Georgia Tennant joined by Staged co-star Anna Lundberg in Doctor Who story

Georgia Tennant joined by Staged co-star Anna Lundberg in Doctor Who story

As a long-time Whovian who’s spent countless hours traversing the vast expanse of time and space with our beloved Time Lord, I must say that the latest news from Big Finish has me positively giddy with excitement! Georgia Tennant returning as the Doctor’s daughter, Jenny, is a delight in itself. But when they announced that Anna Lundberg, her Staged co-star and Michael Sheen’s partner, will be joining the fray as the villainous Jexabel Glyce, well, my heart skipped a beat!

Prior to Georgia Tennant’s comeback in Doctor Who, it’s been revealed that the Big Finish audio drama “Jenny – The Doctor’s Daughter: Saving Time” will also feature a well-known character alongside her.

In the upcoming series, Tennant’s character’s daughter, Jenny, will be played once more by Tennant. Accompanying her is her Staged co-star and longtime partner of Michael Sheen, Anna Lundberg.

In the upcoming production, character Lundberg takes on the role of the wealthy and malicious cosmic figure, Jexabel Glyce. With a sinister plan to reshape Earth according to her desires, this richest woman in the universe is set to wreak havoc.

Lundberg stated: “Collaborating with Georgia is delightful – in our previous work on Staged, we portrayed versions of ourselves. However, in this project, we’re given the opportunity to embody these extremely dramatic characters and become adversaries!”

Jexabel is an enigmatic, powerful entity of the cosmos, known for her unpredictable moods, and she is the wealthiest being in existence. She’s currently working towards establishing a superior form of civilization, disregarding any potential casualties along the way. Her actions can be described as relentless.

Georgia Tennant joined by Staged co-star Anna Lundberg in Doctor Who story

Simultaneously, Tennant expressed: “It’s thrilling to collaborate with Anna once more, this time as a villain opposite my hero. Plus, it’s comforting to work with someone I’m familiar with, who is not truly like that in reality – she’s far kinder in real life, mostly.”

Additionally, in the mix for the audio drama are Sean Biggerstaff, a familiar face reprising his role as Noah, a character he’s played in past Jenny audio productions, and Stuart Milligan, who once again takes on the part of the cunning alien trickster, Garundel.

In my latest review, I’m excited to share that we’ll see the return of Dorium Maldovar, a captivating character portrayed by Simon Fisher-Becker, in an upcoming episode reminiscent of Season 5’s ‘The Pandorica Opens’. Prepare yourself for another intriguing appearance from this enigmatic figure!

The summaries for the next four Jenny adventures in “Saving Time” have been revealed! The initial story is titled “Florence O’Connor and the Perilous Sandwich.”

“Jenny managed to escape from the pursuit of the cybernetic bounty hunter COLT-5000, who used to be known as Geraldine.”

Jenny’s current predicament is that her former best friend, Noah, who is now a cyborg COLT-5000, is pursuing her. Time seems jumbled. The solution lies in a single approach, which strangely enough, involves cheese and pickles.

Title for the upcoming publication: “Rochana Patel’s Comprehensive Handbook on Monsters: Catch Them If You Can”

In the summary for the story: “Jenny and Noah time-travel out of the 20th century and find themselves in a besieged medieval monastery, under attack by monsters straight from the pages of the Bestiary that the monks are writing. They’re up against mythical creatures like griffins, manticores, and unicorns! How can they possibly overcome legends and folklore? As the danger escalates, Jenny must quickly learn…”

In my own words, I’d say: “I found myself drawn into another devious scheme orchestrated by Dorium Maldovar, as indicated in the summary of the third story penned by Adrian Poynton, titled ‘Genesis of the Humans.’ This time, Jenny and Noah are the unwitting participants, working alongside Maldovar’s partner in crime, the cunning trickster Garundel.”

On this occasion, Jenny and Noah find themselves exploring a genetically valuable site. It’s called Theo, and it possesses the secret that could shape both our future and our past as a human race.

In the concluding tale penned by Lizzie Hopley titled “Reboot,” our characters, Jenny and Noah, will ultimately encounter their latest adversary, Jexabel Glyce.

As a child growing up in a world where technology had become intertwined with everyday life, I always wondered what it would be like to live without the constant buzz of screens and artificial intelligence. However, little did I know that my curiosity would lead me down a path I never could have imagined.

Jenny, the doctor’s daughter, has an upcoming release titled “Saving Time” set for October. You can secure your copy by pre-ordering it right away!

The beloved character Doctor Who is coming back on both BBC iPlayer and BBC One this coming Saturday, the 11th of May. If you’re eager to catch up or revisit previous adventures, you can find them all streaming now on BBC iPlayer.

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2024-08-22 12:34