How a decentralized AI movement is shaping a fairer future

As a researcher with a background in artificial intelligence and a strong belief in the importance of decentralization, I’m excited to see two companies, Morpheus Network and 6079, taking the lead in shifting the direction of AI towards more equitable and democratic models. The current dominance of Big Tech companies in the AI space is concerning as it could result in a small elite controlling this powerful technology.

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), a select number of major tech corporations are fiercely competing for the largest market shares, potentially resulting in a small group controlling and having exclusive access to this groundbreaking technology that holds significant global influence.

Two companies aim to change the course of artificial intelligence (AI) development by adopting Web3 technologies for decentralization.

The Morpheus Network, which is responsible for creating open-source decentralized AI smart agents through an network, made their grand debut on May 8. They brought with them a substantial total value locked (TVL) of over $350 million. Additionally, they formed a partnership with 6079, a rising figure in the independent AI community.

More than 200 open-source developers collaborated on the creation of Morpheus, which has amassed over 5,000 users who have staked Ether (ETH) in its capital contract.

Based on the project’s plans, its model intends to promote a fairer financing scenario for initiatives in the decentralized artificial intelligence sector.

As a crypto investor, I’m excited about Morpheus’s recent launch, but what really caught my attention was 6079’s announcement of their proof-of-inference protocol (PoIP) standard. This innovation is aimed at making AI services accessible to all and promoting trustless AI operations. Already, the project has generated millions of impressions and over 50,000 sign-ups for their “Free Think” initiative. I believe this could be a game-changer in the crypto world.

David Johnston, a contributor at Morpheus, expressed his excitement for the fair rollout of PoIP (Proof of Importance), which was collectively created by the community.

“Proof of Inference has a crucial part to play in the development of private, permissionless AI.”

6079 announces that its Proof of Intelligence Protocol (PoIP) is expected to be rolled out this year. This technology serves as a crucial intermediary between GPU networks and advanced AI applications like large-language model chatbots, functioning in a manner akin to CAPTCHA systems for websites, ensuring verification and maintaining security.

As a analyst, I would highlight that Mike Anderson, the primary content provider for the platform, underscores the importance of distributing control in the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). He issues a warning against the concentration of power within just a few influential entities in this field.

Anderson informed CryptoMoon that this signifies a significant turning point in the development of a decentralized AI protocol, owned and operated by the community.

This collaboration is not just about technology; it’s about transforming the ethos of AI development into a permissionless, transparent, and participatory process. Our goal is to ignite a global movement where every individual has the power to contribute, innovate, and influence the future of AI.

Jesse Bryan, his collaborator, underscored the significance of making artificial intelligence technology accessible to all, advocating for a more balanced and inclusive digital future.

“The choices we make today will shape the world of tomorrow. With the 6079 movement, we are not just advocating for change; we are driving it.”

In the perspective of document 6079, this signifies a future for artificial intelligence that values the worth and autonomy of each person, protects the freedom to explore knowledge and concepts, and constructs an environment in which human intellect can thrive unimpeded.

In the realm of Web3 technology, the importance of decentralized AI is increasingly being recognized by developers. Decentralization holds the promise of creating more impartial AI algorithms, which is a significant advancement in this field.

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2024-05-08 21:18