Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, the creators behind the upcoming game “Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii,” shared during a recent Q&A that players will have the freedom to traverse the city of Honolulu. As reported by The Gamer, the game’s main producer Hiroyku Sakamoto mentioned that players can roam around all areas of Honolulu that Ichiban Kasuga, the protagonist from “Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth,” could access.
Sakamoto mentioned that you can explore all the [Hawaii] locations depicted in Infinite Wealth. However, it’s important to note that Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is going to be a more compact game compared to Infinite Wealth. This suggests that there might be fewer side activities for players to engage with as compared to the previous game.
Despite being smaller in scope compared to Infinite Wealth, Masayoshi Yokoyama, the game’s director, shared back in December that Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii will actually be a more expansive game than Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. In an interview, he revealed that Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii will be approximately 30% longer than Gaiden.
The game offers numerous destinations to explore, as per Yokoyama’s statement, and it seems the narrative will be extended considerably too.
Earlier this month, we got a peek at the gameplay for ‘Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii’, which not only revealed its real-time action combat but also hinted at its naval battles. In these fights, the main character, Goro Majima, can switch between various fighting styles, each equipped with distinct weapons. Among these are pirate-themed weaponry like cutlasses and pistols.
While sailing on Majima’s vessel, it becomes necessary to oversee a team of more than 100 individuals as they engage and defeat enemy ships. Equipped with various weaponry such as flamethrowers and lasers, Majima’s ship is versatile in combat. Furthermore, fostering camaraderie among the crew members will be essential for improving their performance in battles.
The action-adventure game titled “Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii” is set to launch on February 21st. This exciting title is planned for release across various platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X/S.
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2025-01-17 14:41