How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock

How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock

As a seasoned Deadlock player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that this comprehensive guide to mastering soul farming has been a game-changer for me. The strategies and techniques outlined in this article have undeniably elevated my gameplay to new heights.

How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock
Jose Maria Serna

In the game Deadlock, soul gathering forms the foundation for advancement. Souls function as both money and levels for your heroes.

In this game, players gather souls through multiple methods such as firing at soul projectiles that appear when specific characters perish, defeating enemy Troopers, capturing Guardians/Walkers, vanquishing rival players, and discovering loose souls hidden inside containers or crates. A consistent supply of souls is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and keeping pace with the game’s speed. Without it, players may find themselves falling behind.

Effective soul farming is crucial to:

  • Upgrading heroes and abilities
  • Acquiring game-changing items
  • Executing powerful ultimate abilities
  • Staying ahead of the competition

Delving into the intricacies of soul farming in Deadlock, I’ll be sharing my findings on the most effective methods for each stage of the game – from the initial phases, through the mid-game, and all the way to the endgame. Mastering these techniques will undoubtedly elevate your gaming experience!

How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock

Earlygame Farming in Deadlock

To improve your Soul Farming in Deadlock during the early game, focus on:

  • 1. Obtaining Souls from Lane Troopers
    • Focus on Troopers: During the laning phase, prioritize killing enemy troopers over engaging enemy heroes. Creeps spawn every 30 seconds and are a reliable source of souls.
    • Last-Hitting: Ensure you land the final blow on creeps to secure the soul. Practice last-hitting to maximize your soul collection.
  • 2. Destroying Enemy Guardian
    • Coordinate with Team: Work with your team to push lanes and take down structures efficiently. This not only grants souls but also provides map control.
  • 3. Stealing Souls from Opponent Trooper Kills
    • Deny Opponents: Try to deny your opponents from getting souls by killing their troopers before they can. This not only boosts your soul count but also hinders their progress during a Deadlock match.

By implementing these tactics, you’ll be able to efficiently gather souls at the start of the game, which will pave the way for a dominant mid and late game performance. The secret lies in striking a balance between boldness and prudence, while also staying vigilant and scanning the map for potential advantages.

How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock

Mid-Game Farming

In the mid-game, your focus should shift towards more aggressive and strategic plays.

  • Target enemy heroes with high soul bounties
    • These heroes are the ones who have been accumulating a lot of souls. Coordinating with your team to set up steals and ambushes on these high-value targets can significantly boost your soul farming in Deadlock.
  • Participate in team fights
    • As team fights become more frequent, actively joining these engagements can help you collect souls from fallen enemies.
  • Use your abilities strategically
    • Timing your abilities to ensure you get the last hit on enemy heroes and troopers will maximize your soul intake. Effective execution of ability combos can quickly burst down enemies, ensuring they drop soul orbs.
How to Master Soul Farming in Deadlock

Late Game Soul Farming

In the later stages, it’s vital to farm souls effectively to keep ahead of your competitors. Souls serve as a crucial resource for enhancing your skills and acquiring top-tier item level 1 goods that are essential for success in the late game.

  • Prioritize Lane Creeps
    • Lane troopers provide a steady and significant source of souls, an amount that increases as the game advances. Focus on last-hitting these creeps to maximize your soul intake.
  • Balance Jungle and Lane Farming
    • While lane troopers are important, don’t neglect the jungle. Jungle creeps can offer additional souls and sometimes drop useful items. Balancing between lane and jungle farming ensures a continuous flow of souls.
  • Utilize Soul Vending Machines
    • Soul vending machines can be found in various locations on the map. These machines allow you to exchange HP for souls.
  • Destroy Breakable Objects
    • Breakable objects like vases, crates, and boxes scattered around the map often contain souls. Make it a habit to destroy these objects whenever you come across them

Adopting these suggestions in your gaming strategy will allow for a more productive soul farming experience, ensuring a dominant stance throughout the game.

Should you find this tutorial useful, you may discover more enlightening pieces from our Deadlock collection here. We appreciate your attention and wish you a prosperous farming experience!

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2024-09-17 06:00