How Blockchain Is Changing Game Development

How Blockchain Is Changing Game Development

As a lifelong gamer with a keen interest in technology, I have to say that the marriage of blockchain and gaming is nothing short of revolutionary. Coming from a background where developers are often underappreciated and undercompensated, it’s heartening to see a shift towards a more equitable playground for creators.

How Blockchain Is Changing Game Development
Pasha Besharaty

In simpler terms, with the emergence of Web 3, everyday individuals now have the opportunity to actively contribute to the evolution of the Internet. Furthermore, the growth of blockchain technology has significantly boosted progress in various sectors.

As a passionate follower of technological advancements, I can’t help but marvel at the transformative impact blockchain is having on the gaming industry. This comprehensive guide delves into the ways blockchain is revolutionizing game development and highlights the advantages we gamers stand to gain from this fascinating intersection.

Gaming and Blockchain Rendezvous

As a gaming enthusiast, I can’t help but notice the widespread popularity of online gaming as an activity enjoyed by many. It’s not wrong to make money from offering services tailored to your audience, but it’s disheartening to see that the bulk of the profits often goes to those who contribute little to no original work, much like how bands and musicians struggle with this issue.

In the gaming sector, those responsible for creating and technology, primarily game developers, tend not to earn the highest wages compared to other roles within the industry. Instead, they usually receive average or typical salaries for their niche.

The arrival of blockchain technology is changing the paradigm, providing a more equal playground primarily for game developers and gamers. 

The Age of Decentralization

Storing gaming data as a chain of blocks on a ledger makes it more secure than keeping it on a cloud-based account within a gaming platform. The reason being, no one can manipulate that data because each block carries a unique timestamp, which links it to its creator. This unchangeable nature of the information is one of the key benefits of blockchain over some traditional gaming technologies, as it ensures data integrity and security.

In practice, this also means creating a leveled playground for players and developers worldwide. This is especially practical for online gamers and iGamers from countries with legal restrictions.  For instance, if you live in Japan, you can’t play local iGames because they’re prohibited. Nevertheless, it’s possible to join a blockchain platform for online poker accepting Japanese players or participate in any other crypto gambling activities, as these sites don’t have to follow the same rules as fiat ones. The same goes for the Brazilians (even though they’re about to loosen up their e-gambling law), the Polish people, the Cypriots, and citizens of other countries with restrictive online gambling legislation. Such options weren’t possible before the emergence and rise of blockchain and cryptocurrency. 

While it’s uncommon for individuals to comply with all the stringent requirements and regulations set by international organizations when establishing such a hub, the decentralized nature of blockchain and cryptocurrency now allows people to make their own choices. This includes purchasing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for in-game characters, experimenting with strategies in crypto casinos, investing in blockchain gaming platforms, or engaging in various activities using blockchain and cryptocurrencies, all without being bound by specific regulations.

Who Profits from Blockchain in Gaming?

Let’s discuss non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a significant digital asset in the blockchain universe, before we dive into the main beneficiaries of blockchain technology. Picture NFTs as electronic proofs that one person owns a specific digital item. For instance, in game development, an NFT could represent a unique character designed by a player or developer, providing ownership rights and protection. In essence, an NFT functions similarly to a real-world patent, serving as evidence of ownership for intellectual property. Once created, an NFT remains unchanged, demonstrating the immutability characteristic of blockchain technology.

Individuals capable of crafting and safeguarding a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) can exchange it for another or even begin trading NFTs. Thus, the initial group of earners in blockchain gaming are those who design characters and entire games themselves.

Through innovative technology, the method players engage with games has significantly evolved, giving birth to play-to-earn games and their significance within the metaverse. In these interactive modes, gamers can monetize the characters they create or prizes they win in a game. As the user base of blockchain continues to expand, this sector of the gaming industry appears promising.

A Few Concerns for Blockchain Gamers

Although blockchain technology offers numerous advantages for engaged gamers involved in game and character development, it also sparks some apprehensions as it progresses.

The lack of regulation, which is justifiably presented as one of the advantages of this technology, might also incur some problems. How decentralized every blockchain platform really is? Are players’ data and the developed NFTs completely safe? Even though there’s no umbrella organization that sets rules for cryptocurrencies and blockchain, such platforms need to comply with the relevant domestic data protection and cybersecurity laws. 

Ultimately, with the increasing number of blockchain gamers, the underlying technological aspects of these digital platforms must adapt quickly. Swift advancements in the online realm often result in errors that impact users. Therefore, it’s crucial for developers, cybersecurity experts, and players themselves to collaborate closely to navigate these challenges and create a user-friendly gaming environment for all.

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2024-08-15 22:00