys hanging from a bar, chaining their arms together. It’s then revealed to be a game to the death.
  • Back in the flashback, Fry wins the Barrel of Primates game over Gedgie and it’s clear this is bothering him a little. Back in the present, the three aliens start betting Quids on how this game will go and it’s not long before the other group falls in an alkaline liquid and dissolves, killing them instantly. It’s time to move onto the next game, a birthday cake with candles made to look like each of the survivors. Fry has to blow them all out in a single breath, but any candle still lit will kill off the person the candle represents.
  • Fry is able to blow out all the candles at his eighth birthday party in a flashback, but in the present Zoidberg’s candle was left lit. So he burns to ash immediately. The next game musical chairs, and a flashback sees Fry winning while the present reveals they’ve been walking around a circle of chairs for six hours before it stops and everyone fights to get on a chair. This game leaves four without a chair (with characters like Zapp Branigan included) and they’re eaten by a weasel out of a jack in the box (that had been winding for musical chairs earlier).
  • The next is a pinata, and a flashback sees Fry breaking it open after Gedgie fails. But Fry is able to break it open and says it’s the first time he’s ever done so. In the present, the Pinata game is about to begin but a few characters are killed in the set up for it like Amy’s parents. Professor Farnsworth and Barbados Slim are killed in the game, and this leaves a final eight of Fry, Leela, Bender, Hermes, LaBarbara, Amy, Kif, and Hattie. Kif is killed when he asks a question.
  • The penultimate game is finding baseballs hidden throughout the house, which Fry reveals his mother hid as a kid. There are four of them hidden for the survivors to find. In a flashback, the kids are searching for the final ball and Gedgie looks in the fridge but it’s empty. When Fry checks for himself, he finds the baseball somehow in the spot that Gedgie couldn’t. So Gedgie accuses Fry of cheating, and the other kids start to believe him.
  • In the present, Leela is begging Fry to tell her where the baseballs are but he doesn’t want to cheat. As Leela panics, she begs Fry to cheat and Fry still refuses because that’s something he’ll never do. But when she cries, he decides to cheat for the first time in his life and gives her the baseball from the fridge. It’s the last one found with Leela, Amy, Hermes and LaBarbara holding them. But they don’t win, in fact they all are instantly turned to dust because it was a twist that the winners are the ones that didn’t find the baseballs.
  • This leaves Fry, Bender, and Hattie as the final three for the final game, pin the tail on the donkey. It’s a giant robotic donkey, and the three of him need to pin a tail on its rear, where all the donkey’s vital organs are, to take it down. Bender says it’s the same case for him. In the past, Fry wins pin the tail on the donkey and the rest of the kids call him a cheater despite the fact he clearly tried to lose. The kids are all mad and thus leave his party before it ends. Fry’s been carrying this pain, and thus wants to play this final game without his eyes to prove he’s not a cheater.
  • The aliens decide to take all three of the players’ eyes away anyway, and the game begins. Hattie is eaten immediately, and Fry accidentally pins the tail on Bender. This kills him because it’s his weak spot, and he dies while calling Fry a cheater too. The three aliens declare Fry the winner, but he starts to cry over Bender. Hattie emerges from the donkey’s mouth to stab and kill Fry. This ends the game for real with Hattie being the final victor.
  • With the game ended, the aliens bring all of the characters back to life as it’s something their machine can also do. The planet reverts back to its original state, and Leela and the others believe he’s not a cheater because Hattie took him out with ease. Back in the past, a new flashback sees Fry’s parents setting up for the party. His dad worries that a games party isn’t the best idea because Fry never wins, but his mom wants him to just once have a day where he feels like a winner.
  • A montage then shows his parents rigging the games in Fry’s favor. They put honey in his Barrel of Primates to make them stick to each other easier, his mom helped him to blow out all of his birthday candles, she watching with a mirror during musical chairs to make sure Fry won, she secretly hit the pinata with a hammer when Fry hit it to break it, she threw the baseball into the fridge right when Fry was going for it, and moved the carpet to make Fry perfectly pin the tail on the donkey. As Fry sadly looks out the window to his former friends who now think he’s a cheater, his mom is happy that she gave him the perfect birthday.

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2024-08-05 07:09