Red Dead Redemption 1 Seemingly Added to Steam Backend, Hinting at Imminent PC Release

As a seasoned gaming enthusiast with memories of the wild west etched deep into my hard drive from countless hours spent exploring the vast landscapes of Red Dead Redemption, I can’t help but feel a twinge of excitement every time there’s talk of its potential PC release. It seems like a game of cat and mouse between us fans and Rockstar, with each hint and rumor only serving to stoke the fire of anticipation even higher.

Approximately 15 years after its initial release, the original “Red Dead Redemption” game still hasn’t made an appearance on PC platforms. Interestingly, it was also absent when it was re-released for PS4 and Switch last year. However, hints suggest that this situation may be resolved sooner than later.

As a devoted fan, I stumbled upon some intriguing news on Twitter by none other than the esteemed Rockstar insider, Tez2. It seems that the latest update for the Rockstar Launcher has subtly hinted at an unannounced PC version of the iconic game, Red Dead Redemption. Moreover, this title appears to have quietly been added to the Steam backend, which suggests that a grand announcement might be just around the corner!

It’s worth noting that these latest configuration folders for a “Gen 9” Grand Theft Auto 5 update seem to have been added, even though they are currently empty. This could suggest that Rockstar Games might be planning to transfer the improvements and features from the PS5, Xbox Series X/S versions of the game to PC platforms.

Last month, it strangely appeared that a PC version of Red Dead Redemption was listed on the PlayStation Store, but it was quickly taken down. Earlier this year, there were also hints of a PC port for the 2010 game found in Rockstar Launcher files. You can learn more about that by clicking here.

Unintentionally, during the latest update for the Red Dead Redemption 1 PC launcher, Rockstar inadvertently added the metadata as well.

— Tez2 (@TezFunz2) September 17, 2024

The latest update on the Rockstar Games Launcher hints at further steps towards launching Red Dead Redemption on PC. Interestingly, an empty configuration folder appears in Windows Documents, and it seems like folders related to GTAVI and GTAV Generation 9 were also accidentally placed there (though they are empty). 👀 Image credit: @saiyambansal100

— Ben (@videotechuk_) September 17, 2024

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2024-09-17 20:11