As a long-time League of Legends (LoL) player and avid follower of the game’s updates, I couldn’t contain my excitement when patch 14.14 was announced! The latest patch brings us not only a new champion, Aurora, but also an exciting new Anima Squad event with its unique gameplay and rewards.
LoL patch 14.14 rundown
Michael Jeong
In simpler terms, The long-awaited LoL patch 14.14 has arrived! It introduces the freshly minted champion, Aurora, and an enthralling Anima Squad-centric PvE experience. After Riot Games’ summer break, we’re thrilled to dive back into League of Legends with this substantial update.
In an exciting debut, The Witch Between Worlds joins the fray as a fresh battle mage top laner. With a strong connection to spirits, she is sure to evoke memories of Gwen among players due to her mobility, extended combat engagements, and unique fighting style.
During the Swarm | Operation Anima Squad event, players can team up and collaborate to confront waves of adversaries.
As an avid fan, I’m thrilled to add that there are the routine adjustments to champions and items, not to mention the exciting release of fresh skins!
LoL patch 14.14 champion balance changes
In patch 14.14 of League of Legends, Riot is making several adjustments to tone down the impact of AP (ability power) junglers and their synergy with AD (attack damage) mid laners.
The champion nerfs are as follows:
- Bel’Veth: Bel’Veth has lower base range, down to 150 from 175, nerfing her unevolved form. In exchange, her R transformed form gets more bonus attack range, up to 75 from 50.
- Brand: The cooldown on E is higher and the E damage is lower
- Corki: Corki has lower base health
- Fiddlesticks: Fiddlesticks Q now works as a projectile, so Yasuo’s Wind Wall and similar abilities will now block it
- Jax: Jax E cooldown is longer at early ranks
- Kindred: Kindred has less base HP and her Q gives less attack speed
- Lillia: Lillia gets less healing on successive champions from her passive. Her E does less damage
- Rumble: The base Q damage is lower. It now has a flat 70% damage modifier against minions at all ranks, instead of starting at 50% and ending at 75% with ranks.
- Tristana: Tristana has higher base mana. Q now has a mana cost at all ranks, and grants less attack speed. Her W now costs less mana
- Zyra: Zyra’s plants do less base damage but have better AP ratios. Their bonus damage to monsters is lower at early levels
Still, a few champions get some love with buffs. They are:
- Aphelios: The damage on Aphelios’ Q for Purple, White, and Red guns is higher.
- Cho’Gath: The base damage on his Q and E are both higher.
- Jayce: The Q on his Cannon Form does more damage
- Sion: The damage on Sion W is higher, now dealing +14% of target max HP at all ranks.
- Singed: Q base damage is higher
- Zed: Zed Q deals more damage. His cooldown reduction on E per enemy hit is up to 3 seconds from 2 seconds.
Finally, these champs receive adjustments to their playstyles:
- Aurelion Sol: Aurelion Sol has higher base AD, but his Q has a higher mana cost. His W’s base range is longer, and his E has a lower mana cost. Finally, his ultimate now deals more damage
- Hecarim: Hecarim has higher health growth. His W has a shorter duration, but heals more and has a shorter cooldown. His E cooldown now scales, so it’s longer at early ranks (20 seconds) but shorter at later ranks (16 seconds)
- Irelia: Irelia has worse AD growth, and her passive bonus Attack Speed now scales from levels 1-18 instead of at certain level breakpoints. The passive has a higher cap of 25% at level 18, instead of its previous 20% max at level 13. Finally, her R now gives less Q cooldown reduction at higher ranks
- Milio: His passive damage is lower. His Q has a shorter cooldown and more range, and now refunds half the mana cost on hitting an enemy. The W recast range is higher, but it follows distant targets slower. His E shield has less base shield but higher AP ratio
- Nidalee: The damage on Nidalee’s W and E is lower, but now has new/improved AD ratios

Item balance adjustments and other changes
In patch 14.14 for League of Legends, the item Warmog’s Armor will receive some adjustments to reduce its early game strength. Tank supports such as Leona have been excessively utilizing its stats and passive.
After this change, Warmog’s will only activate its enhanced regeneration when it has an additional 1500 health points. This adjustment is intended to postpone its initial power surge.
During gameplay, the “Absorb Life” rune provided excess health in lanes. The scaling adjustment shifted from 2-20 (linear) to 1-23 (based on base stats). Consequently, this modification represents a decrease in effectiveness for levels 1-12 and an enhancement for levels 13-18.
Additionally, there are balance changes for Arena and ARAM.
Finally, the new LoL skins introduced in patch 14.14 are:
- Cyber Cat Yuumi
- Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi
- Battle Bat Xayah
- Battle Bunny Aurora
- Battle Dove Seraphine
- Primordian Rek’Sai
- Primordian Bel’Veth
- Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune
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2024-07-17 16:00