Title Announcement: Aspire to Emulate: Shine Post! Originally unveiled as a mobile game in October 2021, inspired by the idol cross-media franchise “Shine Post,” has now expanded its platform compatibility from mobile devices to consoles, according to Konami’s recent announcement. Further details about the specific console(s) will be disclosed at a later time.
Here is the full message from the development team:
Shine Post: Be Your Idol! Platform Change Announcement
We truly appreciate your patience as we work on perfecting the delivery of our game content for “Shine Post: Be Your Idol!”. The reason for the delay is that we’ve been exploring the best ways to offer you an optimal experience. After extensive deliberation and numerous discussions, we have decided to switch the supported platform for this exciting project.
Previously given pieces of information were going to be revised, shifting away from a mobile-focused game design concept. Instead, we’ll construct the game based on objective-driven gameplay more commonly found in console games.
Beacon’s Journey is a tale that follows figures who, even when they stumble or feel disheartened, push themselves tirelessly towards their aspirations. Upon contemplating the most effective way to portray these characters’ relentless pursuit of their dreams, we decided that making the game accessible on platforms other than just mobile devices would be the ideal choice.
In the original narrative, a gifted manager operates unobtrusively to fulfill the aspirations of renowned idols. Conversely, in this game, participants assume the dual role of an individual who works both off-stage and center-stage, supporting the idols as they pursue their dreams. The success or failure of these dreams hinges solely on the player’s ideas and choices. We are tirelessly working to develop a captivating experience for all.
To prevent spreading unverified details and disappointing anyone, we’ll disclose the exact platform(s) and game content, together with the release schedule, at a future time. Please be patient as we strive to share all necessary information when ready. We kindly ask for your understanding while we finalize more updates.
—The Shine Post: Be Your Idol! Development Team
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2025-01-07 21:46