Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s World Away From Her Famous Family

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

As I delve deeper into these captivating tales of the Duggar family, I find myself utterly enchanted by young Jennifer, the baby of the brood who now stands tall as a teenager. Her journey from being a cherished baby to a dependable and beloved member of her family is truly inspiring.

Among the 19 Duggar siblings, Jinger Vuolo isn’t the sole individual who chose to separate herself from the family home in Arkansas in order to live independently.

But she has inserted exponentially more distance than anyone else.

Moving from our humble beginnings in Laredo, Texas, to the vibrant West Coast was a leap of faith for my 30-year-old self and my beloved husband, Jeremy Vuolo, who I’ve been sharing life with for nearly eight years now. We made this transition to Los Angeles back in 2019, and while it felt like a daunting journey into the unfamiliar at first—”parting ways with Laredo this July will be one of the toughest decisions we’ve ever made,” we had shared then—our roots have since grown deep within California.

In a chat with TopMob News last January 2023, Jinger shared her feelings: “I truly enjoy residing in Los Angeles. It’s simply fantastic! There’s an incredible community surrounding us, and we have some wonderful, reliable friends whom we adore spending time with.

Indeed, their team visited during the summertime as they relocated to a larger house in July. The parents, with daughters named Felicity, age 6, and Evangeline, age 3, along with their soon-to-arrive sibling, were seeking more space for play and activities.

And hopefully there’s plenty of storage space for Mom.

She mused in July, as she began a fresh episode of the Jinger & Jeremy podcast after a three-year hiatus, that she enjoys organizing belongings during relocations but lamented not doing so prior to this move. Her partner, who found having friends assist made the process more enjoyable, concurred that moving could often feel “overwhelming due to the feeling of unsettledness and living among boxes.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Instead of settling in one place for a long time, as was the case when she grew up on TV, a bit of frequent relocation – having moved several times within the last five years, with their current L.A.-area residence being their third change – seems more appealing to Jinger.

Recognizing that her sheltered upbringing prevented her from watching many popular films during her childhood and teenage years, it was an enlightening experience for Jim Bob Duggar’s sixth-born child, Jill, when she first watched The Truman Show during their honeymoon in 2016.

In an interview with TopMob News in 2023 during the launch of her memoir Becoming Free Indeed, Jinger expressed, “When I saw Jeremy, I was struck by a sense of familiarity, as if parts of his life mirrored mine. It wasn’t every aspect—the partner selection part was off-base—but apart from that, it felt astonishingly alike.

Initially, among the siblings, it was Jill Dillard, aged 33, who got married to Derick Dillard in 2014, who first disclosed the true extent of their involvement in the long-running TLC reality series, both 19 Kids and Counting and its subsequent spin-off, Counting On, was actually beyond their control.

In her autobiography, Jinger explained how their upbringing was secluded due to their adherence to the Institute for Basic Life Principles, a set of strict fundamentalist beliefs that controlled various aspects of their lives, including their education at home and what the women in the family chose to wear.

In her podcast in September, Jinger reminisced about how lively and full of character she was on the show, stating, “I didn’t play a role because that’s truly who I am.

But she eventually started to question…everything.

Speaking about the transition from childhood to adulthood during the filming process, she commented, “At some point, I found myself questioning my personality traits. Was I an extrovert or an introvert? I believe I started becoming more reserved and assuming a new persona due to increased caution.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

With Jeremy by her side, they were both working things out, he being a Pennsylvania-born soccer player turned minister whom she encountered during ministry work in Laredo. The son of a former Baptist pastor, as described in his daughter’s book, Jeremy’s religious background initially raised concerns among her parents regarding their potential life together.

After about five months of nearly weekly chats with Jim Bob, Jinger noted, it was eventually okayed for Jeremy to initiate courtship with her, which began in May 2016.

It didn’t take her much time to agree to a wedding three months later, and on November 5, 2016, they exchanged vows. Three months after that, Jinger moved with Jeremy to Laredo, where she began the process of leaving the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP).

She shared with TopMob that Jeremy has shown immense kindness during her unraveling process. “He’s been incredibly patient with me,” she said, “understanding that observing my struggles must be challenging for him. There have been long, draining days, but he’s consistently been by my side, offering encouragement and support.

While engaging in various aspects of Southern California life such as dates, motherhood, book writing, moving, shopping at Trader Joe’s, attending the odd movie premiere, and more everyday experiences, Jinger found herself growing closer to her true self when the cameras were not rolling.

She expressed her worry about blindly agreeing with Jeremy and not expressing her own thoughts. Instead of forming her own opinions, she found herself considering what would please him at the moment, such as praising his dart games even if they weren’t great. He was comfortable with her telling him he did well, even when he acknowledged his mistakes.

Initially, she believed that maintaining the role of an “accommodating wife” was necessary for her to hold everything in balance. However, Jinger clarified to TopMob that Jeremy urged her not to pretend to be someone else but rather to embrace her true self, express comfort, and voice her own thoughts and perspectives on life.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Further insights from that voyage will shape her upcoming book titled “People Pleaser,” set to be published in January 2025. However, before that, they have another child on the way and two young girls to nurture in the interim.

Born in 2018, Felicity initially appeared on the show ‘Counting On’ prior to its termination in 2021. However, Jinger and Jeremy chose to step back from reality TV until their children are mature enough to express their own opinions about it.

She shared with TopMob that it was important to us to ensure their privacy and let them decide whether they wished to be in the spotlight or not. At this moment, we’re simply safeguarding their privacy until they make a decision about their future actions.

The choice of learning environment for the children is their decision, and Jinger admitted to TopMob that she hadn’t decided yet whether Felicity would attend home or traditional school, public or private. For now, however, she was appreciative that Los Angeles provides a wide variety of excellent educational opportunities to select from.

Options being the operative word, something Jinger didn’t feel she had too many of growing up. 

And though her rejection of IBLP consequently led to some fraying of ties with certain family members, Jinger is still part of the fold, most recently returning to Arkansas to celebrate sister Jana Duggar and Stephen Wissman‘s August nuptials.

Jinger posted on Instagram that we spent a joyful time with the newlyweds, shared many pleasant moments with loved ones, and savored plenty of tasty treats. See you again soon, AR!

When Mom and some of her younger siblings recently visited L.A., it seemed like the perfect moment to share with them that a new branch had been added to our family tree.

In her October 18th video, she expressed that she had been contemplating it all day long, feeling it was the right moment to share the news before everyone jumped into the hot tub at night. She chose to delay, delay, delay instead.

She ended up waiting until they were in the hot tub, and Jinger wondered aloud whether it was safe for her to join them, saying, “I don’t think I’m supposed to get in if I have a baby in my tummy.”

Cue the excitement.

Before the newest addition to the Duggar-Vuolo clan is born, let me share an extensive overview of Jinger’s entire family:

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

19 children’s parents, along with the grandparents of more than three dozen young ones, initially fell in love as high school sweethearts.

Michelle recounts her experience of being “rescued” at the age of 15. One evening, Jim Bob was carrying out house visits as part of his Baptist church’s duties, and he found himself knocking on the door of the Ruark family home. A friend had told him that a girl from school who had recently experienced this transformation and was a cheerleader resided there.

They invited Michelle to Sunday school at their church and, Jim Bob said, he prayed to god that they could be each other’s spiritual leaders—though apparently their first meeting wasn’t as memorable for Michelle. A year later, she applied for a job at the frozen yogurt shop owned by Jim Bob’s parents. “You came to the counter where I was standing by the cash register and introduced yourself,” Michelle remembered in a letter posted on the family blog in 2017 for Jim Bob’s birthday and their 33rd wedding anniversary. “You were shy but very sweet! I really don’t remember much about that conversation, except that you finally mustered up the courage to ask me if I would go to your junior-senior banquet with you!”

At Shiloh Christian, they both went to a dinner together. However, it was during their subsequent discussions about the Bible at her parents’ house that lasted for hours which made her realize a deep connection with him. As Michelle puts it, “Our hearts became one from that moment on.” They finished high school in May of 1984 and got married just two months later, with Michelle being 17 years old and Jim Bob 19.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

The couple dedicated themselves to God and each other for the long run.

Jim Bob previously held a position as a state legislator in Arkansas, representing the sixth district in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. During his tenure, he served as vice chair of the House Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee. He attempted to secure a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2002 but was unsuccessful in the primary. In 2006, he ran for the Republican nomination for Arkansas State Senate District 35 but failed to win.

The duo, who are both real estate agents with valid licenses, have been actively involved in conservative movements – a part of their lives that has earned them both admiration and criticism, including from supporters and detractors of the reality TV series “19 Kids and Counting” (initially titled “17 Kids and Counting,” which debuted in 2008). A robocall made by Michelle in 2014, urging people to vote against an anti-discrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, raised concerns about the potential dangers of allowing transgender individuals to use the restrooms they feel most comfortable in. This call led to a petition requesting the TLC network to terminate their show.

The city council approved the ordinance.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

The eldest child of the Duggars, Josh, entered the world on March 3, 1988. Just like his family, he also took up conservative activism, advocating for the Family Research Council.

In 2015, records from my past as a police officer emerged, detailing allegations against me concerning inappropriate behavior towards several girls, among them my sisters Jessa and Jill. When I was a teenager, these accusations were made. Later, in June of that same year, Jessa stood up for me during an interview with Fox News, asserting that the harsh words being used to describe me were “excessive and false, truly.” Many people get upset when I say this, but as one of the affected parties, I can attest to the truth of my statement.

In the face of his infidelity confession, his wife remained steadfast by his side. When he entered a rehabilitation facility in 2016, his parents viewed it as a vital initial step towards recovery and healing. The couple, who already had three children – daughter Mackynzie (born October 8, 2009), sons Michael (June 15, 2011) and Marcus (June 2, 2013) – welcomed their fourth child, Meredith, on July 16, 2015, the same day TLC canceled their show, “19 Kids.” Their fifth child, son Mason Garett, was born on September 12, 2017, and daughter Maryella Hope arrived on November 27, 2019. The seventh addition to their family, Madyson Lily, came into the world on October 23, 2021.

Back in April 2021, federal authorities accused Josh of two separate crimes involving child pornography – receiving and possessing it. He denied these allegations, pleading not guilty on both charges. In the year that followed, a court found him guilty on all counts and sentenced him to serve 12 and a half years behind bars.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Not long after the birth of Josh, Michelle became pregnant once more. Unfortunately, she experienced a miscarriage. During their time of mourning and seeking divine direction, they discovered they were expecting twins instead.

She expressed to Love to Know that it felt like a special gift twice over for her. God was providing comfort and guidance in their journey, as they continued to learn. It’s quite extraordinary, she said, because while she breastfeeds her babies, her children are born very close together. Eight months after having one child, she is expecting another. This is just another unexpected blessing the Lord has bestowed upon them in their unique situation.

John-David and his sister Jana were born on Jan. 12, 1990.

Following a prolonged period of acquaintance, spanning several years, despite never having met, John-David and Abbie crossed paths at a church gathering in Oklahoma. Subsequently, they got married on the 3rd of November, 2018. Their family expanded with the birth of their daughter Grace Annette Duggar on the 7th of January, 2020, followed by their son Charlie Duggar in September 2022.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

On his 30th birthday in January 2020, John-David’s twin admitted to him in a heartfelt note, “From when we were young children, people have often asked if we have the ‘twin telepathy.’ That strange ability where you sense what the other person is feeling or thinking…Well, John, I used to deny it, but now I can truthfully say that when baby Gracie was born, I shared all your joy, so perhaps there is something to it!

As I watched you and Abbie nurture your little one, it filled my heart with pure delight. You two are just perfect for the role! The very qualities that have always made you an exceptional brother will undoubtedly translate into you being an outstanding father.

Meanwhile, Jana observed as 11 out of her 18 siblings tied the knot before she did, eventually finding love with Stephen Wissmann – a man whose sister Hannah Wissmann is married to a brother of the former TLC star – she firmly believes it was all part of God’s design.

In August 2024, just before her wedding, Jana shared with People that she hadn’t always grasped the overall plan, but she trusted that God knew what was best for everyone in the long run. Consequently, she decided to wait longer for marriage. She expressed, “If each of our lives didn’t unfold uniquely, life would be monotonous.

 Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Born on May 17, 1991, Jill found herself in a love story much like her parents’. On Christmas 2011, she crossed paths with Derick for the first time. He happened to visit the Duggar family home while out caroling with his church group, about 45 minutes away.

Jim Bob served as cupid, facilitating a connection between Jill and Derick. As their bond deepened through emails and video chats, they decided to meet in person. In November of that year, the father-daughter duo traveled to Nepal to visit Derick, and their relationship flourished further. By February 2014, Derick had proposed to Jill, and they got married on June 21, 2014. Together, they have three sons—Israel, born on April 6, 2015, Samuel, born July 8, 2017, and Frederick, born July 7, 2022.

Come April 2024, I found myself in the unfortunate position of having experienced a pregnancy loss, as Derick and I were eagerly awaiting the birth of our precious daughter.

The pair featured on the shows titled “19 Kids and Counting” and later “Counting On“. In 2017, Derick was dismissed from the program following his derogatory comments about another TLC reality star, Jazzy Jennings, which were perceived as homophobic.

In the Amazon Prime Video documentary titled “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets“, which was released in June 2023, Jill and Derick pondered over the contentious issues and religious views related to Jill’s family, as depicted within.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Jim Bob and Michelle’s fifth child was born Nov. 4, 1992.

Jessa became acquainted with Ben via church, and he started pursuing her romantically in 2013 – an antiquated method of courtship that was novel for many viewers. Before getting engaged, the couple kept their relationships private, so Jim Bob clarified to People magazine, “Courting involves getting to know each other in a group setting, with both families spending time together and the pair establishing shared goals to decide if they are destined for marriage. Dating typically involves couples going out alone, which can sometimes lead to a more intimate relationship.

In August 2014, Ben asked for Jessa’s hand in marriage and proposed. Their first shared moment was a handholding one. They tied the knot on November 1, 2014. At that time, Jessa was pregnant with their first child. The cancellation of their show, “19 Kids and Counting,” occurred when the TLC network aired a special about past sexual abuse allegations. This special focused on Jill and Jessa to educate viewers further on the subject. Later that winter, they became the leading stars in their own show titled “Jill and Jessa: Counting On.” As time passed, this show expanded to include other Duggar siblings and was renamed simply “Counting On.

Jessa and Ben had four children: Spurgeon born on Nov. 5, 2015, Henry on Feb. 6, 2017, Ivy Jane on May 28, 2019, and Fern in July 2021. However, in the 2022 holiday season, Jessa experienced a miscarriage. Later, in December 2023, she gave birth to their fifth child named George.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

The sixth Duggar child was born Dec. 21, 1993.

Jinger and Jeremy first crossed paths while engaged in religious work in Laredo, Texas, and began dating in 2016. They tied the knot on November 5, 2016, coincidentally also Spurgeon’s birthday (an interesting overlap when you’re one of 19), leading to speculations about potential pregnancies shortly after their marriage.

Speaking about our future plans, I believe we’ll find ourselves comfortably settled, continuing our ministry right here in Laredo. Our aim remains to serve the Lord in whatever capacity we can. This is what I foresee for us a year from now.

Back in July 2018, their little one named Felicity entered the world. It was in May of the same year when they announced that Jinger was carrying another child; unfortunately, she had experienced a miscarriage the previous fall. Fast forward to November 2020, and they added Evangeline Jo to their family.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Born on January 20, 1995, individual number 7 found the perfect romantic backdrop when he proposed to Kendra, whom he had only known for a short while through church, at his sister Joy-Anna’s wedding in May 2017, after just a few months of dating.

Joseph shared with People that he was certainly anxious leading up to it, yet he didn’t fear a refusal because she had expressed, “I’m just waiting on you!” After proposing, Joseph said. Kendra responded, “I’m overjoyed and utterly surprised. There are so many things I want to express, but all I can say is shocked.

Since then, they’ve added four children to their family: son Garrett, who was born in June 2018, daughter Addison, born in November 2019, daughter Brooklyn, also born in February 2019, and their most recent addition, son Justus, who joined them in May 2023.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Eighth in line, Josiah was born on Aug. 28, 1996.

A few short months after their romantic relationship became known to all, they made public their engagement news in March 2018. He shared in a statement that the location where he proposed to Lauren was the very same spot where her parents got engaged. This property holds much family history, making it a particularly meaningful and special place for Lauren.

In a video shared on their blog, Michelle, who is soon to be Lauren’s mother-in-law, expressed her affection, saying “Lauren is such a cherished young lady.” Jessa and Ben added their congratulations, along with treats shaped like x’s and o’s. Michelle playfully hinted that if they visited her, she would offer a sweet reward, waving it in the air.

In the summer of 2015, a relationship with Marjorie Jackson came to an end. Looking back, Josiah shared with People magazine in March 2016, “We had some wonderful moments together. We were both seeking to follow God’s guidance throughout our time together. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel it was the appropriate moment then, so we took a brief break.

On June 30, 2018, they officially got married, describing their wedding day to People as “perfect.” They became parents for the first time on Nov. 8, 2019, naming their daughter Bella Milagro, which means “miracle baby.” This was after they had sadly experienced a miscarriage in October 2018. In 2022, they welcomed another daughter named Daisy, and their son Ezra joined the family in May 2023.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

The ninth Duggar sibling was born Oct. 28, 1997.

For fifteen years prior, she had been acquainted with Austin as a friend, and then he began pursuing her. Following this, there was no delay in their actions. He proposed to her in February 2017, and they got married on May 26, 2017, at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas (the wedding where Joseph asked Kendra’s hand in marriage). They were blessed with a son named Gideon Martin Forsyth on February 23, 2018.

In 2019, Joy-Anna suffered a pregnancy loss with a baby girl at 20 weeks along.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

On Aug. 21, 2020, the couple welcomed daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

The couple’s third child, son Gunner James Forsyth, was born on May 17, 2023.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Jim Bob and Michelle’s second set of twins were born on Dec. 30, 1998.

In February 2017, it was announced that Jed had been interning at his father’s former workplace, the Arkansas State Capitol, working for the House of Representatives. At just 21 years old, he is now running as a candidate for State Representative in District 89, with a focus on prioritizing Springdale’s conservative values. He married Katey Nakatsu after a year of courtship in April 2021. Their family has since grown, welcoming son Truett in May 2022 and daughter Nora Kate in June 2023.

Jeremiah, who is a qualified flight instructor, is married to Hannah Wissmann. Together, they are proud parents of Brynley, born in December 2022, and Brielle, born in February 2024.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Duggar child No. 12 was born on April 21, 2000.

In January 2017, as reported by the Daily Mail, I assisted Jase in purchasing a fixer-upper worth $33,000 in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, roughly a 30-minute drive from our family’s homestead. Surprisingly, amidst this venture, I also established my own construction company. Yet, I made time to lend a hand to Jed during his campaign.

In May 2024, he made it public on Instagram that he was dating Maddie Grace, and they became engaged in August 2024.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Charmed No. 13, James arrived on July 7, 2001.

 Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

On his 19th birthday in the year 2019, his mother penned down, “He’s more like a ‘fun uncle’ to everyone around here, and all the younger boys admire him and aspire to emulate him. James possesses an exceptional ability to accomplish virtually anything he envisions. As a child, we would often discover James tinkering with various household appliances. He has always been one who disassembles things, understands their mechanisms, reassembles them, and occasionally adds unique improvements!

This year, James dedicated himself to earning his Commercial Driver’s License, and now he’s a seasoned operator of large trucks and heavy equipment. We’re excitedly looking forward to witnessing the paths that fate has planned for him in the time ahead!

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

No. 14 arrived on Nov. 15, 2002.

And from the department of growing up so fast…

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

In September 2020, Justin made their relationship with Claire known to the public. They became engaged in November of the same year, and on February 26, 2021, they tied the knot.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Here with his big sister Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle’s 15th child was born May 23, 2004.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

On his sixteenth birthday, Jackson’s mother, Michelle, commended his wit and mentioned how eager he seemed to obtain his driver’s license.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Duggar baby No. 16 was born Oct. 11, 2005.

In Michelle’s message written on Johannah’s 15th birthday in 2020, she expressed that Johannah is full of fun and sociable, and she enjoys meeting new people. Her younger sisters hold her in high regard, even considering her as the moon, and Michelle couldn’t be more thankful to God for making her Johannah’s mother!

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

17 was delivered on August 2, 2007. At that time, the series was known as “17 Kids and Counting,” and Jenni was the youngest member of the family.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Now, OMG, she’s a teenager.

Michelle wrote when her granddaughter turned 13, “Jennifer is reliable, devoted… and always entertaining!” This describes how much the nieces and nephews adore her and don’t want to be put down. Jennifer also shows great affection for animals and consistently takes care of them daily! Not too long ago, she even assisted in raising a group of 7 tiny bunnies!

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

Here on the right, the penultimate Duggar child was born Dec. 18, 2008.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

In 2019, Jordyn-Grace was described by her mother as an extroverted girl who easily connects with anyone she meets, and her laughter is often one of the most uplifting moments of our day.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

19-Luck, currently cradling his niece Meredith, arrived on December 10, 2009, three months ahead of schedule and tipping the scales at just 1 pound, 6 ounces. Despite this early start, Josie spent half a year in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Thankfully, she’s thriving healthily now.

Inside Jinger Duggar Vuolo's World Away From Her Famous Family

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2024-10-22 15:22