Among the top-favored anime episodes of 2024, “One Piece Fan Letter” stands out. This episode was skillfully directed by Megumi Ishitani and unveiled to honor the anime’s 25th anniversary. It’s adapted from an authorized novel titled Straw Hat Stories, penned by Tomohito Ohsaki. The episode aired on October 20th within the usual time slot for “One Piece,” prior to its mid-series break during the Egghead Island Arc. This episode showcases how the escapades of the Straw Hat Pirates have inspired ordinary citizens living in the world of “One Piece.
In an interview just before his passing, Ishitani shared that as the story features entirely fresh characters instead of the Straw Hat Pirates crew, he initially believed that only dedicated One Piece fans would comprehend and value it. However, though a basic understanding of One Piece is crucial for enjoying…
— Pew (@pewpiece) January 2, 2025
Megumi Ishitani Was Stressed Before One Piece Fan Letter’s Release
@Pewpiece posts excerpts from Megumi Ishitani’s recent interview, stating, ‘As the main characters in this story are fresh faces outside of the Straw Hat Pirates crew, I initially thought that only dedicated One Piece enthusiasts would grasp and enjoy it.’
She also mentions, “Although a certain level of familiarity with One Piece is required to appreciate the work, I assumed its popularity would only resonate with existing fans. However, after it was aired, I came across a remark that read, ‘I’ll never watch another filler episode again!’ Hearing this actually brought me joy and alleviated much of my worry.
Ishitani’s concerns about the reception of “Fan Letter” turned out to be unfounded as viewers adored it even more than the original episodes in One Piece. The fan-made anime “One Piece Fan Letter” has made a significant impact, climbing up the charts and currently sitting at the third spot on MyAnimeList’s top anime list with a rating of 9.09. It is outranked only by “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” (with a score of 9.32) and “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (with a score of 9.10). Moreover, it has garnered a high rating of 9.3 on IMDb as well.
Although the X account hasn’t disclosed an official source for the interview, it’s well-known for distributing trustworthy One Piece news. Megumi Ishitani is a celebrated animator who has made a substantial and highly praised impact on One Piece. She is widely recognized for her distinctive artistic style and skill in adding emotional depth and cinematic quality to the episodes she directs.
Beyond crafting the heartfelt One Piece Fan Letter, I’ve also helmed Episode 1015 – a masterpiece that continues to shine brightly in the annals of One Piece’s extraordinary history. As shared by @Pewpiece, our visionary director, Ishitani, has hinted at delving into a One Piece film project next. The last One Piece Film: Red was unveiled in August 2022, and with anticipation building, it feels like the perfect time for another blockbuster. Although no official word has been given, I can’t help but dream that Megumi will grace the silver screen once more in a future movie!
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2025-01-05 22:09