Ichi the Witch

In the latest sensation from Weekly Shonen Jump, the enchanting series titled “Ichi the Witch“, unfolds in a captivating realm where magic thrives. In this world, magical entities called Majiks embody various elements, forces, or ideas and are personified by unique beings. Each Majik has its own character traits and distinctive challenges known as “Trials.” When humans conquer these trials, they acquire abilities linked to the Majik they’ve triumphed over. Notably, only females in this realm can harness magic, earning them the title of witches. Remarkably, Ichi – a solitary mountain dweller who happens upon a fearsome Majik – manages to pass its trial and unexpectedly transforms into a witch himself.

Delving into the enchanting world of “Ichi the Witch,” I find myself embarking on thrilling escapades alongside our titular protagonist, encountering a myriad of magical beings along the way. This captivating series is a harmonious creation between the brilliant minds of Nishi Osamu and Shiro Usazaki. To honor this manga’s triumph and its esteemed publishers, they graciously granted a unique and insightful interview. In celebration of Manga Plus reaching its sixth anniversary, they’ve rolled out two exciting rounds of creator interviews from the masterminds behind some of their most beloved series. The first batch features the creators of “Ichi the Witch,” “Centuria,” and “Hero Organization.” When asked about their cherished characters, there was a unified response that left me charmed.

Ichi the Witch Creators Reveal Their Favorite Character is Desscaras

Nishi Osamu, the creator of the manga, notes that the character Descaras stands out as particularly vivid. She often behaves in unexpected and spontaneous ways, which makes writing for her an enjoyable experience because she’s usually involved in some unusual activities when appearing on the page. It’s likely she’s engaging in something peculiar even at this very moment.

Moreover, Shiro Usazaki, the artist expresses, “I’m a fan of Desscaras! She brings life to every scene she’s part of, and I also enjoy sketching her. Interestingly, she was the first character whose design was set in stone. Among character designs, Shirabedonna is one I particularly appreciate.

In the magical series “Ichi the Witch,” the formidable character Desscaras, also known as the Abyssal Witch, stands out. Renowned for being the most powerful witch currently alive, she finds herself helpless against King Uroro in the opening chapter. This is because Uroro, a Majik with an insurmountable trial for women, cannot be wounded by a female’s attack. Fortunately, Ichi intervenes and rescues Desscaras from perilous creatures, also gaining magical abilities in the process. The striking combination of her breathtaking beauty and unfathomable strength makes Desscaras one of the most compelling characters within the series.

Beyond that, she exhibits a self-assured and bold persona that fans find captivating. In the 18th chapter, she demonstrates her power as the most powerful witch, causing fans to draw parallels with Jujutsu Kaisen’s Satoru Gojo. Fans of both series have observed striking similarities between their favorite characters. She is frequently depicted as a character who takes her responsibilities seriously while still finding room for comedic scenes. Her arrogance often results in amusing or humorous scenarios, making for quite an entertaining watch.

Besides Desscaras, Usazaki also speaks highly of Shirabedonna, another character he admires. Known as the Analytical Witch, she is a part of the Mantinel Witches Association and oversees the Witches’ Research Club. She makes her first appearance in Chapter 5 when Desscaras and Ichi visit the Witch Association.

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2025-01-28 00:10