Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

As I delve into the lives of these remarkable individuals, I find myself in awe of their journey. Jenni, the youngest of the brood, has grown from a cherished baby to a teenager with a heart as vast as her family’s love. Her loyalty and dependability shine brightly, making her a favorite among the younger ones. Her love for animals is truly endearing, and I must admit, her ability to raise a litter of bunnies brings a smile to my face.

Jana Duggar knows she can always count on her family.

In simpler terms, Michelle Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar’s eldest daughter, who is one of their 19 children, recently shared her experience cherishing family moments, including time spent with her sister Jordyn Duggar (age 15), before she got married to Stephen Wissmann in August.

In a YouTube video posted on October 9th, before their wedding, Jana mentioned, “Mom, Jordyn and I are at the tailor’s shop. We’re getting our outfits adjusted a bit more. Here we go!

Apart from sharing her wedding plans, Jana also documented various activities like a 5K run, ice cream outings, and dancing lessons in her vlog – all of which featured some cherished family moments. At 34 years old, she mentioned that as she and Stephen, aged 31, worked on renovating their home in Nebraska, the time spent back in her hometown had grown increasingly valuable.

Currently, being in Arkansas again has me yearning to be deliberate, she elaborated. It also means creating joyful moments with my loved ones and cherishing the remaining weeks here before I leave.

Besides sharing insights about the everyday aspects of residing near her relatives, Jana underscored the mixed feelings that come with relocating to the Midwest.

I can’t wait to cherish those family moments, particularly instances like these when my little treasures, such as sweet Fern, drop by for a visit, raiding the candy jar at home. Oh boy, I’m really going to miss those close family moments!

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

But while Jana has relocated with her husband in Nebraska to start a new phase of life, she’s never too far from home. After all, she even took her 17-year-old sister Jennifer Duggar with her to the Cornhusker state to help with home renovations, as she shared in her vlog. 

And of course, Jana has found her forever family in her husband. 

In August, I confessed to Peope that my affection for Stephen had blossomed gradually. It was his unwavering character, his return after time apart, and his constant love that made it impossible for me not to fall for him, regardless of the circumstances. Over the years, he’s been more than just a friend – a steadfast presence through thick and thin. Despite various pressures, he never forced me into anything.

Keep reading for a full guide on the Duggar’s ever-growing family.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Initially a loving couple from their high school days, these parents of 19 and grandparents of more than thirty young ones began their journey together.

Michelle reminisced about being “rescued” at the age of 15. One evening, Jim Bob was carrying out evangelism visits for his Baptist church and, following a tip from a friend, he found himself knocking on the door of the Ruark family home. The friend had mentioned that “a girl from school who had recently found faith and was a cheerleader” resided there.

They extended an invitation to Michelle to attend Sunday school at their church, and Jim Bob mentioned that he had prayed to God for them to serve as each other’s spiritual mentors – although it seemed that their initial encounter didn’t stand out much for Michelle. A year subsequently, she applied for a position at the yogurt shop run by Jim Bob’s parents. In a letter published on their family blog in 2017 for Jim Bob’s birthday and their 33rd wedding anniversary, Michelle recalled, “You approached the counter where I was standing near the cash register and introduced yourself. You were shy but very kind! I don’t recall much about that interaction, except that you found the courage to ask me if I would accompany you to your junior-senior banquet!

She went to the dinner with him at Shiloh Christian School, but it wasn’t until they spent hours discussing the Bible at her family home afterwards that she felt a deep connection. As Michelle puts it, “Our hearts became one from then on.” They both graduated high school in May 1984 and got married in July. At the time, she was 17 and he was 19.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

The couple dedicated themselves to God and each other for the long run.

Jim Bob previously held the position of a state legislator, representing Arkansas’s sixth district in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. During this time, he served as vice chair of the House Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee. In 2002, he attempted to run for U.S. Senate, but his bid ended during the primary. Another attempt in 2006 to become the Republican nominee for Arkansas State Senate District 35 also did not succeed.

He and Michelle, who are both real estate agents with valid licenses, have been actively involved in conservative movements – a part of their lifestyle that earned them both supporters and detractors. A robocall Michelle made in 2014 urging people to vote against an anti-discrimination proposal in Fayetteville raised concerns about transgender rights, as she warned against making it legal for transgender individuals to use the restrooms they feel most comfortable in. This call sparked a Change.org petition calling on TLC to cancel their show.

The city council approved the ordinance.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

The oldest Duggar child, Josh, entered the world on March 3, 1988. Just like his family, he also took on an activist role with a conservative stance, championing causes for the Family Research Council.

In 2015, police records from the past emerged, implicating him in accusations of molestation towards multiple girls, including his sisters Jessa and Jill, during his teenage years. Later in June of the same year, Jessa defended her brother in an interview with Fox News, stating that the harsh labels being used against Josh were “exaggerated and false, truly.” Some people criticize her for saying this, but as one of the alleged victims herself, she is able to express this viewpoint.

In this rephrased version, the text maintains the same meaning but is presented in a more natural and easy-to-understand manner:

Back in April 2021, a federal court indictment accused Josh of two separate charges: receiving and possessing child pornography. He pleaded not guilty for both offenses. In the year 2022, he was convicted on both counts and received a sentence of 12 and a half years in prison.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

In the wake of Josh’s birth, I myself was blessed with another precious pregnancy, but unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage. During this difficult time, my husband Jim Bob and I were immersed in grief and seeking divine wisdom, when lo and behold, we discovered that twins were on their way to join our family.

In my experience, it felt like a profound double blessing. God was subtly reinforcing our faith during this journey of continuous learning. It’s quite extraordinary since I nurse my babies one after another, given that my children are so closely spaced – eight months apart! Yet another testament to the unique ways in which the Lord guides and shapes our lives.

John-David and his sister Jana were born on Jan. 12, 1990.

Following a lengthy period of mutual acquaintance, spanning several years, and a swift courtship, John-David and Abbie exchanged vows on November 3, 2018, at an event in Oklahoma – Abbie’s home state. Their union was blessed with daughter Grace Annette Duggar on January 7, 2020, and son Charlie Duggar in September 2022.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

On his 30th birthday in January 2020, John-David’s twin expressed affectionately, “Since we were young children, people have asked us about the special bond between twins. You know, the intuition where you sense what the other is feeling or thinking… Well, John, I used to say no to that, but now I can truthfully admit that when our sister Gracie was born, I shared in all the joy you felt, so perhaps it does exist!

Jana went on to say, “It’s such a delight to see you and Abbie in your parental roles! You two seem so natural at it! The qualities that make you an exceptional brother will undoubtedly make you an outstanding father as well.

Jana watched as 11 out of her 18 siblings got married before she found love with Stephen Wissmann, who happens to be married to Hannah Wissmann, a sister of the TLC star’s brother Jeremiah. She feels that everything, including this sequence of events, is in line with God’s plan.

In an interview with People in August 2024, just before her wedding, Jana expressed that she hasn’t always grasped the overall plan, but trusts that God has the best for everyone. For her personally, getting married later was the choice she made. She added that if everyone’s lives were identical, it would make existence less interesting due to the lack of diversity in our life stories.

 Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Jill, born on May 17, 1991, experienced a romantic tale echoing her parents’, as she crossed paths with Derick for the first time on Christmas Day 2011. This chance encounter occurred when Derick, along with his church group, dropped by the Duggar residence during their caroling outing.

Jim Bob acted as a cupid, helping to bring Jill and Derick together. Their bond deepened through emails and video calls. In November, Jill and her father paid a visit to Derick in Nepal, where their connection further strengthened. The two continued to grow closer, eventually leading to Derick proposing to Jim Bob’s daughter in February 2014. They got married on June 21, 2014, and now share three sons—Israel (born April 6, 2015), Samuel (born July 8, 2017), and Frederick (born July 7, 2022).

In the month of April 2024, Jill disclosed that she experienced a miscarriage during the pregnancy of their first daughter with Derick.

The pair were main characters on the shows titled “19 Kids and Counting” and later “Counting On“. Subsequently, Derick was dismissed from the show in 2017 following his derogatory comments about another TLC reality star, Jazzy Jennings, which were perceived as homophobic.

In the Amazon Prime Video documentary called “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” released in June 2023, Jill and Derick delved into the disputes and spiritual viewpoints connected to Jill’s family, which were a significant part of the storyline.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Jim Bob and Michelle’s fifth child was born Nov. 4, 1992.

Jessa first encountered Ben at church and started their traditional courtship in 2013 – an antiquated method of romance that took many viewers by surprise. The couple didn’t discuss their past relationships openly, so Jim Bob clarified to People magazine, “Courting involves getting to know each other in a group setting, with both families spending time together and the pair establishing goals to check if they are destined for marriage. Dating usually means a couple spending private time together, which may lead to a more intimate relationship.

In August 2014, Ben proposed to Jessa, and they exchanged vows on November 1, 2014, marking their first time holding hands as a couple. When Jessa was expecting their first child, the show “19 Kids and Counting” was discontinued, and TLC broadcasted a special focusing on sexual abuse, with Jill and Jessa sharing their insights to educate viewers. Later that winter, they starred in their own series, “Jill and Jessa: Counting On,” which eventually expanded to include other Duggar siblings under the title “Counting On.

During November 5, 2015, Jessa and Ben became parents to Spurgeon; they welcomed Henry on February 6, 2017, Ivy Jane on May 28, 2019, and Fern in July 2021. In the holiday season of 2022, Jessa shared that she had a miscarriage. However, by February 2023, she gave birth to her fifth child, George, in December 2023.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

The sixth Duggar child was born Dec. 21, 1993.

Jinger and Jeremy became acquainted while performing ministry duties in Laredo, Texas, in the year 2016, and their relationship developed into courtship around the same time. They tied the knot on November 5th, 2016, which happened to be the birthday of Jinger’s nephew Spurgeon (being one of 19, it can be quite challenging to avoid significant events). Soon after their wedding, speculation about a possible pregnancy began swirling around them.

In a year’s time, we expect our path will be set, continuing our ministry right here in Laredo, while striving to serve the Lord in any capacity we can. This is what Jinger shared on a June 2017 episode of Counting On.

On July 19, 2018, their beloved child, Felicity, entered the world. It was in May of that same year when they announced that Jinger was expecting another child—unfortunately, she had experienced a miscarriage the preceding fall. In November 2020, Evangeline Jo joined their family.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Born on January 20, 1995, individual number 7 found the perfect romantic moment to pop the question. He chose his sister Joy-Anna’s wedding in May 2017, only a few short months after meeting Kendra (through church), as the ideal time and place for proposing.

Joseph confessed to People that he was undeniably anxious leading up to the proposal, but he wasn’t apprehensive about her refusal because she had already expressed, “I’m merely waiting for you!” After proposing, Kendra exclaimed, “I am overjoyed and utterly surprised. There are so many things I want to say, but all I can express is shock.

Since then, they have added four children to their family: Garrett, born in June 2018, Addison who joined in November 2019, Brooklyn arrived in February 2019, and the most recent addition, Justus, was born in May 2023.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Eighth in line, Josiah was born on Aug. 28, 1996.

A few short months after their relationship became public, the pair revealed their engagement in March 2018. In a statement, he shared that the location where he proposed to Lauren was the same spot where her parents had been engaged. He added that this property holds a lot of family history and is therefore very special to Lauren.

In a video shared on their blog, Michelle (who will be Lauren’s mother-in-law) expressed her affection for Lauren, saying, “Lauren is truly a treasure to us.” Jessa and Ben, too, conveyed their well wishes, along with chocolates shaped like X’s and O’s. Michelle then playfully hinted, while holding up a sweet treat, “I think you two might want to save your first kiss for the wedding day, but if you visit here, we’ll give you…

Back in the summer of 2015, my heartfelt connection with Marjorie Jackson unfortunately came to an end. Reflecting on our past, I shared with People magazine in March 2016, “We had some wonderful moments together. We were both seeking God’s guidance throughout our relationship. Unfortunately, she felt it wasn’t the right moment for us then, so we took a temporary break.

On June 30, 2018, they got married, sharing with People that their wedding day was “perfect to the core.” Their first child, Bella Milagro, arrived on Nov. 8, 2019, which means “miracle baby,” as the couple had previously experienced a miscarriage in October 2018. In 2022, they welcomed Daisy into their family and followed it up with the birth of Ezra in May 2023.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

The ninth Duggar sibling was born Oct. 28, 1997.

For a period of fifteen years, she considered Austin as her friend prior to him expressing romantic interest towards her. Following this development, they didn’t delay their relationship progression. He popped the question in February 2017, and they exchanged vows on May 26, 2017, at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas (the wedding that saw Joseph propose to Kendra). Their firstborn, Gideon Martin Forsyth, entered their world on February 23, 2018.

In 2019, Joy-Anna suffered a pregnancy loss with a baby girl at 20 weeks along.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

On Aug. 21, 2020, the couple welcomed daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

The couple’s third child, son Gunner James Forsyth, was born on May 17, 2023.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Jim Bob and Michelle’s second set of twins were born on Dec. 30, 1998.

It was reported in February 2017 that Jed was interning at his dad’s old stomping grounds at the state capitol, working for the Arkansas House of Representative—and at 21 he’s on the ballot running for State Representative for District 89, committed to “putting Springdale’s conservative values first.” He married Katey Nakatsu after one year of courting in April 2021. They are parents to son Truett, born May 2022, and daughter Nora Kate, born June 2023. 

Jeremiah, who holds a flight instructor certification, is wedded to Hannah Wissmann, and together they are proud parents of Brynley (born in December 2022) and Brielle (born in February 2024).

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Duggar child No. 12 was born on April 21, 2000.

In early 2017, the Daily Mail shared that Jim Bob aided Jase in purchasing a $33,000 property in need of repairs in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, which is approximately half an hour from the Duggar family’s main residence. Remarkably, he also established his own construction company. Yet, despite his new ventures, he still found time to support Jed during his campaign.

In May 2024, he made their relationship public on Instagram with Maddie Grace, and they became engaged in August 2024.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Charmed No. 13, James arrived on July 7, 2001.

 Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

On his 19th birthday in the year 2019, his mom expressed, “He is our beloved ‘fun uncle’ who serves as an inspiration for all the younger lads in the neighborhood. James has the extraordinary ability to accomplish almost anything he envisions. As a kid, we often discovered James tinkering with various household appliances. He has always been one who enjoys disassembling things, understanding their inner workings, and reassembling them – sometimes with unique improvements!

This year, James dedicated himself to earning his CDL, and now he’s a skilled driver of large trucks and heavy equipment! We’re eagerly anticipating the exciting prospects that await him in the time to come, guided by divine guidance.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

No. 14 arrived on Nov. 15, 2002.

And from the department of growing up so fast…

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

In September 2020, Justin made their relationship with Claire known to the public. They became engaged in November of the same year, and on February 26, 2021, they officially tied the knot.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Here with his big sister Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle’s 15th child was born May 23, 2004.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

On his sixteenth birthday, Jackson’s mother, Michelle, commended his wit and mentioned that she was well aware of his eagerness to obtain a driver’s license.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Duggar baby No. 16 was born Oct. 11, 2005.

In 2020, Michelle wrote on Johannah’s 15th birthday: “This girl is full of fun and sociable, and she takes delight in meeting new people.” Her younger sisters are deeply fond of her and believe she is the moon itself. I couldn’t be more thankful to God for making me her mother!

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

On August 2, 2007, the seventeenth episode aired (originally titled “17 Kids and Counting”). At that time, Jenni was the youngest member of the family.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Now, OMG, she’s a teenager.

Michelle penned down: “Jennifer is reliable, loving… and full of fun!” on the occasion of her granddaughter’s 13th birthday. She holds a cherished place in the hearts of her nieces and nephews who often insist on being with her. Jennifer also has an affection for animals and diligently takes care of them daily! Her recent accomplishment includes successfully caring for a litter of 7 little bunnies.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

Here on the right, the penultimate Duggar child was born Dec. 18, 2008.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

In 2019, her mother referred to Jordyn-Grace as a sociable girl who can instantly connect with anyone, adding that her laughter often brings joy to our days.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

19 Luckily, numbered as Lucky No. 19, currently cradles his niece Meredith. Born on the 10th of December, 2009, he entered the world three months ahead of schedule and weighed merely 1 pound, 6 ounces. Josie, however, had a six-month stint in the neonatal intensive care unit. Fortunately, things have turned around for him, and he’s thriving well now.

Jana Duggar Shares Rare Update on Time Spent With Her Family

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2024-10-10 17:51