Poll: Will You Be Watching The Game Awards 2024?

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that The Game Awards 2024 is a spectacle not to be missed – at least for me. Over the years, I’ve grown accustomed to staying up into the wee hours, caffeine-fueled and eyes glued to the screen, eagerly awaiting the latest gaming news.

The much-anticipated The Game Awards 2024 is just around the corner. In about 24 hours (give or take), we’ll likely find ourselves glued to our screens, eagerly tuning in to Geoff Keighley’s grand spectacle… or perhaps not?

Each year, the annual event garners a record number of viewers, yet we’re curious if you plan on joining the audience for this particular occasion.

Regardless of its value, responses to each performance are generally quite unfavorable – particularly among dedicated gamers, who make up a significant portion of our readers.

Over the past few years, I’ve found myself growing increasingly frustrated with the length of this gaming event. It seems excessively padded with industry-specific fluff and ads, stretching out over two to three hours. And as someone living in Europe, that means sacrificing my sleep, staying up into the wee hours just to catch it all.

Of course, it’s all about your preferences! Are you planning to catch The Game Awards 2024? Feel free to cast your vote in our polls and share your genuine thoughts about Geoff’s presentation in the comment section beneath.

Will you be watching The Game Awards 2024? (20 votes)

  1. Yes, I’ll definitely be watching25%
  2. Maybe, I haven’t decided yet10%
  3. Nah, it’s simply too late in my timezone50%
  4. Nope, I don’t really enjoy it 0%
  5. No, I have zero interest in The Game Awards15%

If you’re watching The Game Awards, what’s your main reason for tuning in? (16 votes)

  1. The awards themselves13%
  2. The announcements and reveals88%
  3. The celebrity guests 0%
  4. The live music performances 0%
  5. I just love watching ads 0%

If you’re skipping The Game Awards, what’s your main reason for not watching? (11 votes)

  1. I just don’t like award shows9%
  2. It’s too long9%
  3. It’s on too late82%
  4. I don’t find it entertaining 0%
  5. I’ll be busy with other things 0%

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2024-12-11 23:06