Meri Brown is detailing the lowest points of her marriage to Kody Brown.
Specifically, it was a particular instance that Meri shared with her closest confidante, Jennifer Sullivan, where the leader of the Sister Wives group hinted at retaliating for what he perceived as hurtful actions from his first wife throughout their long relationship.
During the January 5th episode of the TLC show, Meri conveyed to Jenn: “He mentioned this just after his move to Vegas,” she said. “He stated, ‘For the past 20 years, you’ve been quite unkind to me. Therefore, I will need at least that long to mend our relationship with you.’
In a later conversation, Meri clarifies that her ex-husband’s remarks were made when they were residing in a rental home following their move to Nevada in 2011, which was 21 years after their initial wedding in 1990. It’s worth noting that during this period, Kody had spiritual unions with his three other wives, including Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown. Among these women, only Robyn is still married to him at present.
According to Meri, Kody told her, “You’ve become difficult to cope with, and you’ve been unkind. Now, I’m going to act this way towards you, and you’ll have to endure it for the next two decades.
When Jenn queries Meri about how Kody might have made such a comment, Meri confesses she’s unsure. However, she playfully adds, “The punchline is, he was joking, because I didn’t stick around for very long.
He clarified, “At that moment, I wasn’t expressing myself due to anger, but because I was angry enough to speak the truth. Reflecting on our marriage now, I found myself thinking, ‘We should have ended it here, we should have ended it there, we should have ended it everywhere.’ However, I didn’t advocate for divorce.
For Meri, though she can’t alter the past, she has the ability to admit her past errors and strive to become the finest version of herself.
She told Jenn, “I’m focusing on self-improvement by examining myself in the mirror, identifying areas for growth, and striving to become a better person. This includes reflecting on my past relationship, particularly the marriage.
For more of the bombshells dropped on the series’ 19th season, keep reading.
Although Meri and Kody were legally divorced in 2014 to allow him to marry Robyn, they remained together for 12 years following their relocation to Las Vegas, with their separation being confirmed by Meri in early 2023.
Meri admits with a sigh, “It’s not surprising that people might think, ‘Surely she understood?’ But yes, I did understand his hints. I was choosing to interpret them as him being uncertain about the situation.
She commented, “Often, harsh words seem to come from him without genuine intention. And I acknowledge that I could have been challenging to coexist with. I understand.
While speaking privately, Kody offers another interpretation for his statements, without outright denying what he said.
He clarified, “At that moment, I wasn’t expressing myself out of anger, but because I was angry enough to speak the truth. Reflecting on our marriage now, I found myself thinking, ‘We should have ended it here, we should have ended it there, we should have ended it everywhere.’ Yet, I didn’t believe in divorce.
For Meri, even though she can’t alter the past, she has the ability to recognize her past errors and strive towards becoming the finest version of herself.
She told Jenn, ‘I’m focusing on self-improvement in the mirror, striving to become a better person, and making the most of what remains of my life.’ Regarding the marriage, I’ve been trying to improve it as well.
For more of the bombshells dropped on the series’ 19th season, keep reading.
Kody Brown expressed his desire to part ways with his first wife, Meri Brown, soon after their wedding in 1990. However, as he told her, “When we move to Flagstaff, this will be a fresh start for us,” which he had said before, implying they would work things out. But according to Meri, shared during the September 15 premiere, Kody has repeatedly given her false hopes over the years, saying these things but not following through on his promises.
In my perspective, one of the areas I find most challenging in our relationship is his inconsistency in expressing his feelings, desires, and boundaries. Over time, it seems like a narrative has been woven that, unfortunately, doesn’t always align with what he truly feels or wants.
Kody admitted that there might have been some confusion, since when he began working on projects, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point of this?” He clarified his current stance by saying, “I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with her at this time.
Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023.
She admitted, “They essentially said, ‘We’re with you, we care about you. And it’s high time,'” she confessed. Now that her eyes have been opened, she feels as if he had been subtly trying to persuade her to leave for years by claiming he didn’t love her, “Because if I could be made to believe he wasn’t the villain because he didn’t choose to depart first.
After all these years since our family acquired the 14-acre property in Flagstaff, Ariz., where we had envisioned constructing our dream home, I admitted during the season premiere that it was time for this dream to take a back seat. With the hefty price tag of $820,000 yet to be paid off (which we managed to settle in 2023), I shared with my remaining wife, Robyn Brown, that I was considering abandoning the project or even selling it and starting fresh somewhere else.
As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”
Previously, Janelle Brown expressed to TopMob News that their relationship had been gradually drifting apart. However, it was Kody’s shortcomings as a parent towards some of their children that ultimately prompted her decision to depart.
In simpler terms, the mom expressed to Logan Brown, Madison Brown Brush, Hunter Brown, Garrison Brown, Gabriel Brown, and Savanah Brown that the turning point for her was when his relationship with her children deteriorated, and it didn’t appear as though he would go to great lengths to repair it. She added that at that moment, she realized that was what had been keeping her there all along.
In the November 3rd episode, Kody’s proposal for reconciliation was met with firm refusal by Janelle. This was an absolute no-go for her.
She stated that it would be difficult, if not impossible, for her to repair their relationship in a way that he wouldn’t interfere with her children’s lives. Instead, she made it clear that she will prioritize her kids above all else.
In my perspective, I’ve chosen to approach repairing the strained relationships with some of my grown children differently. Rather than exerting more effort, I prefer to focus on fostering understanding and healing through meaningful conversations and actions.
In the September 15 episode, he expressed his feelings of not belonging within the family anymore. Despite being legally married to Robyn and co-parenting their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he mentioned that he had limited contact with some other children as well. He questioned how he should navigate this situation, stating it didn’t feel like a family to him.
In the season 19 premiere, Robyn admitted that despite their first true monogamous phase in their 14-year marriage, they’ve been experiencing significant difficulties. She explained, “Things between us are really hard right now. Kody isn’t sure whether to blame himself or one of the other wives, and he feels a lot of rejection. I think he’s worried that I might reject him too.
As a consequence, she admitted, “I’m constantly vigilant. I need to ensure he isn’t undermining our relationship.” The most challenging aspect, in her words: “There’s no support system for the fact that I’m still wedded to a man who’s getting divorced multiple times.
Meanwhile, Kody struggled with self-doubt, expressing, “I find it hard to stand before a mirror and tell myself sincerely, ‘Hi there, pal. I adore you.’
In the October 27th episode, Robyn expressed that it was difficult for her as she observed her ex-sister wives transitioning into their latest phase. She commented, “They’re all progressing,” implying a sense of being left behind in the wake of their advancement.
Include Madison, the eldest daughter of Janelle, in the list of children who are currently not in a relationship with Kody. As clarified during the premiere, “Maddie hasn’t spoken to her father,” Janelle stated. “Neither has he called her, nor she him. She’s essentially cut ties with both of them.
As a lifestyle expert, I’d rephrase that statement as follows: According to my observations, Kody seems hesitant in his relationship with Maddie’s children – Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine. It appears that Janelle feels he should only have contact if he can fully commit to it.
During the September 22 broadcast, it was revealed that Kody had essentially stopped communicating with Maddie and her husband Caleb Brush when the family began to disintegrate.
Without Kody being around or reaching out, Maddie has taken on a very protective role, as Janelle put it. She’s been acting like an overly protective mother, feeling that until he can be reliable and avoid unnecessary drama, it might be best for everyone if they keep his existence hidden for now.
Additionally, Robyn mentioned that she’s been urging Kody to take steps to reconcile, but she also expressed, “I believe it’s important for the children to do the same.
Presently, it appears Kody is hesitant about mending the rift. He complains that whenever he converses with his daughter, their discussions seem more like spreading rumors, leaving him feeling exhausted from it.
During their 32nd anniversary celebration, “He hinted that he never truly loved me and felt obligated to marry me,” Meri confided in her friend Brandi during the September 15 premiere. “To which I replied, ‘Kody,’ I said, ‘I know you did love me.’
And if he didn’t, the mom to Leon Brown said in a confessional, why did he ever propose?
She pondered, “Why would a bachelor decide to marry a maiden if he didn’t already have feelings for her, merely declaring his affection and attempting to grow those sentiments over the subsequent three decades? Seems unfair, doesn’t it? To select me from many others and then say, ‘I choose you in the hope that I can try to compel myself to love you’?
In his private reflection, Kody stated: “Meri is making some allegations. Well, let her say what she will. I won’t be responding to them.
Though, he would share that they never enjoyed a honeymoon period.
He emphatically stated during the October 20th episode that their marriage had been in trouble from the start. And why do I know this? Because I had much stronger connections with Janelle, Christine, and Robyn.
Reflecting on my past, I realize now that I should have ended my relationship a quarter-century back, but fear held me captive. You see, the leadership in my life at that time had instilled a belief that leaving a spouse would prevent future marriages, a notion I regret not challenging sooner.
Despite being unsure whether to develop Coyote Pass or sell it, Janelle pointed out that the first move was settling the debt on the Arizona property. With Kody refusing to discuss the matter, she shared her concerns with ex-sister wife Christine Brown during the September 22 episode, stating, “I believe I’ll need a lawyer’s help,” implying that she may be at an impasse where only legal intervention can lead to a resolution.
Janelle admitted that since she doesn’t have a legally binding marriage with Kody, “I don’t actually possess any legal grounds to assert any kind of claim on Kody’s property.” In her own words, “It’s not as simple as contacting a lawyer and requesting a divorce. No, it’s much more intricate due to the absence of a legally recognized marriage.
Kody stated that his reason for avoiding discussions about the Arizona property with Janelle was due to his loss of trust in her.
He firmly stated in a private moment during the September 22 broadcast, “When the opportunity arises, we will settle the property. I prefer not to share details about my actions or plans at this point because I’m fed up with divulging information that gets distorted by the rumor mill within our fractured family.
A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview.
She confided that he seems to spill secrets effortlessly, as if he were a leaky bucket. She mentioned conversations about his past relationships and multiple spouses, which left her feeling uncomfortable, wondering if she should have been privy to such information.
In those good old days, when our bond was getting stronger instead of weakening, we would combine our savings in a single jar, savoring each contribution as a testament to our unity.
In simpler terms, Janelle stated during the September 22 episode that we traditionally devoted all our resources to assisting one person at a time. Afterward, we’d unite to support another individual. This pattern continued until around the last decade. However, now it seems that everyone is more focused on accumulating their own personal estates rather than helping each other.
When Robyn required a house in Arizona, everyone contributed towards purchasing her $1.65 million five-bedroom property, which had been put up for sale in August.
Initially, Robyn stated that acquiring the asset would benefit the entire family. However, when Janelle proposed that they all be co-signers on the mortgage, she faced opposition. Kody responded, “No, no, we have to safeguard, understandably protect Robyn’s estate,” Janelle remembered. Now that she is leaving the family, Janelle expressed her wish to receive her share of the Coyote Pass earnings and also recover some of the money she invested in Robyn’s house.
But that could be a tough sell.
Robyn remarked, “After all this time collaborating, it’s perplexing to me. With Janelle claiming she’s due money, I find myself wondering, ‘How is the calculation done? How is this figured out?’ It’s so puzzling.
Expressing her frustration over their financial situation regarding Coyote Pass, Janelle pointed out that Kody often mentioned having numerous other debts. However, she’s observed him acquiring various assets such as trailers and home decorations. She commented on Robyn and Kody’s house, saying, “I see all the artwork on their walls.” She continued, “I see all these things. And I understand, I too have spent money on items like these.” (Kody defended himself by stating that a large portion of his funds were used to purchase vehicles—”Basically I had a fleet”—and insurance for the children.)
Janelle admitted that she wasn’t certain about the way Kody and Robyn managed their finances, yet she often found herself amazed by how well-maintained Robyn’s backyard appeared. It always seemed completed, and there were plenty of items at her house. This left Janelle thinking, “Wow, really?
Essentially, she expressed that he didn’t make her needs or desires a priority, which eventually took its toll on her. Over time, even her adult children started showing frustration, asking something along the lines of, “Mom, what’s going on?
Instead, let me rephrase for you: After her first marriage ended, Robyn became mindful about managing her finances cautiously.
In the September 22 episode, she confessed that she wasn’t good with managing money in the past. Growing up, she encountered numerous financial challenges, and it was during her divorce that she learned to budget effectively, becoming quite proficient at it. Regarding her fellow sister wives, she commented that perhaps they had different spending priorities than she did.
Currently, as revealed in the September 22 episode, Janelle admitted that while she and Christine (mother of Aspyn Brown, Mykelti Brown Padron, Paedon Brown, Gwendlyn Brown, Ysabel Brown, and Truely Brown) often gather with their families, there’s minimal interaction with Meri or Robyn, and Kody as well. She doesn’t anticipate this situation to significantly improve in the near future.
Speaking fondly about the period when they lived in four houses on a single cul-de-sac during their Las Vegas stay, Kody commented, “It was simply the best phase of my existence. Things were running smoothly, and it was wonderful to have Maddie and Caleb close by. I had a strong bond with Caleb; he truly felt like kin.
In Arizona, disagreements arose concerning coronavirus safety measures, which eventually led to chaos. Similarly, when his marriages disintegrated, he lamented that the relationship with his children deteriorated as well, describing it as a souring of bonds.
But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021.
On the September 22nd show, she stated that the kids who felt frustrated had been feeling that way long before I departed. She emphasized that my departure did not alter the dynamic between the father and his children. Kody has the ability to mend his relationships with his offspring at any time.
Though it’ll definitely take some work.
Kody expressed his feelings, stating, “I’m still deeply upset about how I’ve been perceived because of what my wife or ex-wife has said. The problem is, I can’t accept blame for things I didn’t do. I’m hoping that one day, the resentment will fade away and we might find a way to forgive each other and rediscover love.
At the age of 21 and 19, Kody admitted that he and Meri weren’t particularly well-acquainted when they got married, both spiritually and legally. (Later on, in 2014, they decided to file for divorce so Kody could officially adopt Robyn’s three eldest children from her previous marriage.)
When we got married, she seemed quite distinct and I suspect there may have been some past issues (or ‘baggage’) that Meri had which I wasn’t aware of. At first, I believed I could tolerate it. However, as time went on, everything felt like a fight and I can’t endure living in a state where she is consistently angry with me.
Despite his desire to depart, he found himself unable to do so. Kody, in a plural marriage, explained, “If one wishes to remain faithful and adhere to our faith, they can’t seek a divorce. It’s forbidden. Therefore, I couldn’t escape that relationship. Simultaneously, I wasn’t yearning to abandon the relationship. Instead, I wanted to understand if we could salvage and mend it.
Therefore, due to the conflicting signals, he admitted that Meri believed they could resolve their issues. However, whenever they were together, Kody stated, “She wasn’t pleasant, she wasn’t entertaining, she wasn’t compassionate, she wasn’t engaging. I’m trying to keep my interest in her, but I’m growing weary.
He acknowledged that it was understandable for Meri to feel as if she had been left behind, but he clarified that he hadn’t asked her to leave. Instead, it was Christine, Janelle, and Meri who decided for him to move out from the shared home.
Even though Janelle and Christine believed they weren’t legally married to Kody, requiring no divorce, Meri sought a formal separation, known as a “release,” from their church towards the end of 2022.
In the September 22nd episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody in our church. Though it’s not legally possible for all of us to be his wives, we referred to it as a covenant. Since none of us are moving forward with a marriage, I believe it’s appropriate to end this arrangement. I don’t want to remain bound to him for eternity if he doesn’t wish for that, and at this point, I feel it’s best if we completely separate.
Kody appeared unwilling towards the concept, stating that she didn’t feel comfortable accepting the leadership of the church officials.
Kody put it this way: “The harm is so extensive that there’s no chance of making amends, whatever the circumstances.” He further stated, “Consequently, I don’t wish to answer to this church and its nonsense. So, I plan to allow Meri her freedom, as my anger towards her only fuels conflict. Frankly, I just want her out of sight because it seems like she’s been stuck in the past for years.
2021 holiday gift exchange conversation between the 18 Brown offspring took an unpleasant turn, as Christine put it. “Things went awry, things fell apart,” she elaborated. “Kody, Robyn, and their children were on one side, choosing to distance themselves from Janelle, me, and our kids. A divide occurred following this text conversation.
According to Robyn, her older children found the interaction to be emotionally uncomfortable and decided it would be best for them to distance themselves from the relationship. However, she clarified that this wasn’t a matter of not wanting to see or interact with her again. Instead, they simply felt that the situation had become unpleasant.
For his part, Gabriel is hoping that they could find their way back to each other.
He admitted on October 13 that what he longs for most is rekindling a relationship with Robyn’s children. During middle school, Aurora was his preferred companion, and in high school, he always attempted to connect with Dayton. However, he’s not optimistic about forming a relationship with their father and Robyn.
Aurora asserted that she was informed numerous times, in various situations by different individuals, that she was not welcomed into the family upon Kody’s marriage in 2010. She emphasized that they never viewed her as their sister, and did not acknowledge or regard her in that capacity.
And Breanna mentioned that she believed the parents could’ve made more efforts in fostering a stronger family bond, but sadly, that connection never materialized.
But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.
As a die-hard fan, I’d put it this way: “Robyn’s little ones and Robyn themselves were always invited to all the events, and let me tell you, their home was never off-limits. If I were to speak, it would be, ‘Feel free to drop by, come right in, any time you fancy.’
At the same time, she mentioned, her daughter Ysabel Brown was particularly close to Robyn’s children, and for a period, Mykelti Brown Padron even resided with them. She explained, “Difficult times arose, and my children felt agitated at times, but they viewed Robyn’s kids as their siblings just as dearly.
As an ardent advocate for this unique lifestyle, I can’t help but sing its praises. When plural marriage works harmoniously, it creates an extraordinary family network that I’m privileged to be a part of, a community that truly resonates with me. I have a husband who shares a deep bond with me, and yet, I retain my independence – the best of both worlds! To me, this unconventional marriage is not just acceptable, but a truly wonderful arrangement.
Kody, however, wouldn’t say “I do” to polygamy again.
In his view expressed on the December 1st episode, he contended that polygamy hinders emotional intimacy. He stated that it tends to make everyone guarded, and what he yearns for is an emotionally open, intimate relationship with a woman, which is difficult to achieve in a polygamous setting.
According to Janelle, Kody found it harder to share his affection when the family moved from Las Vegas to Arizona in 2018.
On the September 29th episode, it was observed that Kody found it more convenient to be apart when he relocated to Flagstaff. Occasionally, I had to remind him to visit my home. He would often make excuses about being tired, but I pointed out that he could rest just as well at my house as at Robyn’s.
Janelle stated that her children were reprimanded for opening Robyn’s refrigerator, implying they felt a sense of separation from her. For Christine’s kids, the problem was that they saw their father was in a relationship with Robyn, but she wasn’t part of their household.
And Robyn said her crew definitely felt the divide.
In the recent episode from September 29th, I expressed that Meri, in general, welcomed my children and me warmly, but the rest of the family found it challenging to accept us. We yearned to be an integral part of their family.
However, Gabriel might contend that he and his brothers or sisters had made significant efforts to welcome them into their group.
In the October 13th episode, I expressed my perspective: Robyn seems to have a tendency to perceive herself as a victim. To be clear, I’m not casting blame, but rather acknowledging a pattern I’ve observed. And let me add, we all find ways to navigate our lives, some more complex than others.
But he added, “If Robyn truly thinks that we were unfairly treating her or her children while she was receiving special treatment from Dad and we were making efforts to bond with them, and if she genuinely holds this belief, then it’s impossible for me to maintain a relationship with Robyn in the future.
During a September 29 episode, Kody disclosed how moving between four homes every now and then impacted his 18 children, particularly an incident involving his youngest with Robyn, Ariella (born in January 2016), who held onto him as he was about to depart.
In simpler terms, Kody said, “‘I told her there are other responsibilities that require my attention – another wife, more children. They need to see me.’ But she clung to me, crying, ‘Don’t go, Daddy, don’t go.’ It’s tough on me.
Unfortunately, that’s just a reality of plural marriage, insisted Janelle.
As a lifestyle expert, I’ve often found myself reflecting on my personal experiences when it comes to raising children. From the outset, my kids were aware that their father wouldn’t always be around due to various reasons. It’s always been troubling for me to observe Kody and Robyn’s handling of this situation with her children. I believe a father should rarely be absent for more than three or four days because it can lead to emotional distress in a child like Ari, which I perceive as questionable parenting practices. Throughout family history, other children have managed these absences, growing up to become well-adjusted adults. This leads me to wonder if there wasn’t a better way to navigate this situation.
Among the not many Brown family members who remained connected with both Robyn, Kody, and also Christine and Janelle, mother of three, Mykelti often acted as a mediator amidst Kody’s divorce proceedings.
From the instant Robyn joined the Brown clan, Mykelti extended an invitation for her to attend the delivery of her twins, Archer and Ace, in November 2022.
During the September 29th broadcast, Mykelti expressed that when Robyn entered their family, she was still trying to understand herself. Robyn made her feel valued and acknowledged, which was exactly what she needed at the time. When Mykelti was in need of someone, when she needed someone to listen, to care for her, Robyn was there.
Her mother, Christine, couldn’t have been happier. She expressed, during the October 6 episode, that when Robyn joined their family and it was clear she and Mykelti had a wonderful bond, it exceeded her expectations. “When I dreamed of having a multi-mother household,” she said, “I hoped my children would have strong relationships with other mothers. This is exactly what I wished for.
Kody believes it’s not just his wives who are deliberately excluding him from their lives as a form of punishment for a crime he didn’t commit, according to what he shared during the October 6 episode. He attributed his estrangement from some of his older children to this perspective, stating that his only ‘guilt’ lies in not having fallen deeply in love with their mothers.
What’s more, he continued, he think his former spouses are a bit to blame.
In my perspective as a lifestyle expert, I find myself grappling with a significant rift in my relationship with my children, primarily due to my own self-talk. The aftermath of our family splitting up has left me in a swirl of disillusionment, and it’s as if an unconscious voice within me is saying, “It’s all Dad’s fault. Dad made the mistakes.
However, although some responsibility may be placed on him, he finds it offensive when insults are used. More precisely, he admitted that he had difficulties bonding with Hunter, Maddie and Gabriel, as one of his children retaliated via text message by calling him “a piece of trash,” stating they would never speak to him again regardless.
Personally speaking, in another instance, I found myself expressing to the recording devices, “One of my cherished offspring just bluntly stated, ‘You’re unbearable. I’ll no longer converse with you. You’ve manipulated me and indoctrinated me.’ Such are the raw emotions that sometimes surface in our unique family dynamics.
He doesn’t want to continue dealing with the problem himself. “I won’t keep trying forever,” he said, implying that he believes his elders should take more responsibility in resolving issues. “I’m prepared to do my part, but someone else needs to step up and contribute too.
For Robyn, watching Kody’s estrangement from his adult children hit far too close to home.
In her discussion during the October 6th episode, she shared that her parents separated when she was very young. At that time, her father lived with another woman in a different city, while her mother lived alone. She vividly recalls asking him about this change, only to be given poor explanations for his absence during her childhood years, which left her feeling unhappy.
Instead of letting Kody’s hurt feelings hinder his efforts, it was clear that she wasn’t going to lose respect for him over it. During their heated confrontation, which occurred towards the end of 2022, she expressed her struggle not to feel as though her respect for him might be diminishing slightly.
Though I fully admit that there’s room for improvement in my efforts to reconnect with my children, I firmly believe that healing my own heart is the crucial first step.
He admitted that some of his children seem to be conspiring against him, and he explained, “I’m so enraged by what has transpired that whenever I interact with my kids, I fear they might provoke me with a reproach. At this moment, I’m too emotionally charged. All I could do is cause further harm.
Despite many members of the family being present at the wedding of Logan and Michelle Petty, which took place in October 2022, it seemed that mutual affection was somewhat lacking.
In the October 6th episode, Kody expressed his displeasure to Robyn, mentioning that he noticed Madison whisking her children away from him, and he lamented that his daughter had not informed him about her third pregnancy, which resulted in the birth of their daughter Josephine in February 2023. Essentially, he stated that she didn’t tell him she was pregnant.
Frankly, Maddie doesn’t tell her dad much of anything with the two rarely speaking.
Janelle clarified why Maddie avoided Kody at the wedding: it’s because she carefully guards her children. Kody hasn’t been around since Evie was born, over three-and-a-half years ago, and Maddie didn’t want him to suddenly appear as if to say ‘I’m your grandpa,’ leaving the kids confused with a question like, ‘Who is this man?’
Kody’s viewpoint is that it’s not feasible for grandparents to constantly be involved in their grandchildren’s lives, as he points out with Maddie living in North Carolina and himself being based in Flagstaff, where he has work and personal commitments.
It appears that there’s a significant disagreement between Kody and his grown-up kids regarding their current rift, with one contentious issue being Kody asking for an apology or acknowledgment of wrongdoing from his side.
Following the end of the COVID-related concerns, we returned to our everyday lives, but there was still a rift within our family that couldn’t be mended, as per Janelle in the Oct. 13 episode. Kody had this feeling that his sons needed to express their apologies, particularly to Robyn, and he expressed it like this: “It eventually turned into something more, and they just need to speak with me directly.
In Janelle’s words, Kody’s problem was that he felt his children hadn’t remained faithful to him, and moreover, the most cherished member of our family who has given so much love and care has been disregarded or treated unfairly, she expressed. And I responded, ‘Well, Kody, whatever you say.’
Gabriel expressed a similar sentiment as he recounted his talk with his father to Janelle. He said, “He always seemed to imply that I needed to apologize to him.” Eventually, Gabriel said, “I just told him something like, ‘Look, unless you’re genuinely willing to work on our relationship and make amends, we’re going to stop talking.’ A few days later, he texted me. He said, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about what you’ve been saying. I forgive you. Please forgive me.'” I replied, “Forgive me for what exactly?
Among the six children Kody has with Janelle, he primarily interacts with their youngest, Savanah, albeit infrequently, making a call and going out together approximately every two months. The other children do not seem to maintain much of a relationship with him.
Regarding Savannah, who finished high school in 2023, it is her belief that her four elder brothers have assumed a paternal role in her life. In fact, she has shared with Janelle her intention of asking her siblings to accompany her during her walk down the aisle someday.
According to Janelle, she had discussed the matter with Savanah, who expressed, “Well, it seems I’ve come to understand that this is his nature.” She further explained, “He’ll be more like a dad who visits and we’ll have great times, but he’ll leave. I can accept him as he is. It’s alright.
Janelle, however, is less forgiving.
She was clearly upset about Kody,” she expressed. “You know, I’ve witnessed similar situations before. Many women I’ve collaborated with in the past got divorced, only for the children’s father to disappear after that.
Initially, the strain between them was significant as “Gabriel found it particularly tough since Kody often invited Gabriel along on his work journeys,” according to Janelle. She further explained that Kody had been an extremely involved father until recently.
During the Oct. 13 episode, Gabriel expressed confusion about what he might have done to upset his father, but asserted, “I told Dad that if he doesn’t alter his ways and can’t accept responsibility, then I won’t visit him anymore. And I’m completely content with that decision.
In simpler terms, according to Janelle, he feels content that his father isn’t part of his life. What I wish for all my children is a similar situation, and it seems like they are all headed in the same direction.
For his part, Kody also seems resigned to the situation.
He expressed his apologies for how Gabriel feels, adding that he has attempted to reach out to him on numerous occasions, yet those efforts were unsuccessful. However, it was not due to a lack of effort on his part.
In late 2022, Meri was the one who ended her relationship with Kody by obtaining what their church refers to as a “release,” citing abandonment as the reason for this separation.
She remarked during the October 13 broadcast, “He dislikes that term because he doesn’t believe he left me. Instead, I sense that he did.
To put it another way, she believes he paid little attention to her until the point when she decided to depart, which allowed him to claim, “I have no part in this.
And Kody didn’t totally deny that he had a bit of a strategy.
He shared, in a private moment, that he had moved past the situation long ago. However, he admitted his fear of her potential reaction if he ended things suddenly. The reason for this apprehension was that Meri had never been loyal to him throughout their relationship. This concern stemmed from the damage a divorce could do to one’s reputation.
He had moved on, but he was scared of how she might react if he ended things abruptly because she wasn’t faithful during their relationship. He worries about his reputation since getting divorced can harm it.
Instead, alleged Meri, it was hers that was being tarnished.
I cannot help but feel disheartened as Kody seems to be portraying our marriage in a manner that doesn’t resonate with me. It appears his perspective on our relationship has shifted, yet the allegations he makes about me to others, which some seem to accept, are untrue.
Prior to the time when Christina parted ways with Kody, it became apparent to her that they were not well-suited for each other according to a task suggested by their marriage counselor based in Las Vegas.
As a devoted admirer, I found myself jotting down the traits I yearned for in my future partner. I was on the hunt for an exceptional communicator, someone who would be fully invested in me and our children’s lives, and someone who would find me irresistible. Alas, Kody didn’t embody any of those qualities, as he admitted himself during the Oct. 20 episode. “I presented him with my list,” I shared, “and he confessed, ‘I’m not any of those things for you.’ I replied, ‘No, you’re not.’
The letter played a significant role in helping her realize immediately that David Woolley was indeed her match.
She enthusiastically shared that family means everything to this widowed father of eight, who runs his own drywall business. Known for his integrity and authenticity, he is also an exceptional communicator.
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2025-01-06 07:21