JB Gill and Amy Dowden

JB Gill and Amy Dowden

As a supporter of Strictly Come Dancing, I am genuinely moved by the inspiring stories and resilience displayed by JB and Amy. Their experiences are a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity and seize opportunities when they present themselves.

JB, you won Strictly’s Christmas special twelve years ago. What took so long for you to join the series again?

Amy: Definitely! We’ve built a strong connection, and it seems like we keep being paired up, which gave me a hint.

As a movie critic reflecting on Amy’s return after her cancer treatment, I can’t help but feel a sense of awe as I witness this resilient spirit. I often find myself transported back to this very moment last year, when she was amongst the couples and yearning for that connection. If only I could reach through the screen and reassure her, “Amy, you’ll be dancing again next year.

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2024-09-16 20:36