How to Beat Guardian Ebony Odogaron In Monster Hunter Wilds

In the game titled “Monster Hunter Wilds“, you will encounter various Guardian Monsters that you must defeat to achieve all the accolades associated with this title. If your goal is to subdue Odogaron, be prepared for a challenging battle. This creature moves swiftly and possesses several lethal attacks that can prove fatal if caution isn’t exercised.

To triumph over the Monster Hunter Wilds opponent, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with Odogaron’s attacks, learn how to evade them, and discover what weakens it. You can gather all this knowledge and additional details in the following sections.

Guardian Ebony Odogaron Moveset

As a dedicated Monster Hunter World (MHW) enthusiast, I’m grateful that Odogaron has a relatively compact move set, but its swift, unforgiving strikes make it a challenging foe to defeat. Here’s an overview of the diverse moves this beast might unleash and how to dodge each one effectively:

1. Bite Attack: Dodge to the side when Odogaron lunges towards you with a powerful bite.
2. Tail Whip: Jump over or roll away from its tail whip, depending on where it’s coming from.
3. Claw Swipe: Dart to the side or jump back when Odogaron swipes at you with its claws.
4. Charge: Sprint away from Odogaron as it charges towards you, then dodge to avoid getting trampled.
5. Roar: Cover your ears and prepare for a counterattack after Odogaron roars; it’s usually followed by another attack.
6. Jumping Attack: Roll or jump over Odogaron when it jumps at you with its sharp claws extended.
7. Pouncing Attack: If Odogaron pounces, roll away immediately to avoid getting pinned down.
8. Knockback Attack: Dodge to the side or back when Odogaron rears back and charges up a knockback attack, then dodge again as it launches towards you.

Claw Attacks

  • According to Ebony Odogaron from The Guardian, it has two distinct claw attacks. In the first attack, it will swing at you with one paw, pulling back that paw before striking. To avoid this strike, it’s advisable to move to the side of the attacking paw. For the second attack, it uses both claws simultaneously. It stands on its hind legs and slams both claws into the ground, attacking first with one then the other. You can anticipate this move when it raises onto its back legs. To escape, you should perform a backward dodge roll.

Tail Swipe

  • When the beast leaps towards you, it’s called a tail swipe. It jumps, lands, and in an instant, whips its tail around in your direction with blinding speed. The impact of the tail on the ground will cause an explosion. This tail maneuver can either be a forward or horizontal swing. To avoid this move, you should dodge to the left or right of the monster.

Bite Slam

  • Keep a keen eye on the Guardian, as it prepares to unleash dragon-like attacks. Once it opens its mouth, it will accumulate dragon damage within before lunging forward and biting. Following this, it’ll slam its jaws shut and upward. To avoid getting hit by this maneuver, swiftly dodge left or right to ensure your safety. Be cautious not to get behind it, as it can discharge a powerful burst of Dragon energy from its tail in such cases.

Tail Spin

  • Whenever the Odogaron from Monster Hunter Worlds elevates its tail in such a manner, it subsequently spins around. If anyone is within melee range during this spin, they’ll get hit, but you can easily dodge this attack by simply backward rolling to evade the monster. This way, you’ll avoid sustaining any damage from this particular move.

Spit Attack

  • When Odogaron jumps towards you, it typically unleashes a large burst of Dragon attack toward you. This is usually preceded by a hop and its mouth emitting a smoky red glow. It proceeds to expel a cloud of red Dragon attack, splattering the ground around you in a small area of effect (AOE). After landing in this splatter, it’s advisable to move backward by rolling to avoid this move.

Guardian Ebony Odogaron Weaknesses and How to Fight

To make sure you can defeat Odogaron effortlessly, here’s what you should do to prepare: Gather these useful tips for taking down this beast and acquiring the valuable resources it drops in Monster Hunter Wilds.

  • This Guardian will inflict the status ailment Dragonblight, which will need to be treated with Nulberries, so make sure to bring some with you.
  • Use projectiles to destroy the tendrils that come up out of the ground to deal more damage to Odogaron.
  • If it passes out or falls down around piles of tree roots in the arena where you fight it, it can get pinned down by the roots, keeping it down longer. You can also break the ceiling of the arena to bring down rocks onto its head to deal damage.
  • Anything that inflicts the status ailment Paralysis on Odogaron will be hugely beneficial to being successful against this monster. Shock traps are also a great way to get it to hold still for a few seconds.
  • It will get the most damage if you hit it on the head with any Monster Hunter Wilds weapon type.
  • Any element but Dragon is a good choice for taking this monster down.

Guardian Ebony Odogaron Drops

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the creature named Odogaron may drop low-level or high-level materials once they have been unlocked. To craft Odogaron’s armor set, you’ll have to gather the appropriate materials by farming them. Here is a guide on how to obtain everything required from it.

Low-Rank Mats Item Drop Rates Hight-Rank Mats Item Drop Rates
Target Guardian Ebony Plate 3% Target Guardian Ebony Gem 3%
Guardian Ebony Odogaron Certificate 8% Guardian Ebony Plate 7%
Guardian Ebony Tail 8% Guardian Ebony Odogaron Certificate S 8%
Guardian Ebony Fang 8% Guardian Ebony Fang + 8%
Nourishing Extract 8% Guardian Ebony Claw+ 14%
Guardian Ebony Claw 15% Nourishing Extract 16%
Guardian Ebony Sinew 20% Guardian Ebony Sinew + 18%
Guardian Ebony Scale 20% Guardian Ebony Scale + 18%
Wound Destroy Guardian Blood 8% Wound Destroy Guardian Blood+ 8%
Guardian Scale 12% Guardian Scale + 12%
Guardian Ebony Sinew 35% Guardian Ebony Scale + 12%
Guardian Ebony Scale 45% Guardian Ebony Sinew + 35%
Break (Hind Leg) Guardian Ebony Claw 100% Break (Head) Guardian Ebony Fang + 100%
Break (Foreleg) Guardian Ebony Claw 100% Break (Hindleg) Guardian Ebony Claw + 100%
Break (Head) Guardian Ebony Fang 100% Break (Foreleg) Guardian Ebony Claw + 100%
Break (Tail) Guardian Ebony Sinew 100% Break (Tail) Guardian Ebony Sinew + 100%
Carve (Body) Guardian Ebony Plate 5% Carve (Body) Guardian Ebony Gem 5%
Guardian Ebony Tail 11% Guardian Ebony Tail 11%
Guardian Ebony Fang 13% Guardian Ebony Claw + 13%
Guardian Ebony Claw 18% Guardian Ebony Sinew + 23%
Guardian Ebony Sinew 23% Guardian Ebony Scale + 30%
Guardian Ebony Scale 30% Carve (Tail) Guardian Ebony Gem 7%
Carve (Tail) Guardian Ebony Tail 93% Guardian Ebony Tail 93%
Guardian Ebony Plate 7%

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2025-03-15 10:08