Nintendo’s Recent Patent Applications Are Routine for a Company – Patent Attorney

As per Kurihara’s explanation, it’s common practice in corporations, such as Nintendo, to file patent applications like they recently did. He points out that companies often submit both wide and specific patent claims, with the understanding that the broad ones are likely to be denied. However, the more specific patents have a higher chance of being accepted.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak 2 is Out Now

In this new iteration, we see the comeback of figures such as Agnès Claudel, Feri Al-Fayed, and Elaine Auclaire, while Swin Abel and Nadia Rayne from “Trails into Reverie” make their entrance onto the scene. Unlike its predecessor, the storyline unfolds along two distinct paths, each with a unique group of characters tackling different challenges. Additionally, fresh elements like hacking and tailing suspects are introduced to add depth to gameplay.