Join the Epic Open Beta of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves on PS5 and PS4 This Weekend!

The announcement made last month reveals that the open beta testing for the forthcoming Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, which is compatible with both PS5 and PS4, has been launched. Anyone can participate in this test without needing any special codes or similar requirements.

This game offers eight selectable characters: Rock, Terry, Mai, Hotaru, B. Jenet, Preecha, Vox, and Kain. You can try them out in both Ranked and Casual online competitions, or you could opt for a tutorial session to familiarize yourself with the controls.

The exam will run throughout this weekend, commencing on Thursday, February 20th, and concluding on Monday, February 24th.

Despite the City of the Wolves maintaining its scheduled release date on the 24th of April, reaching this beta stage is quite momentous. Here’s hoping that the critical netcode, which plays a vital role in the game, remains robust and stable.

Hey there fellow gamers! Planning on diving into Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves this weekend? Make sure not to let me down when it comes to pulling off those killer combos in the comment section below!

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2025-02-20 18:06