In an alternate universe where surreal terror reigns, the game series Phantom Line unfolds amidst a supernatural catastrophe so severe that the threat of nuclear war becomes almost trivial. Compared to the chaos and horror that stalk this landscape, a nuclear apocalypse would be as mundane as a picnic by the roadside. This twisted battleground combines elements reminiscent of David Lynch and Andrei Tarkovsky’s works. When you find yourself at the mercy of some grotesque marionette in a labyrinth of crimson drapes, you might long for the cold embrace of nuclear fallout.
Should you encounter an attack from a menacing puppet demon, here’s some comforting information: Players have multiple artificial bodies to select from in this game. One of its key aspects is the HUSK system, allowing you to instantly swap among your squad members even during battle. However, it’s important to note that this feature only works when a body isn’t currently being used by one of your teammates in co-op play. If this concept appeals to you, I’m delighted to inform you that there’s a demo accessible through the developer’s Discord channel now.
Phantom Line – New Playtest Available NOW
Land on Jantar Island alongside 1 to 4 comrades in a cooperative setting, as suggested in the Steam post. Explore, strategize, and adapt your strategies to an open world filled with changing circumstances. Equip yourself with fresh firearms, weapon upgrades, and night vision gear to face any perils that may arise. Uncover hidden gems as you trek towards the Black Forest Research Facility, battling the mysteries once confined within.”
This version maintains the original’s meaning while using more natural, conversational language and simplifying some of the phrasing to make it easier to understand.
In a single-player mode, you can instruct the non-player characters (NPCs) to assume various roles such as decoys or scouts – tasks that your human companions might find beneath them or be unable to perform effectively. Meanwhile, the AI opponents are divided into ordinary soldiers who serve as diversions, animals which you’re encouraged to kill and consume, and extradimensional invaders whom you can choose to either eliminate or even transform into.
The email states: “Mankind is engaged in a struggle – to combat the unusual terror, you must transform into one yourself.” This transformation is achieved by enhancing your physical form with “unusual substances”. Of course, there are no negative consequences involved. The press release concludes: “Go die once more,” offering comforting words.
During breaks from combat, you have the luxury of spending time in a nuclear submarine, where you can personalize your robotic form and deck out your quarters with the latest weaponry acquisitions. Here’s hoping there’s a friendly stove for cooking and a comfortable seat to rest on, as your units could use a break every now and then.
This game shares a resemblance with Hunt: Showdown rather than S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but instead of exploring boss lairs filled with decaying hay, you’re venturing into chilling scenes from a sci-fi horror game. In essence, it evokes the eerie backrooms of The Evil Within 2. There doesn’t seem to be a Player versus Player (PvP) aspect, so you don’t have to concern yourself with other teams blocking your escape routes. You can learn more about it on Steam.
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2025-01-29 20:56