The gripping psychological thriller titled “Recall: Empty Wishes” is set to debut on February 13 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam, as confirmed by publishers DANGEN Entertainment and developers Puff Hook Studio. The game will be priced at $14.99. Players can look forward to enjoying the game in English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, or Simplified Chinese.
Here is an overview of the game, via DANGEN Entertainment:
Reminisce: Vacant Yearnings – I find myself drawn into a gripping psychological thriller set in Taiwan during the 2010s. This tale follows me, Yonny, as I persistently seek to unearth the truth behind my brother Tommy’s enigmatic disappearance. As I delve further, I grapple with unsettling secrets that challenge the boundaries between fact and fantasy.
One intriguing possibility for the mysterious vanishing of Tommy Lin, an intelligent and thoughtful young man, is revealed when Yonny encounters a vintage toy phone receiver that she and Tommy had played with as kids. This enigmatic artifact serves as a gateway, connecting Yonny and her companion to a fantastical dimension where they can explore the remnants of memories belonging to individuals associated with Tommy. By using this receiver, they delve into these people’s innermost wishes, aiming to unravel the mystery surrounding Tommy’s sudden absence.
Experience the perspectives of Yonny and Phoebe as they revisit significant individuals connected to Tommy’s story. Each chapter reveals the deepest desires and hidden truths of these characters. In this engaging 2D side-scroller, players engage with a rich cast of characters, gather essential items, make critical decisions, and examine intricate settings to solve the enigma surrounding Tommy’s disappearance.
Key Features
- Immersive adventure based on the culture of Taiwanese students in the 2010s.
- Non-linear storytelling that combines elements of fantasy, mystery, and horror.
- Multiple character perspectives with alternate points of view and narration.
- Choices that affect other characters and endings.
- 2D side-scrolling gameplay with interactive elements and puzzle-solving.
- Pixel-art graphics combined with hand-drawn portraits of characters.
- Multiple language support, including English, Chinese and Japanese.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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