How Alex Cooper Knew Husband Matt Was The One Amid Health Struggles

How Alex Cooper Knew Husband Matt Was The One Amid Health Struggles

As an ardent fan, I can’t help but admire Alex Cooper‘s courage and resilience. Her journey, from sharing her HPV diagnosis with her then-boyfriend Matt Kaplan to their beautiful beachside wedding, is a testament to the power of love, understanding, and open communication.

When you know, you know.

For Alex Cooper, the pivotal moment arrived when she observed her future husband, Matt Kaplan, responding to her disclosure that she had contracted HPV from a past sexual experience, which happened four years prior.

In the episode aired on August 21 of her podcast “Call Her Daddy”, she stated that at that particular stage, Matt and I were developing a serious relationship and we were dating. For the first time, it was disappointing because I could truly see a future with a man. I believe I was afraid to express one of my greatest concerns, which was the potential that this past error of mine might influence my ability to have children. Matt was the initial person I had dated who made me realize I even desired to become a parent.

However, following her physician’s advice for undergoing a LEEP procedure (a treatment aimed at eliminating abnormal cells from the cervix), she chose to disclose this to Matt, whom she had previously kept the details secret from since her diagnosis.

“I just had to lay it all out on the table, you know? So I spilled my guts to him and he responded with nothing but love, understanding, and backing. Couldn’t ask for a better response!”

Later on, the 30-year-old shared how Matt stood by her during every step of the process. He drove her to get the LEEP procedure done and waited for her in the waiting room throughout. Fortunately, after six months, Alex discovered that the treatment had been successful, and she was now free from HPV.

How Alex Cooper Knew Husband Matt Was The One Amid Health Struggles

Alex recalled, “I’d had discussions with Matt similar to, ‘Might I still possess it?’ He responded in a way that truly speaks to the qualities of an exceptional partner. He didn’t care one bit, instead offering unwavering support and love.”

She added, “Matt was incredibly affectionate and said, ‘I’ve already realized that you’re the one for me, I want to marry you someday. We’ll work through this together.’ Hearing this gave me immense comfort during the waiting period, knowing he didn’t view me negatively.”

In April, they definitely managed to plan their wedding flawlessly and exchanged vows at a beautiful seaside ceremony. She had shared with Vogue that the day turned out just as they had envisioned, being “exactly what we desired.”

In sharing her personal story and highlighting the relief she found by confiding in her friends and family, Alex wanted to convey a heartfelt message to anyone struggling with their own issues: Don’t hesitate to seek support from your loved ones when you need it most.

She started by saying, “I’d like everyone tuning into this podcast to understand this clearly: If you find yourself in a tough spot, I implore you, don’t face it on your own. Seek help when you need it.”

And there was one group in particular for whom Alex wanted to drive the message home.

How Alex Cooper Knew Husband Matt Was The One Amid Health Struggles

She continued by saying, “I’d like to address my fellow single ladies directly. Being single as a woman comes with an extraordinary sense of pride and independence, which I hope you will cultivate. You become incredibly self-reliant, and while this is something I admire about myself, it doesn’t make you any less strong to seek help when needed.”

In her words, “It can be tough to be gentle with ourselves, especially during challenging times when we might struggle to step back and view the whole scenario. However, extending more understanding towards ourselves is crucial.”

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2024-08-21 20:47