How To Get New Horses In Dynasty Warriors Origins

In the game Dynasty Warriors: Origins, the standard horse you start with is quite reliable, however, it’s beneficial to explore and acquire new steeds to expand your choices.

In this game, each horse comes with distinct characteristics and special abilities. Some horses are exceptionally swift, others dish out more damage when they charge into enemies, while some boast exceptional endurance. The diversity is such that there’s a suitable horse for every player’s playstyle, but you’ll need to acquire them first!

In this tutorial, we’ll show you methods to increase the number of horses in your stables within Dynasty Warriors: Origins. It’s important to have companions for Walnut, isn’t it?

How To Get New Horses | Dynasty Warriors: Origins

In Dynasty Warriors: Origins, you can acquire new horses primarily by enhancing the tranquility in each region, which serves as your reward. You’ll notice the current Peace level of a province on the lower right corner of the screen when exploring the overworld. The symbol representing this is the sacred bird gauge on the mini-map, clearly marked above.

To promote tranquility in every province, you have the straightforward option of wrapping up conflicts. This could involve engaging in the primary narrative battles, taking on side quests, or participating in skirmishes. Each of these actions will aid in restoring harmony to the historic land of China!

After enhancing a province’s Peace level, visit the Waymark in that specific area and engage with it. This interaction will enable you to acquire various incentives for fostering peace within the region. Typically, these rewards consist of new horses, which serve as the primary means of obtaining them throughout your campaign. Moreover, you’ll also receive other valuable resources and materials.

Here’s a quick list of horses we’ve found in the game so far:

  • Maple – Reward from the You Province.
  • Chestnut – Reward from the Liang Province.
  • Birch – Reward from the Ji Province.

In essence, that’s the primary method discovered for acquiring new horses in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Given that the game is relatively new, it’s unclear if there are hidden horses to discover, like Lu Bu’s powerful Red Hare. However, we do have information on how to unlock Lu Bu as a companion!

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2025-01-15 00:07