The eagerly-awaited anime series, Sakamoto Days, is slated to be the standout new release during the Winter 2025 season. However, the impending anime adaptation of Yuto Suzuki’s manga has sparked some controversy among its fan base. This two-cours Netflix series will premiere on January 11th with Cour 1, followed by Cour 2 in July. Ever since TMS Entertainment (known for Dr. Stone) announced the anime adaptation, fans of Suzuki’s manga have been expressing high expectations, labeling it as “the pinnacle.” Yet, the recent promotional materials have stirred mixed reactions within the fan community.
The promotional efforts for “Sakamoto Days” haven’t been particularly impressive. It was anticipated to be the next big hit like “Dandadan.” However, based on the feedback from online viewers regarding the trailers, voice acting, and new opening theme, it seems that “Sakamoto Days” is currently failing to meet expectations. To make matters worse, there have been allegations about TMS Entertainment removing negative comments under the trailers. In order for taro Sakamoto to regain fan support, he’ll need to demonstrate exceptional talents – perhaps even those of a skilled hitman.
Sakamoto Days Fans Are Already Complaining About the Anime
A segment of the Sakamoto Days fanbase has expressed concerns that the upcoming anime may not meet the high expectations set by the original manga, following the release of its initial trailer. Upon TMS Entertainment’s reveal, some Japanese fans criticized the animation style, focusing on aspects such as the casual stroll animations being labeled as “lazy” and the portrayal of fight scenes appearing dull. Additionally, there were complaints about the voice cast, with fans stating that the characters’ voices didn’t match their mental images of them while reading the manga.
Earlier this week, the first opening theme for “Sakamoto Days” was unveiled. Titled “Run Sakamoto Run,” the song is a retro-style ’00s rock track and its accompanying credits have a surprisingly relaxed vibe given the action-packed narrative. The tune has been well received by many, but not without criticism – particularly regarding the animation of the opening sequence. Some fans found it inferior to the initial trailer, with several taking to social media to express their dissatisfaction. Most of the opening depicts the main characters wandering through the city using minimalist visuals. The online response to Vaundy’s new song has been varied, as evidenced by CheikhAhmadouN9’s comment: “honestly an opening that I will forget at the end of the day.
Has TMS Entertainment Deleted Negative Comments?
If you search beneath the trailer for “Sakamoto Days” for critical feedback, you’ll find some interspersed among mild compliments. Some viewers have alleged that TMS Entertainment is removing comments from the Japanese trailers of the series. One user on YouTube expressed, “Removing negative comments doesn’t change the fact that people are discontent… All you’re doing is making the fans more aggravated.
Despite strong claims from fans that TMS deleted comments, this accusation remains unproven and has not been acknowledged by the studio itself. The first episode of “Sakamoto Days” debuts on Netflix on January 11. Will the premiere episode be captivating enough to regain the fanbase’s favor? Or, is it possible that “Sakamoto Days” may have already failed before its inception?
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2025-01-07 22:09