Back in July 2018, a devastating fire at Kyoto Animation claimed the lives of thirty-six employees and left many more injured. This unfortunate event cast a dark shadow over the anime industry. However, the community came together to support Kyoto Animation during this difficult time. Since then, memorials have been constructed in Japan to remember those who perished. The trial against the arsonist has progressed with several updates since the incident. In recent news, the individual responsible for the attack on Kyoto Animation has finally received a sentence.
Earlier this week, on Tuesday, January 26th, I witnessed a grim event in Japan: Aoba Shinji, aged 46, was sentenced to death by a high court for arson committed against Kyoto Animation in 2019. Although the initial verdict was given back in January 2024, Shinji had previously appealed for a lighter sentence due to claims that he was mentally unfit and delusional at the time of the crime. However, his defense team later withdrew this appeal. It was reported that Shinji believed Kyoto Animation had stolen his work as the motive behind the attack. The Osaka High Court has yet to disclose the exact date of Shinji’s execution.
Kyoto Animation Memorial
A heartwarming homage to the victims who perished in the Kyoto Animation tragedy is a towering statue situated within Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Standing at an impressive ten feet, this statue features thirty-six avian figures symbolizing those who were tragically taken by the arson incident. The memorial’s plaque bears the following inscription:
Sharing dreams and enthusiasm from one individual to another… Endless dreams, expressed via animation. Each stroke on paper represents decades of honed skill and deep emotion. Originating from Uji, Kyoto, these creations soar out into the world, flying towards an endless tomorrow.
Kyoto Animation’s Future
If you haven’t delved into Kyoto Animation’s past productions yet, their niche has always been creating heartwarming anime that bring unique stories to life, which might not otherwise exist without their involvement. Notable series such as Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice, Free!, K-On!, and Sound! Euphonium are enduring, emotionally resonant tales that continue to be highly regarded in the world of anime. Despite the devastating 2018 incident, Kyoto Animation has resiliently returned to producing high-quality anime works within the industry.
At present, Kyoto Animation is engaged in various upcoming projects such as “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: A Lonely Dragon Wants To Be Loved”, “City The Animation”, and “20 Seiki Denki Mokuroku” among others. Since its establishment in 1981, Kyoto Animation has chosen a unique approach by hiring animators on a full-time basis instead of relying on freelancers like many other studios. Let’s wish them continued success in the world of animation!
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2025-01-29 20:45