Niraya of Interview – Setting, “Dodging” Mechanic, and More

Niraya of Interview – Setting, “Dodging” Mechanic, and More

As a seasoned gamer with decades of gaming experience under my belt, I must admit that the concept of Niraya of has piqued my interest. The decision to focus on dodging as the central gameplay mechanic in a horror game is a refreshing departure from the usual combat-driven or stealth-focused titles. It’s intriguing to see developers taking inspiration from real-world situations and challenges, making the game feel more grounded and relatable.

As the horror genre expands rapidly, a game that offers a fresh and distinctive approach is sure to grab attention, and that’s what Hexadrive claims for the upcoming title, Niraya. This forthcoming horror game will place players in the role of a vulnerable young girl, deviating from conventional stealth or combat-focused gameplay by challenging players to invent innovative strategies to navigate terrifying creatures. To gain insights into how the developers at Hexadrive plan to bring this concept to life, we were fortunate enough to interview them recently. You can find our interview below for further details.

Niraya of Interview – Setting, “Dodging” Mechanic, and More

In the realm of this game, when we chat about “dodging,” it’s not about pulling off cool stunts. Rather, it’s like being that resourceful kid who’s on the run from monsters, tossing things to divert them and living each moment by steering clear of peril.

Would you elaborate on the reasoning behind making evasion the core gameplay aspect in a horror title, instead of prioritizing direct confrontation or stealth mechanics?

In simpler terms, the reason this game stands out is that its main character is an ordinary kid, unlike most video game protagonists who possess extraordinary skills. These characters often have abilities that help them overcome challenges, but in real life, such skills are rare. For instance, operating a firearm isn’t easy for anyone, especially beginners. If you picture an average child in this scenario, it becomes even more difficult.

In the context of this game, “dodging” is not about performing flashy moves. Rather, it depicts a situation where a regular child is frantically fleeing from monsters, using various items to divert their attention, and persistently striving to stay alive by steering clear of perils in this world.

How will you continuously develop and evolve the core gameplay element to maintain an engaging and novel experience for the player as they progress?

As players advance, they’ll encounter changing levels and various opponents. Despite having just basic moves at first, the fun of devising strategies and discovering unique solutions to obstacles will remain captivating and exciting all the way through the gameplay.

Does Niraya imply that venturing into the world could be overwhelmingly frightening? Could it be due to potential threats like enemies and monsters, or perhaps the world’s themes and ambiance create an atmosphere of dread?

The terror in our game primarily comes from the mysterious ambiance and motifs of the world, which stir unease because they’re strangely familiar yet alien. Humans have a natural aversion to the unknown, and these settings provoke that instinct. There are odd artifacts out of place for their historical era, adding to the unsettling feeling. Navigating through such spaces is eerie as there’s no clear direction or safety. To top it off, monsters can attack at any moment without warning, making every step uncertain and scary. Our goal is to ensure each game element heightens the sense of fear.

Niraya of Interview – Setting, “Dodging” Mechanic, and More

In the course of play, gamers will encounter varying levels and distinct adversaries, each offering unique experiences. Despite having a restricted set of actions similar to that of a young child, the process of devising strategies and discovering innovative methods to surmount obstacles is intended to remain intriguing and captivating throughout the entire gameplay experience.

As a horror game enthusiast, I’m curious about your creative process. Do you typically start by determining the central mechanic that forms the backbone of your terrifying creations, or is it the chilling setting and captivating concept that come first in shaping your masterpieces?

Your question sparks curiosity! The whole project started when we decided to develop a horror game. To make our creation stand out among others, we aimed to avoid conventional mechanics like combat or running away. Instead, we focused on “dodging.” In simpler terms, the overall theme and idea were established first.

Roughly how long will an average playthrough of the game be?

We anticipate that an average playthrough of the game will take around 6 to 8 hours.

Do you intend to bring Niraya of to consoles down the line?

We’re leaning towards possibly launching Niraya on consoles at some point down the line, with the aim of expanding our reach and attracting more players.

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2024-10-25 18:11