For a long time, shonen enthusiasts had speculated that the spin-off series of “My Hero Academia”, titled Vigilantes, would never get its own spin-off. However, with the main series nearing its end, Studio Bones has confirmed that the tales of Crawler, Pop Step, and Knuckleduster will soon be unfolding on our screens. Although the preliminary trailers and promotional materials for the upcoming spring release have sparked excitement among anime fans, there’s been some debate surrounding the central female character in this side story. In transitioning Pop Step from the pages to the small screen, Studio Bones has introduced alterations to the vigilante’s costume.
Similar to numerous other characters within the UA Academy’s universe, Kazuho Haneyama’s superpowers may initially appear less impressive compared to abilities like One For All and All For One. Her ability, Pop Step, enables her to jump high into the air when standing on a solid surface. However, if she’s not on a solid surface, her jumping capacity is considerably reduced. Throughout the storyline, her powers undergo significant alterations due to unexpected events that unfold within the narrative.
Pop Step’s Costume Changes
Studio Bones has modified the Vigilante’s costume for the small-screen version of Pop Step, leading to discussions among online anime enthusiasts. Although the production company hasn’t explained the reason behind these changes, it seems that they opted for a more traditional design for the hero’s attire. For comparison, you can see the contrast between Pop Step in the original comic and the new animated series below.
In the realm of anime, altering characters’ appearances from manga to screen is a common practice. For instance, “Blackluster,” one of the heroes in “One-Punch Man,” underwent significant modifications for the upcoming third season on TV. It’s intriguing to contemplate if “Vigilantes” will experience any more changes as it gears up for its April debut.
The Vigilantes Are Coming
If you haven’t dived into the world of “My Hero Academia: Vigilantes” yet, let me tell you about this thrilling spin-off! It delves into a group of heroes who choose to work outside the law. Yet, don’t be fooled, it’s brimming with familiar faces from our beloved main series. Characters like Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might, and Mirko are showcased in their early days! As for the upcoming anime adaptation, we’re yet to hear if it will extend beyond its inaugural season, but given the abundance of material from the manga, I’m optimistic that this spin-off will carry on with new seasons, even after “My Hero Academia” wraps up its main anime storyline.
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2025-01-25 19:12